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Hr and Virtual Employees
From ACM CareerNews

Hr and Virtual Employees

Within the modern organization, HR does not always understand the role of virtual employees who work off-site. Given the rapid pace of technological change, there...

Avoiding Innovation's Terrible Toll
From ACM News

Avoiding Innovation's Terrible Toll

The corporation isn't a sturdy species. In fact, only a tiny fraction reach the age of 40, according to study of more than six million firms by management professors...

From ACM Careers

Could Coding Be the Next Mass Profession?

Like farming in the 17th century, factory work in the industrial revolution, construction in the Great Depression, and manufacturing following World War II, but...

In Flop of H.p. Touchpad, an Object Lesson For the Tech Sector
From ACM News

In Flop of H.p. Touchpad, an Object Lesson For the Tech Sector

The TouchPad tablet from Hewlett-Packard was one of the most closely watched new gadgets of 2011—and quickly turned out to be the year’s biggest flop.

Help Nasa Code Its Way Through Space
From ACM News

Help Nasa Code Its Way Through Space

If you'd like to work on software projects that might one day send your code to Mars or on a deep space mission, NASA has some code for you to hack on.

It's a Man vs. Machine Recovery
From ACM News

It's a Man vs. Machine Recovery

The U.S. produces almost one-quarter more goods and services today than it did in 1999, while using almost precisely the same number of workers.

Who's Above Average?
From ACM Careers

Who's Above Average?

The most business-savvy CIOs tend to report to the CEO, lead a non-IT area, and make more money than average CIOs, according to this year's State of the CIO survey...

From ACM Opinion

You Need To Learn How To Program

If you're looking for a New Year's resolution, let me suggest an idea that you might not have considered: You should learn computer programming. Specifically,...

Could You Make It Past Google's Gatekeepers?
From ACM Careers

Could You Make It Past Google's Gatekeepers?

How many taxis are there in New York City? You either know how to answer that question or you don't.

Teachers Resist High-Tech Push in Idaho Schools
From ACM News

Teachers Resist High-Tech Push in Idaho Schools

Ann Rosenbaum, a former military police officer in the Marines, does not shrink from a fight, having even survived a close encounter with a car bomb in Iraq.

What's That Job Candidate Really Like?
From ACM Careers

What's That Job Candidate Really Like?

Little things can be revealing in a job interview and a skilled interviewer can look beneath the surface to discover the real candidate.

Civilian Contractors Playing Key Roles in ­.s. Drone Operations
From ACM News

Civilian Contractors Playing Key Roles in ­.s. Drone Operations

After a U.S. airstrike mistakenly killed at least 15 Afghans in 2010, the Army officer investigating the accident was surprised to discover that an American civilian...

Q&a with Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto
From ACM Opinion

Q&a with Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto

It was a tough year for Nintendo. Revenue at the venerable game company plunged. Its stock price was cut in half. And initial sales of its new 3DS handheld game...

From ACM News

First Siri, Now Threat Detection: Inside Sri's Amazing R&d

Who invented Siri?

From ACM Careers

How Cornell Beat Stanford (And Everybody Else) for NYC Tech Campus

New York-based Next Jump is a data-driven rewards and offers company working at the juncture of three quintessentially New York City businesses: advertising, publishing...

Professor Hawking Seeks Assistant on a
From ACM Careers

Professor Hawking Seeks Assistant on a

Professor Stephen Hawking is advertising for an assistant on a salary of around £25,000 a year.

Got Research? Nist Could Show You the Money
From ACM TechNews

Got Research? Nist Could Show You the Money

The U.S. NIST will make funding available for research subjects such as information technology, smart grid and control system security, and systems integration...

From ACM News

Answers to Google Interview Questions

1. What's the next number in this sequence: 10, 9, 60, 90, 70, 66 … ?

From ACM News

How to Ace a Google Interview

Imagine a man named Jim. He's applying for a job at Google. Jim knows that the odds are stacked against him. Google receives a million job applications a year.

From ACM Careers

The Comeback of Xerox Parc

Last month, a small Norwegian company called Thinfilm Electronics and PARC, the storied Silicon Valley research lab, jointly showed off a technological first—a...
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