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In Her Free Time, This Google Researcher Designs Puzzles of the Wooden Kind
From ACM Careers

In Her Free Time, This Google Researcher Designs Puzzles of the Wooden Kind

By day, Google researcher Maya Gupta tries to solve the puzzle of how to teach computers to recognize the contents of digital images.

Programming Should Take Pride of Place in Our Schools
From ACM Opinion

Programming Should Take Pride of Place in Our Schools

If we don't change the way ICT is thought about and taught, we're shutting the door on our children's futures.

Tim Cook's First 100 Days as Apple Ceo
From ACM Careers

Tim Cook's First 100 Days as Apple Ceo

World leaders are often measured by what they do in their first 100 days in office. But what about business leaders? As of last Friday, it has been 100 days since...

With a Leaner Model, Start-­ps Reach Further Afield
From ACM Careers

With a Leaner Model, Start-­ps Reach Further Afield

Lee Redden, 26, a Ph.D. student in engineering at Stanford, recently decided to shelve his education and help found a start-up company.

Facebook Auditions Kid Hackers with All-Night Codefest
From ACM Careers

Facebook Auditions Kid Hackers with All-Night Codefest

"Yes! We have elegance!" says a student from the University of Waterloo. Then he pauses, and his shoulders slump.

From ACM Careers

Retailers Are Losing the Software Talent Wars

For a decade, Target outsourced its website operations to The Minneapolis retail giant began preparing two years ago to take control of the site when...

Gchq Aims to Recruit Computer Hackers with Code-Cracking Web Site
From ACM Careers

Gchq Aims to Recruit Computer Hackers with Code-Cracking Web Site

Government intelligence service targets "self-taught" hackers with cryptic Web site that features no obvious branding.

The Search For Analysts to Make Sense of 'big Data'
From ACM News

The Search For Analysts to Make Sense of 'big Data'

Businesses keep vast troves of data about things like online shopping behavior, or millions of changes in weather patterns, or trillions of financial transactions—information...

Zynga's Tough Culture Risks a Talent Drain
From ACM Careers

Zynga's Tough Culture Risks a Talent Drain

Zynga's chief executive, Mark Pincus, got an earful from employees last month.

Reverse Mentoring Cracks Workplace
From ACM Careers

Reverse Mentoring Cracks Workplace

In an effort to school senior executives in technology, social media and the latest workplace trends, many businesses are pairing upper management with younger...

How to Retain Your Startup Workforce
From ACM CareerNews

How to Retain Your Startup Workforce

Startups need to provide a unique and exciting atmosphere to retain top talent. Startup workers want to be a part of a team that shapes a company through its development...

Cloud Centers Bring High-Tech Flash but Not Many Jobs to Beaten-Down Towns
From ACM Careers

Cloud Centers Bring High-Tech Flash but Not Many Jobs to Beaten-Down Towns

Here in this once-thriving town of furniture makers and textile mills, where Main Street businesses have vanished, nearby fast-food joints have closed and unemployment...

For Tech's Elite, Mobile Gaming Is a Big Play
From ACM Careers

For Tech's Elite, Mobile Gaming Is a Big Play

After Aadil Mamujee graduated from Harvard Business School in 2010, he could have worked anywhere. Rather than join a hedge fund or consulting firm though, he...

The Advantages of Being a Woman in Tech
From ACM CareerNews

The Advantages of Being a Woman in Tech

Cisco Systems CTO Padmasree Warrior, one of the most powerful women in Silicon Valley, nearly bypassed a career in the tech industry, turned off by the dearth of...

Why Digital Talent Doesn't Want to Work At Your Company
From ACM CareerNews

Why Digital Talent Doesn't Want to Work At Your Company

The opportunity to do great things, to make a real difference, is what drives most digital talent — whether they're programmers, developers or designers. At the...

From ACM Opinion

Our High-Tech Health-Care Future

Why can't Americans tap into the ingenuity that put men on the moon, created the Internet, and sequenced the human genome to revitalize our economy?

From ACM Careers

Hire a Vet? It Says Yes

When President Obama challenged the private sector this past August to hire 100,000 unemployed veterans by the end of 2013, he shared the stage with companies...

Computing Contractors to Cost More Than Permanent Staff
From ACM Careers

Computing Contractors to Cost More Than Permanent Staff

The price of hiring computer professionals as contractors is set to cost more than permanent staff thanks to the growing strength of Australia's economy, according...

Boomerang Employees
From ACM CareerNews

Boomerang Employees

Corporate alumni networks are experiencing a surge in popularity as professional services and technology companies struggle to find skilled workers to fill their...

Five Ways to Keep Your Rock Star Employees Happy
From ACM CareerNews

Five Ways to Keep Your Rock Star Employees Happy

Far more important than extravagant perks or salary, it is the small things that keep the most talented employees happy, such as bosses who make time for one-on...
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