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Apple's Design Wizard Has Not Left the Building
From ACM Careers

Apple's Design Wizard Has Not Left the Building

He was the resident wizard at 1 Infinite Loop, the guy sporting minimalist attire, closely cropped hair and a mischievous smile as he pulled one delightful new...

For Software Developers, A Bounty Of Opportunity
From ACM Careers

For Software Developers, A Bounty Of Opportunity

As people across the country suffer from long-term unemployment, the tech industry is experiencing a shortage of qualified workers. Particularly in software development...

Healthcare Industry Leads Market in IT Hiring
From ACM CareerNews

Healthcare Industry Leads Market in IT Hiring

As a result of increased federal spending on healthcare and new federal regulations, the healthcare industry is at the forefront of creating new IT jobs. The U.S...

Kids Today Need a Licence to Tinker
From ACM Opinion

Kids Today Need a Licence to Tinker

Back to school time and millions of British kids are heading back to classrooms to embark on the national curriculum so beloved of busybody ministers.

Online Enterprises Gain Foothold as Path to a College Degree
From ACM Careers

Online Enterprises Gain Foothold as Path to a College Degree

Harvard and Ohio State are not going to disappear any time soon. But a host of new online enterprises are making earning a college degree cheaper, faster, and...

From ACM News

Nasa and Tor-Forge Books Partner in Themed Science Fiction Works

In an effort to introduce, inform, and inspire readers about NASA, the agency's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD, has partnered with Tor-Forge Books...

Big Silicon Valley Demand For Analog Engineers' 'black Art'
From ACM News

Big Silicon Valley Demand For Analog Engineers' 'black Art'

You want a good look at Silicon Valley's bipolar job market? Step into the 11th-floor office of Young Sohn. The CEO of Santa Clara-based Inphi is tearing his...

Five Surprising It Skills That Hiring Managers Want Now
From ACM CareerNews

Five Surprising It Skills That Hiring Managers Want Now

Based on employer searches of careers site's resume database, the top five up-and-coming IT skills sought by hiring managersare iRise,  COTS (commercial...

Office Aftershock: Consequences of Co-Worker Rudeness Are Far-Reaching
From ACM Careers

Office Aftershock: Consequences of Co-Worker Rudeness Are Far-Reaching

A co-worker's rudeness can have a great impact on relationships far beyond the workplace, according to a Baylor University study published online in the Journal...

From ACM Careers

It Jobs Thriving Despite Lackluster Economy

Even in a tough labor market, IT is where the jobs are. The unemployment rate for technology jobs was 3.3% in June, compared with a 9.2% unemployment rate overall...

New Data Reveal University Licensing, Startup Formation Remain Strong
From ACM Careers

New Data Reveal University Licensing, Startup Formation Remain Strong

Despite a chilly economic climate, university and research institute licensing and startup activity remained strong in fiscal year 2010, according to survey data...

From ACM Careers

Apple Most Popular Employer with Fresh Graduates in Singapore

Consumer electronics giant Apple was chosen as the most popular employer among fresh graduates in Singapore this year again, a latest survey showed.  The survey...

Researchers Face Budget Bind
From ACM News

Researchers Face Budget Bind

Federally funded researchers are facing months of uncertainty due to the budget-cutting battle that's unfolding in Washington. But policy experts say one outcome...

It Jobs Are Growing, But Can It Last?
From ACM Careers

It Jobs Are Growing, But Can It Last?

During the second quarter, total U.S. IT employment exceeded 4 million jobs, marking a return to the employment levels of 2008. But will it last? IT employment...

Linkedin Launches Button That Lets You Apply For Jobs
From ACM Careers

Linkedin Launches Button That Lets You Apply For Jobs

With the launch of its new "Apply With LinkedIn" button, LinkedIn is making it easier for candidates to apply for jobs online. The social network's goal is to...

From ACM Opinion

Why Isn't America Innovating Like It ­sed To?

America isn't innovating like it used to. And by "like it used to," I mean the period from after World War II to 1973, when an explosion of new technologies increased...

Why Are China's Universities Losing Their Star Students?
From ACM News

Why Are China's Universities Losing Their Star Students?

It happens every summer. In the weeks after the annual National College Entrance Examination, new high school graduates wait for the list. For years, who gets...

China Aims to Renew Status As Scientific Superpower
From ACM News

China Aims to Renew Status As Scientific Superpower

China was probably the world's earliest technological superpower, inventing the plow, the compass, gunpowder, and block printing. Then, science in the Middle...

From ACM Opinion

The Master's as the New Bachelor's

William Klein's story may sound familiar to his fellow graduates. After earning his bachelor's in history from the College at Brockport, he found himself living...

The Future of It Will Be Reduced to Three Kinds of Jobs
From ACM Careers

The Future of It Will Be Reduced to Three Kinds of Jobs

The IT profession and the IT job market are in the midst of seismic changes that are going to shift the focus to three types of jobs: Consultants, Project managers...
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