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Scanning the Future, Radiologists See Their Jobs at Risk
From ACM Careers

Scanning the Future, Radiologists See Their Jobs at Risk

In health care, you could say radiologists have typically had a pretty sweet deal.

Banks Look to Step ­p Employee Surveillance
From ACM Careers

Banks Look to Step ­p Employee Surveillance

Banks already using algorithms to monitor traders are looking to expand surveillance to cover more employees in the wake of the Wells Fargo & Co. scandal.

Most Tv Computer Scientists Are Still White Men; Google Wants to Change That
From ACM Careers

Most Tv Computer Scientists Are Still White Men; Google Wants to Change That

More than three-quarters of TV and movie characters engaged with computer science are men and more than two-thirds are white. Women of color are practically invisible...

Why a 24-Year-Old chipmaker Is One Of tech's Hot Prospects
From ACM News

Why a 24-Year-Old chipmaker Is One Of tech's Hot Prospects

Engineers at, an imaging-technology start-up in Poland, are trying to popularize a more comfortable alternative to the colonoscopy.

The Myths and Realities of Studying Computer Science
From ACM Careers

The Myths and Realities of Studying Computer Science

An education in computers in Delhi schools tends not to prepare students for a career in computer science.

Putin: Leader in Artificial Intelligence Will Rule World
From ACM News

Putin: Leader in Artificial Intelligence Will Rule World

Russian President Vladimir Putin says that whoever reaches a breakthrough in developing artificial intelligence will come to dominate the world.

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Sponsors Teen Video Challenge
From ACM Careers

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Sponsors Teen Video Challenge

The winner of the Breakthrough Junior Challenge, a video competition to generate student interest in STEM fields, will be awarded a $250,000 scholarship, and his...

Acting Like a Muscle, Nano-Sized Device Lifts 165 Times its Own Weight
From ACM Careers

Acting Like a Muscle, Nano-Sized Device Lifts 165 Times its Own Weight

Rutgers University-New Brunswick engineers have discovered an economical way to make a nano-sized device that can lift 165 times its weight repeatedly, an effect...

These Robots Are ­sing Static Electricity to Make Nikes
From ACM Careers

These Robots Are ­sing Static Electricity to Make Nikes

The most labor intensive part of putting together a pair of Nikes is assembling the "upper"—the flexible part of the shoe that sits on top of your foot.

Silicon Shows Promise as Li-Ion Battery Anode
From ACM Careers

Silicon Shows Promise as Li-Ion Battery Anode

Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland replaced graphite anodes with silicon anodes in lithium-ion batteries, possibly quadrupling anode capacity.

AI Analyzes Gravitational Lenses 10 Million Times Faster
From ACM Careers

AI Analyzes Gravitational Lenses 10 Million Times Faster

Researchers from the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University have shown that neural networks can accurately analyze complex distortions in...

Nasa Working with Partners to Provide Harvey Response
From ACM Careers

Nasa Working with Partners to Provide Harvey Response

NASA is using its assets and expertise from across the agency to help respond to Hurricane Harvey—now Tropical Storm Harvey—which has been a disaster of unprecedented...

Coders In Wealthy and Developing Countries Lean on Different Programming Languages
From ACM Careers

Coders In Wealthy and Developing Countries Lean on Different Programming Languages

Stack Overflow published an analysis this week that identified a small but meaningful divide between the programming technologies used in wealthy countries and...

Hackers Are the Real Obstacle For Self-Driving Vehicles
From ACM Careers

Hackers Are the Real Obstacle For Self-Driving Vehicles

Before autonomous trucks and taxis hit the road, manufacturers will need to solve problems far more complex than collision avoidance and navigation (see "10 Breakthrough...

Robot Rolls With the Rules of Pedestrian Conduct
From ACM Careers

Robot Rolls With the Rules of Pedestrian Conduct

Engineers at MIT have designed an autonomous robot with "socially aware navigation," that can keep pace with foot traffic while observing the general codes of pedestrian...

Scientists Move Graphene Closer to Transistor Applications
From ACM Careers

Scientists Move Graphene Closer to Transistor Applications

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory have successfully manipulated the electronic structure of graphene, which may enable the fabrication...

What I Learned at Gerrymandering Summer Camp
From ACM Opinion

What I Learned at Gerrymandering Summer Camp

At 6'5", Aaron Dennis towers over the whiteboard beside him.

One-Time Allies Sour on Joining Trump's Tech Team
From ACM Careers

One-Time Allies Sour on Joining Trump's Tech Team

Prsident Trump's victory caught Garrett Johnson—and the rest of humanity—by surprise.

Floating Treasure: Space Law Needs to Catch ­p with Asteroid Mining
From ACM Careers

Floating Treasure: Space Law Needs to Catch ­p with Asteroid Mining

The Outer Space Treaty (OST) turns 50 in October. The foundational 1967 pact establishes space as "the province of all mankind" and forbids the nearly 100 states...

How the Nsa Identified Satoshi nakamoto
From ACM Careers

How the Nsa Identified Satoshi nakamoto

The 'creator' of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, gave NSA investigators the only tool they needed to find him — his own words. 
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