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Information Technology: A Digital Genius at Play
From ACM Opinion

Information Technology: A Digital Genius at Play

The US mathematician and electrical engineer Claude Shannon, whose life spanned the tumultuous, technologically explosive twentieth century, is often called the...

Artificial Intelligence Helps Build Brain Atlas of Fruit Fly Behavior
From ACM Careers

Artificial Intelligence Helps Build Brain Atlas of Fruit Fly Behavior

A machine-learning program named JAABA has helped scientists create a brain-wide atlas of fruit fly behavior.

Wimbledon 2017: The Tech Behind the World's Top Tennis Tournament
From ACM Careers

Wimbledon 2017: The Tech Behind the World's Top Tennis Tournament

The Championships at Wimbledon, which consumes some 28 tons of strawberries, 10,000 litres of cream, and 320,000 glasses of Pimm's per year, is notable for its...

AI and 'enormous Data' Could Make Tech Giants Harder to Topple
From ACM Careers

AI and 'enormous Data' Could Make Tech Giants Harder to Topple

Another week, another record-breaking AI research study released by Google—this time with results that are a reminder of a crucial business dynamic of the current...

Why Haven't Reporters Mass-Adopted Secure Tools For Communicating With Sources?
From ACM Opinion

Why Haven't Reporters Mass-Adopted Secure Tools For Communicating With Sources?

In the months since Donald Trump took office, Washington has been leaking like a sieve.

Robots Debate Future of Humans at Hong Kong Tech Show
From ACM Careers

Robots Debate Future of Humans at Hong Kong Tech Show

Two lifelike robots discussed the pros and cons of humans in front of a nervously tittering audience at the RISE technology conferenc in Hong Kong.

Hyperloop One Completes First Full Systems Test
From ACM Careers

Hyperloop One Completes First Full Systems Test

Hyperloop One announced the successful completion of the first full systems Hyperloop test in a vacuum environment. This test was conducted on May 12, 2017 at the...

Why Robots Won't Steal All Our Jobs
From ACM Opinion

Why Robots Won't Steal All Our Jobs

Don't worry. The robots won't destroy all our jobs. History suggests just the opposite—that new technologies inspire new jobs.

Smart Glove Translates American Sign Language Alphabet Into Text
From ACM Careers

Smart Glove Translates American Sign Language Alphabet Into Text

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a smart glove that wirelessly translates the American Sign Language alphabet into text and controls...

­.s. Spends $65 Million to Build Brain Implants
From ACM Careers

­.s. Spends $65 Million to Build Brain Implants

The quest to create a real link between machines and human brains has potentially groundbreaking consequences.

Miniaturizing the Brain of a Drone
From ACM Careers

Miniaturizing the Brain of a Drone

Engineers at MIT have taken a first step in designing a computer chip that uses a fraction of the power of larger drone computers and is tailored for a drone as...

Students Are Better Off Without a Laptop in the Classroom
From ACM Careers

Students Are Better Off Without a Laptop in the Classroom

Although computer use during class may create the illusion of enhanced engagement with course content, it more often reflects engagement with social media, YouTube...

How an Mlb All-Star's Secret Weapon Can Help You Hit Better, Too
From ACM Careers

How an Mlb All-Star's Secret Weapon Can Help You Hit Better, Too

Three months ago, Houston Astros All-Star shortstop Carlos Correa flat out told me he was going to have a breakout season and tech was going to play a big role....

­.s. Institutions Awarded the Most Doctorates Ever Recorded in 2015
From ACM Careers

­.s. Institutions Awarded the Most Doctorates Ever Recorded in 2015

Over a 20-year span, the number of women receiving doctorates in science and engineering at U.S. institutions increased by 93 percent, and the number receiving...

Dhs S&t Awards $220k to ­niversity of Tulsa For Cybersecurity Research
From ACM Careers

Dhs S&t Awards $220k to ­niversity of Tulsa For Cybersecurity Research

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate awarded $220,209 to the University of Tulsa to study data production and usage by cybersecurity...

'bro Culture' at Start-­ps Keeps Talented Women Out: Harvey Mudd President
From ACM Careers

'bro Culture' at Start-­ps Keeps Talented Women Out: Harvey Mudd President

Marie Klawe, the president of Harvey Mudd College, is speaking out about Silicon Valley's culture in the wake of numerous scandals.

The Strange and Righteous History of the Equals Sign
From ACM Careers

The Strange and Righteous History of the Equals Sign

Robert Recorde was one of those people so extraordinarily ahead of his time that he seemed destined to come to a tragic end.

Darpa Seeks Advanced Processors to Bring Context to Data
From ACM Careers

Darpa Seeks Advanced Processors to Bring Context to Data

DARPA is selecting a contractor to build a graph analytics processor that can process streaming graphs 1,000 times faster and at much lower power than current processing...

Two Giants of AI Team ­p to Head Off the Robot Apocalypse
From ACM News

Two Giants of AI Team ­p to Head Off the Robot Apocalypse

There's nothing new about worrying that superintelligent machines may endanger humanity, but the idea has lately become hard to avoid.

Ornl Team Applies Computational Expertise to St. Jude Research
From ACM Careers

Ornl Team Applies Computational Expertise to St. Jude Research

Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have created custom algorithms to help St. Jude Children's Research Hospital scientists mine a trove of data from powerful...
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