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Living Computers: Rna Circuits Transform Cells Into Nanodevices
From ACM Careers

Living Computers: Rna Circuits Transform Cells Into Nanodevices

In new research, Arizona State University Professor Alex Green demonstrates how living cells can be induced to carry out computations in the manner of tiny robots...

Having a Woman on Your Team Ruins Your Chances For Vc Funding
From ACM Careers

Having a Woman on Your Team Ruins Your Chances For Vc Funding

A new study suggests that having even one woman on a company's team makes them far less likely to get venture funding than an entirely male one.

Scientists Build Dna from Scratch to Alter Life's Blueprint
From ACM News

Scientists Build Dna from Scratch to Alter Life's Blueprint

At Jef Boeke's lab, you can whiff an odor that seems out of place, as if they were baking bread here.

What Happened to Trump's War on Data?
From ACM Opinion

What Happened to Trump's War on Data?

On May 16, three months' worth of data vanished quietly from the website of the U.S. Census Bureau.

China's Quest to Become a Space Science Superpower
From ACM Careers

China's Quest to Become a Space Science Superpower

Time seems to move faster at the National Space Science Center on the outskirts of Beijing.

Hiring In the Age of Dispersed Technology Spending
From ACM Careers

Hiring In the Age of Dispersed Technology Spending

The tech hiring landscape is shifting now that line-of-business units command their share of technology spending. The result? A rise in hybrid business-IT positions...

Five Reasons Why Developers Should Work For a Startup
From ACM Careers

Five Reasons Why Developers Should Work For a Startup

There are five good reasons why developers, engineers, or product managers should consider working at a startup rather than a larger, more established company. ...

This Image Is Why Self-Driving Cars Come Loaded with Many Types of Sensors
From ACM Careers

This Image Is Why Self-Driving Cars Come Loaded with Many Types of Sensors

Autonomous cars often proudly claim to be fitted with a long list of sensors—cameras, ultrasound, radar, lidar, you name it. But if you've ever wondered why so...

Metrology Is Key to Reproducing Results
From ACM Opinion

Metrology Is Key to Reproducing Results

Imagine you are a policymaker who needs to know how much carbon is stored in the South American forest.

The Rise of AI Is Forcing Google and Microsoft to Become Chipmakers
From ACM News

The Rise of AI Is Forcing Google and Microsoft to Become Chipmakers

By now our future is clear: We are to be cared for, entertained, and monetized by artificial intelligence.

'nano Egg-Box' Stores Magnetic Quantum Objects
From ACM Careers

'nano Egg-Box' Stores Magnetic Quantum Objects

A team of physicists has produced a "quantum egg-box," and array of hundreds of thousands of traps for fluxons in a superconductor. 

Magnetic Semi-Metal Could Lead to More Efficient Electronics
From ACM Careers

Magnetic Semi-Metal Could Lead to More Efficient Electronics

A recent discovery by a team of researchers could one day lead to more energy-efficient computers, televisions, cell phones, and other electronics.

Level ­p: How Video Games Evolved to Solve Significant Scientific Problems
From ACM News

Level ­p: How Video Games Evolved to Solve Significant Scientific Problems

In the early 1950s, just as rock 'n' roll was hinting at social change, the first video games were quietly being designed in the form of technology demonstrations—and...

Why Am I Getting So Many Robocalls?
From ACM Careers

Why Am I Getting So Many Robocalls?

People with landline home phones have long suffered unwanted marketing calls. Now these spam calls have made their way to our mobile phones in a big way.

Nsw Government Launches $26 Million Quantum Computing Fund
From ACM Careers

Nsw Government Launches $26 Million Quantum Computing Fund

The New South Wales government is weighing into the global battle to build a quantum computer with a $26 million fund for quantum computing initiatives.

Pittsburgh Gets a Tech Makeover
From ACM Careers

Pittsburgh Gets a Tech Makeover

In 2015, Monocle magazine, a favorite read of the global hipsterati, published an enthusiastic report on Lawrenceville, the former blue-collar neighborhood here...

Two Become One as Trinity Supercomputer Partitions Merge
From ACM Careers

Two Become One as Trinity Supercomputer Partitions Merge

The Trinity supercomputer's two partitions sited at Los Alamos National Laboratory were merged for production computing in the laboratory's classified network. ...

Watson Won Jeopardy, But Is It Smart Enough to Spin Big Blue's AI Into Green?
From ACM Careers

Watson Won Jeopardy, But Is It Smart Enough to Spin Big Blue's AI Into Green?

In retrospect, there was much more at stake than a mere $1 million when IBM's Watson computer faced off against two Jeopardy! champions back in 2011.

Machines Poised to Take Over 30% of Work at Banks, Mckinsey Says
From ACM Careers

Machines Poised to Take Over 30% of Work at Banks, Mckinsey Says

New technologies are poised to sweep through investment banks, relieving many rank-and-file employees of roughly a third of their current workload, according to...

China's Got a Huge Artificial Intelligence Plan
From ACM News

China's Got a Huge Artificial Intelligence Plan

China aims to make the artificial intelligence industry a "new, important" driver of economic expansion by 2020, according to a development plan issued by the State...
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