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A Psychological Approach to Human-Automation Interaction
From ACM Careers

A Psychological Approach to Human-Automation Interaction

Nathan Tenhundfeld established the Advanced Teaming, Technology, Automation, and Computing Lab at the University of Alabama in Huntsville to study human-machine...

U.S. BLS Ranks 22 High-Paying Tech Jobs
From ACM Careers

U.S. BLS Ranks 22 High-Paying Tech Jobs

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ranked the wages of 22 occupations that rely heavily on computer science and data analysis.

Most People Would Rather Lose Their Job to a Robot Than Another Human
From ACM TechNews

Most People Would Rather Lose Their Job to a Robot Than Another Human

Most people would prefer to lose their job to a robot than to another person, but at the same time would rather see a co-worker replaced by a human than a robot...

Summer Camps Use Facial Recognition So Parents Can Watch From Home
From ACM Careers

Summer Camps Use Facial Recognition So Parents Can Watch From Home

Summer camps are using facial recognition technology to allow parents to see what their children are up to while they are away from home.

Tokyo Offers $1 Billion Research Grant for Human Augmentation, Cyborg Tech
From ACM Careers

Tokyo Offers $1 Billion Research Grant for Human Augmentation, Cyborg Tech

The Japanese government will offer researchers in 25 areas up to $1 billion to develop ambitious human augmentation and cyborg technologies. 

Automating Artificial Intelligence for Medical Decision-Making
From ACM Careers

Automating Artificial Intelligence for Medical Decision-Making

MIT computer scientists are exploring the use of artificial intelligence to improve medical decision-making by automating a key data-examination step that's usually...

AI System 'Should Be Recognized As Inventor,' Academics Say
From ACM Careers

AI System 'Should Be Recognized As Inventor,' Academics Say

An artificial intelligence system should be recognized as the inventor of two ideas in patents filed on its behalf, a team of academics says.

China Has Started a Grand Experiment In AI Education
From ACM Careers

China Has Started a Grand Experiment In AI Education

China's investment in AI-enabled teaching and learning has exploded, marking the world's biggest experiment on AI in education.

Data Science Finds the Reason for Home-Team Advantage in Basketball
From ACM Careers

Data Science Finds the Reason for Home-Team Advantage in Basketball

Researchers at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee used data science to determine what gives a team the home court advantage in National Basketball Association games...

How to Spot A Fake Smile? Ask A Computer
From ACM Careers

How to Spot A Fake Smile? Ask A Computer

Researchers at the University of Bradford have developed computer software that can spot false facial expressions.

Top Robotics Salaries in the U.S. and India
From ACM Careers

Top Robotics Salaries in the U.S. and India

Here's a tour to top robotics salaries in the United States and India.

Jobs of the Future Are Strange, Terrifying, and 'Don't Even Exist Yet'
From ACM Careers

Jobs of the Future Are Strange, Terrifying, and 'Don't Even Exist Yet'

What could your future job be? Griffith University and Deakin University recently teamed up with Ford in Australia in an attempt to tackle that question. The answers...

How Artificial Intelligence Can Tackle Climate Change
From ACM Careers

How Artificial Intelligence Can Tackle Climate Change

Machine learning might help with solutions to climate change, the biggest challenge facing the planet.

Student App Taps Computer Vision to See If Water is Safe to Drink
From ACM Careers

Student App Taps Computer Vision to See If Water is Safe to Drink

Two students developed an AI-powered Android app capable of determining if potential drinking water is safe to drink.

Researchers' Algorithm Aims for Economical, High-Performing Cricket Bat
From ACM Careers

Researchers' Algorithm Aims for Economical, High-Performing Cricket Bat

A new cricket bat designed using machine learning at the University of British Columbia could put high-performing bats made of less expensive wood into kids' hands...

Machine Learning System Automatically Translates Long-Lost Languages
From ACM Careers

Machine Learning System Automatically Translates Long-Lost Languages

Some ancient languages that have never been deciphered could be in line for machine translation.

Robots Alone Can't Solve Amazon's Labor Woes
From ACM Careers

Robots Alone Can't Solve Amazon's Labor Woes

As Amazon scrambles to automate its warehouses to boost efficiency, it's creating a new human-robot hybrid workforce.

Robot ­ses Machine Learning to Harvest Lettuce
From ACM Careers

Robot ­ses Machine Learning to Harvest Lettuce

Engineers have developed a vegetable-picking robot that uses machine learning to identify and harvest lettuce, which is challenging to harvest mechanically.

Text Mining of Scientific Literature Can Lead to New Discoveries
From ACM Careers

Text Mining of Scientific Literature Can Lead to New Discoveries

Researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have shown that an algorithm with no training in materials science can scan the text of millions of papers...

Researchers Cast Neural Nets to Simulate Molecular Motion
From ACM Careers

Researchers Cast Neural Nets to Simulate Molecular Motion

New work shows that machine learning allows quantum mechanics to be efficiently applied to molecular simulations for drug development, detonation physics, and other...
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