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Does Digital Age Overcomplicate Design?
From ACM Opinion

Does Digital Age Overcomplicate Design?

There is a scene in the television series "Boss" in which the mayor of Chicago, played by Kelsey Grammer, is discovered by his wife washing bed sheets by hand at...

Life on Mars: Down But Not Out Says Mars Society Founder
From ACM Opinion

Life on Mars: Down But Not Out Says Mars Society Founder

Hopes of alien life on Mars were dashed Thursday when a paper published in the journal Scienceconcluded that the Curiosity rover has yet to find any methane gas...

Why Today's Inventors Need to Read More Science Fiction
From ACM Opinion

Why Today's Inventors Need to Read More Science Fiction

How will police use a gun that immobilizes its target but does not kill? What would people do with a device that could provide them with any mood they desire? What...

The Itunes of Higher Education
From ACM Careers

The Itunes of Higher Education

It's nearly impossible to get into MIT, very expensive to enroll there, and exceedingly hard to graduate, which are some of the reasons why MIT degrees are so coveted...

Google vs. Death
From ACM News

Google vs. Death

In person, it can be a little hard to hear Larry Page.

Nsf Announces New 'expeditions in Computing' Awards
From ACM Careers

Nsf Announces New 'expeditions in Computing' Awards

The U.S. National Science Foundation will provide $10 million over the next five years to fundamental research projects on molecular programming and computer vision...

Nasa's Asteroid-In-A-Bag Recipe
From ACM News

Nasa's Asteroid-In-A-Bag Recipe

"It’s not as crazy as it seemed at the beginning," Charles Elachi, the director of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told the Washington Post, about NASA's latest...

Forget Moocs
From ACM Opinion

Forget Moocs

For a year or two there, free online classes seemed like they just might be the future of higher education.

Open Source Career Opportunities Continue to Abound
From ACM CareerNews

Open Source Career Opportunities Continue to Abound

Despite an uncertain environment for some IT hiring, maturing technologies such as the cloud, big data, software-as-a-service, and mobile help make open source...

Cryptographers Have an Ethics Problem
From ACM Opinion

Cryptographers Have an Ethics Problem

Last week, I visited the MIT computer science department looking for a very famous cryptographer.

The Skies. The Limits.
From ACM News

The Skies. The Limits.

Long ago, in a dreamier era, space stations were imagined as portals to the heavens.

Taiwan Chip Industry Powers the Tech World, but Struggles For Status
From ACM Careers

Taiwan Chip Industry Powers the Tech World, but Struggles For Status

Tien Wu, chief operating officer of Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, has a problem: the brightest young people in Taiwan do not want to work in the island’s...

E-Zpasses Get Read All Over New York (not Just at Toll Booths)
From ACM News

E-Zpasses Get Read All Over New York (not Just at Toll Booths)

After spotting a police car with two huge boxes on its trunk—that turned out to be license-plate-reading cameras—a man in New Jersey became obsessed with the loss...

The Boy Genius of ­lan Bator
From ACM Careers

The Boy Genius of ­lan Bator

Days before I was to meet Battushig Myanganbayar at his home in Mongolia, he sent me an e-mail with a modest request: Would I bring him a pair of tiny XBee wireless...

Tiny Recon Robots Herald New Generation of Drones
From ACM News

Tiny Recon Robots Herald New Generation of Drones

Ex-U.S. Marine Ernest Langdon pulls a pin and throws a small black object onto the ground. But it doesn't explode.

The Message Voyager 1 Carries For Alien Civilizations
From ACM Opinion

The Message Voyager 1 Carries For Alien Civilizations

The year was 1977.

Grand Theft Auto 5: Inside the Creative Process with Dan Houser
From ACM Opinion

Grand Theft Auto 5: Inside the Creative Process with Dan Houser

We're four days away now. After a year of pre-publicity and a five-year wait since GTA IV, the latest instalment in Rockstar's gangland opus is almost upon us.

STEM Education Policy Fellowship Announced
From ACM Careers

STEM Education Policy Fellowship Announced

The American Physical Society and the American Institute of Physics, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Education, will send science advisors to Washington...

The Nsa Sponsors 'cyber Operations' Training at ­niversities. Here's What Students Learn.
From ACM News

The Nsa Sponsors 'cyber Operations' Training at ­niversities. Here's What Students Learn.

Last week, Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh became one of the latest—and most prestigious—schools to partner with the National Security Agency on a program...

Nsa Announces Four New Schools For Cyber Initiative
From ACM Careers

Nsa Announces Four New Schools For Cyber Initiative

Four new schools have been selected for the National Security Agency's National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Operations Program, which was designed to...
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