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With Horses and Ipads, Autistic Children Learn to Communicate
From ACM Careers

With Horses and Ipads, Autistic Children Learn to Communicate

Equine therapy coupled with iPads has helped children with autism make significant breakthroughs in communication.

Artificial-Intelligence Research Revives Its Old Ambitions
From ACM News

Artificial-Intelligence Research Revives Its Old Ambitions

The birth of artificial-intelligence research as an autonomous discipline is generally thought to have been the monthlong Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial...

Fed Says Tech Demand Outstripping Supply in Boston, San Francisco
From ACM TechNews

Fed Says Tech Demand Outstripping Supply in Boston, San Francisco

The U.S. Federal Reserve's recently released Beige Book states that demand for certain types of technology skills is outpacing supply in some markets, particularly...

Should Students ­se a Laptop in Class?
From ACM Opinion

Should Students ­se a Laptop in Class?

There's a widely shared image on the Internet of a teacher's note that says: "Dear students, I know when you're texting in class. Seriously, no one just looks down...

Nsa Surveillance Makes For Strange Bedfellows
From ACM Opinion

Nsa Surveillance Makes For Strange Bedfellows

The controversy over U.S. government surveillance has produced a king-size collection of strange bedfellows. Beneath the covers one finds both amusing ironies and...

Wireless Network Detects Falls by the Elderly
From ACM Careers

Wireless Network Detects Falls by the Elderly

University of Utah electrical engineers have developed a network of wireless sensors that can detect a person falling. This technology could be linked to a service...

Mystery of the Missing Women in Science
From ACM TechNews

Mystery of the Missing Women in Science

Although test scores prove that girls have science and math aptitude equal to that of boys, many girls choose not to pursue these fields.

Bigshot Camera Aims High
From ACM Careers

Bigshot Camera Aims High

Columbia University Computer Science Professor Shree Nayar has launched Bigshot, a kit that features a build-it-yourself digital camera designed to serve as both...

10 Hottest It Jobs: Developers, Developers, Developers
From ACM CareerNews

10 Hottest It Jobs: Developers, Developers, Developers

Software developers — particularly mobile developers in particular — are among the most sought-after hires within the IT world, according to a new survey from...

Why It Has to Change How It Recruits Talent
From ACM CareerNews

Why It Has to Change How It Recruits Talent

For any IT executive, not just C-level executives, it's important to foster a diverse workforce where everyone can reach his or her full potential. This means creating...

Who Will Prosper in the New World
From ACM Opinion

Who Will Prosper in the New World

Self-driving vehicles threaten to send truck drivers to the unemployment office.

The STEM Crisis Is a Myth
From ACM Opinion

The STEM Crisis Is a Myth

You must have seen the warning a thousand times: Too few young people study scientific or technical subjects, businesses can't find enough workers in those fields...

It's a Myth That Entrepreneurs Drive New Technology
From ACM Opinion

It's a Myth That Entrepreneurs Drive New Technology

Images of tech entrepreneurs such as Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs are continually thrown at us by politicians, economists, and the media.

Drug Agents ­se Vast Phone Trove, Eclipsing N.s.a.'s
From ACM News

Drug Agents ­se Vast Phone Trove, Eclipsing N.s.a.'s

For at least six years, law enforcement officials working on a counternarcotics program have had routine access, using subpoenas, to an enormous AT&T database that...

Twitter Fights Transport Problems
From ACM Careers

Twitter Fights Transport Problems

Researchers from Israel, Britain, and Italy are suggesting a new method to collect information on transportation problems following mass events, like football...

IT Gender Salary Gap Not as Dramatic as You Think
From ACM TechNews

IT Gender Salary Gap Not as Dramatic as You Think

The wage disparity between men and women in the technology industry might not be as significant as previously thought, according to a new Payscale report.

Go Ahead, Mess With Texas Instruments
From ACM Opinion

Go Ahead, Mess With Texas Instruments

Last year, while cleaning out the basement of my childhood home, I discovered a plastic storage bin marked "Calcusoft." Inside were piles of notebooks filled with...

­.S.-­.K. Collaboration Aims to Boost Economic Competitiveness Through HPC
From ACM Careers

­.S.-­.K. Collaboration Aims to Boost Economic Competitiveness Through HPC

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the Science and Technology Facilities Council in the U.K. will collaborate to expand industry's use of supercomputing...

Asia-Pacific Is Open For Business, and Tech Jobs
From ACM Careers

Asia-Pacific Is Open For Business, and Tech Jobs

All is well in the tech job market in the Asia-Pacific if you're an computer or software engineer, computer scientist, IT professional, or electronics engineer...

3-D Earth Model More Accurately Pinpoints Source of Earthquakes, Explosions
From ACM Careers

3-D Earth Model More Accurately Pinpoints Source of Earthquakes, Explosions

Sandia and Los Alamos national laboratories have developed a 3-D model of the Earth's mantle and crust called SALSA3D, which is to assist the U.S. Air Force and...
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