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Computer Simulations May Help Golfers Tame Masters Tournament's Nasty 12th Hole
From ACM Careers

Computer Simulations May Help Golfers Tame Masters Tournament's Nasty 12th Hole

Johns Hopkins engineers have devised a computer model to help golfers unravel the wicked wind conditions that plague the 12th hole at Georgia's Augusta National...

When Slower Is Faster
From ACM Careers

When Slower Is Faster

A newly published study claims that communicating vehicles will move more efficiently through intersections without traffic lights than with them. 

On the Hunt For a Mystery Planet
From ACM News

On the Hunt For a Mystery Planet

Astronomer Scott Sheppard runs through his checklist as he settles in for a long night of skygazing at the Subaru telescope atop Mauna Kea, Hawaii.

Pentagon Paying Techies to Think Like Terrorists
From ACM Careers

Pentagon Paying Techies to Think Like Terrorists

To stop a terrorist, it helps to think like one.

Outsourcing Crystal Growth. . .to Space
From ACM Careers

Outsourcing Crystal Growth. . .to Space

To better isolate the growth and measurement of protein crystals from the effects of gravity, a group of researchers grew crystals in a specially-designed chamber...

Smartwatches Can Now Track Your Finger in Mid-Air ­sing Sonar
From ACM Careers

Smartwatches Can Now Track Your Finger in Mid-Air ­sing Sonar

A sonar technology developed at the University of Washington allows users to interact with mobile devices by writing or gesturing on any nearby surface.

How New York's Top Advertisers Are Fighting Terrorist Propaganda
From ACM Careers

How New York's Top Advertisers Are Fighting Terrorist Propaganda

It began with an encounter at a San Francisco summit less than six months ago.

In the Age of Google Deepmind, Do the Young Go Prodigies of Asia Have a Future?
From ACM Careers

In the Age of Google Deepmind, Do the Young Go Prodigies of Asia Have a Future?

Choong-am Dojang is far from a typical Korean school. Its best pupils will never study history or math, nor will they receive traditional high-school diplomas.

Researchers Develop New Lens For Terahertz Radiation
From ACM Careers

Researchers Develop New Lens For Terahertz Radiation

Brown University engineers have devised a way to focus terahertz radiation using an array of stacked metal plates, which may prove useful for terahertz imaging...

Research Confirms: Tech Blogs Set the Agenda For Traditional Media
From ACM Careers

Research Confirms: Tech Blogs Set the Agenda For Traditional Media

Researchers collected 1.5 million news articles and blog posts of technology coverage in the United States over the course of a year to determine who sets the tech...

After Alphago, What's Next For Ai?
From ACM Opinion

After Alphago, What's Next For Ai?

AlphaGo's victories against legendary Go player Lee Se-dol over the last few days mark a major milestone in AI research.

Play This Game and Win a Job!
From ACM Careers

Play This Game and Win a Job!

Last fall, Barclays PLC began testing a new tool for attracting young job applicants: a mobile video game.

Dna 'origami' Could Help Build Faster, Cheaper Computer Chips
From ACM Careers

Dna 'origami' Could Help Build Faster, Cheaper Computer Chips

Researchers report that DNA, when formed into specific shapes through a process reminiscent of the ancient art of paper folding, might help electronics manufacturers...

Nanomotors Could Help Electronics Fix Themselves
From ACM Careers

Nanomotors Could Help Electronics Fix Themselves

Using the human body's immune system as inspiration for repairing ever more intricate electronics, scientists have built self-propelled nanomotors that can seek...

What Happens When the Surveillance State Becomes an Affordable Gadget?
From ACM News

What Happens When the Surveillance State Becomes an Affordable Gadget?

When Daniel Rigmaiden was a little boy, his grandfather, a veteran of World War II and Korea, used to drive him along the roads of Monterey, California, playing...

A New 50-Trillion-Pixel Image of Earth, Every Day
From ACM Careers

A New 50-Trillion-Pixel Image of Earth, Every Day

It's not just that Terra Bella Avenue would be an unremarkable street in Silicon Valley.

The ­.s. Government Launches a $100-Million 'apollo Project of the Brain'
From ACM News

The ­.s. Government Launches a $100-Million 'apollo Project of the Brain'

Three decades ago, the U.S. government launched the Human Genome Project, a 13-year endeavor to sequence and map all the genes of the human species.

ORNL's Benchmark Data Set Validates Global Nuclear Reactor Codes
From ACM Careers

ORNL's Benchmark Data Set Validates Global Nuclear Reactor Codes

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers re-evaluated used nuclear fuel rods from a commercial reactor and reduced data uncertainties by an order of magnitude...

Cothority to Apple: Let's Make Secret Backdoors Impossible
From ACM Careers

Cothority to Apple: Let's Make Secret Backdoors Impossible

Cothority, a new software project designed to make secret backdoored software updates nearly impossible, is offering to help Apple ensure that any secret court...

Thousands of Tech Jobs Will Go Unfilled
From ACM Careers

Thousands of Tech Jobs Will Go Unfilled

There will be as many as 182,000 high-paying technology jobs up for grabs in Canada by 2019, but the country's school systems aren't producing enough high technology...
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