From ACM Careers
Canonical's Open Documentation Academy aims to help newcomers participate in the open source community, offering mentorship and…
BNN| February 28, 2024
Machines could put more than half the world's population out of a job in the next 30 years, according to a computer scientist who said on Saturday that artificial...The Guardian From ACM News | February 16, 2016
A giant database on the health risks of nearly 10,000 chemicals will make it easier to predict the toxicity of tens of thousands of consumer products for which...Nature From ACM Careers | February 12, 2016
Human factors/ergonomics researchers have developed an automotive navigation system that uses haptic communication and shows promise to address the cognitive overload...Human Factors and Ergonomics Society From ACM Careers | February 12, 2016
Scientists have developed a simple and powerful method for creating resilient, customized, and high-performing graphene by layering it on top of common glass.Brookhaven National Laboratory From ACM Careers | February 12, 2016
An energy harvesting and storage technology developed at University of Wisconsin–Madison could reduce mobile devices' reliance on batteries by capturing energy...University of Wisconsin-Madison From ACM Careers | February 11, 2016
When historians come to write about technological innovation in the first half of this century, they are likely to pay special attention to a US Navy drone called...Financial Times From ACM News | February 10, 2016
Dream it. Code it. Win it., an international student coding competition for high-school and college students, will award $80,000 in prizes in its third annual competition...TradingScreen From ACM Careers | February 10, 2016
Inspired by creepy cockroaches, UC Berkeley researchers have developed a robot that can crawl even when squashed to half its size.niversity of California, Berkeley From ACM Careers | February 10, 2016
The rain began to fall as Joe Giaime and I scrambled down a lonely rise, back toward the observatory's main building.Ars Technica From ACM Careers | February 9, 2016
A DARPA-funded research team has created a novel neural-recording device that can be implanted into the brain through blood vessels, eliminating the need for invasive...DARPA From ACM Careers | February 9, 2016
Berkeley Lab scientists have developed a statistical theory for the toughness of polycrystalline graphene and found that it is indeed strong, but that its toughness...Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory From ACM Careers | February 9, 2016
Scientists have discovered a way to generate very low-resistance electric current by separating left- and right-handed particles in a semi-metallic material. The...Brookhaven National Laboratory From ACM Careers | February 8, 2016
Twenty-five years ago U.S.-led Coalition forces launched the world’s first "space war" when they drove Iraqi troops out of Kuwait.Scientific American From ACM News | February 8, 2016
Smartphones and other mobile devices are set to flood the Internet with data in coming years.The Wall Street Journal From ACM Careers | February 8, 2016
When Jill Tarter first began to look for aliens, she drew looks askance from her friends and colleagues.Ars Technica From ACM Opinion | February 5, 2016
A defining moment in modern biology occurred on July 24, 1978, when biotechnology pioneer Robert Swanson, who had recently co-founded Genentech, brought two young...Scientific American From ACM Opinion | February 5, 2016