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A New-Generation Exoskeleton Helps the Paralyzed to Walk
From ACM Careers

A New-Generation Exoskeleton Helps the Paralyzed to Walk

UC Berkeley's Robotics and Human Engineering Laboratory has been working for more than a decade to create robotic exoskeletons that allow those with limited mobility...

Will AI-Powered Hedge Funds Outsmart the Market?
From ACM News

Will AI-Powered Hedge Funds Outsmart the Market?

Every day computers make many millions of electronic trades by performing delicate calculations aimed at eking out a tiny edge in terms of speed or efficiency.

National Security Agency Plans Major Reorganization
From ACM Careers

National Security Agency Plans Major Reorganization

The National Security Agency, the largest electronic spy agency in the world, is undertaking a major reorganization, merging its offensive and defensive organizations...

Computer Science Meets Economics
From ACM Careers

Computer Science Meets Economics

Constantinos Daskalakis adapts techniques from theoretical computer science to game theory.

In Silicon Valley, a Time-Honored Sport Looks to the Future
From ACM Careers

In Silicon Valley, a Time-Honored Sport Looks to the Future

On any given Sunday during football season, the N.F.L., a league that promotes itself as a standard-bearer of innovation, produces games that are analog at their...

AI Is Transforming Google Search. The Rest of the Web Is Next
From ACM Opinion

AI Is Transforming Google Search. The Rest of the Web Is Next

Yesterday, the 46-year-old Google veteran who oversees its search engine, Amit Singhal, announced his retirement. And in short order, Google revealed that Singhal's...

Ceres Center to Create New Foundations For ­nstoppable Computing
From ACM Careers

Ceres Center to Create New Foundations For ­nstoppable Computing

A group of more than 50 computer scientists and engineers from the University of Chicago and industry have announced the launch of the CERES Center for Unstoppable...

Particle's Electron Is a 'cellular Arduino' with a Global Data Plan
From ACM Careers

Particle's Electron Is a 'cellular Arduino' with a Global Data Plan

Particle, a company that makes development kits for wireless Internet of Things applications—formerly known as Spark Devices—is preparing to ship a new board-based...

Election Tech Roundup: Is 2016 the Year of Psychological Profiling?
From ACM Careers

Election Tech Roundup: Is 2016 the Year of Psychological Profiling?

The 2008 presidential election heralded wide use of online social media.

More Students Choose Higher Education Computing Courses
From ACM Careers

More Students Choose Higher Education Computing Courses

The number of students choosing to study computing at higher education level in the U.K. rose last year.

Hack-Proof Rfid Chips
From ACM Careers

Hack-Proof Rfid Chips

Researchers at MIT and Texas Instruments have developed a new type of radio frequency identification (RFID) chip that they say is virtually impossible to hack.

Scientist Creates AI Algorithm to Monitor Machinery Health
From ACM Careers

Scientist Creates AI Algorithm to Monitor Machinery Health

An artificial intelligence algorithm created by University of Alabama in Huntsville principal research scientist Rodrigo Teixeira greatly increases accuracy in...

Silicon-Based Metamaterials Could Bring Photonic Circuits
From ACM Careers

Silicon-Based Metamaterials Could Bring Photonic Circuits

Transparent metamaterials under development could make possible computer chips and interconnecting circuits that use light instead of electrons to process and transmit...

The Cloud Wars Are Seriously Heating ­p
From ACM Careers

The Cloud Wars Are Seriously Heating ­p

Most consumers may not realize it, but there's a furious battle playing out right behind the products they use every day.  

Building a Foundation For CS For All
From ACM Careers

Building a Foundation For CS For All

NSF investments in education research lay the groundwork for rigorous and engaging computer science education for all K-12 students across the United States.

Drone Schools Spread in China to Field Pilots For New Sector
From ACM Careers

Drone Schools Spread in China to Field Pilots For New Sector

Joysticks at their fingertips, the mostly male students packing the classroom lift their virtual helicopters into the air, part of a new cottage industry that's...

Obama Seeks $4 Billion to Reboot Tech Education
From ACM Careers

Obama Seeks $4 Billion to Reboot Tech Education

President Obama's "Computer Science for All" initiative would bolster state funding for technology classes in public schools.

Subcultron: Swarming Robots That Keep an Eye on Waterways
From ACM Careers

Subcultron: Swarming Robots That Keep an Eye on Waterways

Innovator: Thomas Schmickl  Age: 46  Zoology professor and founder of the Artificial Life Laboratory at the University of Graz in Austria

Navigating Facebook When You Can't See Faces
From ACM Careers

Navigating Facebook When You Can't See Faces

Information science researchers suggest that the technology used on Facebook and other social media sites should be adapted to improve accessibility for blind people...

Recognizing Correct Code
From ACM Careers

Recognizing Correct Code

MIT researchers have developed a machine-learning system that can comb through repairs to open-source computer programs and learn their general properties, in order...
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