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Two-Dimensional Metamaterial Could Speed Up Computers
From ACM Careers

Two-Dimensional Metamaterial Could Speed Up Computers

A team of scientists has proposed a two-dimensional metamaterial composed of silver elements, that refracts light in an unusual way.

What's He Building in There? The Stealth Attempt to Defeat Aging at Google's Calico.
From ACM News

What's He Building in There? The Stealth Attempt to Defeat Aging at Google's Calico.

Talk about a headline that sings. "Google vs. Death." The Time magazine cover story from September 2013 heralded the creation of California Life Company, or Calico...

Here's Why the ­niversity of California Is Getting Into the Venture Capital Business
From ACM Careers

Here's Why the ­niversity of California Is Getting Into the Venture Capital Business

In September of last year, the University of California Board of Regents approved the creation of an independent venture fund that would launch with $250 million...

Machines That Learn Like People
From ACM Careers

Machines That Learn Like People

Researchers at MIT have developed a machine-learning system based on a computational model of visual representation that could make highly reliable object discriminations...

What You Need to Know About Artificial Intelligence, and the Imminent Robot Future
From ACM News

What You Need to Know About Artificial Intelligence, and the Imminent Robot Future

Do androids dream of electric sheep? That's unclear, but I know for sure that every kid dreams of intelligent, thinking robots—certainly every kid who goes on to...

Teaching Machines to See
From ACM Careers

Teaching Machines to See

Two newly-developed systems for driverless cars can identify a user's location and orientation in places where GPS does not function, and identify the various components...

The Death of American Research and Development
From ACM Opinion

The Death of American Research and Development

When rumors began to fly about a merger between chemical giants Dow Chemical  and DuPont , it was obvious the deal was not your ordinary fee-driven scheme dreamed...

The First Person to Hack the Iphone Built a Self-Driving Car. In His Garage
From ACM Careers

The First Person to Hack the Iphone Built a Self-Driving Car. In His Garage

A few days before Thanksgiving, George Hotz, a 26-year-old hacker, invites me to his house in San Francisco to check out a project he’s been working on.

It Pays to Be a Privacy Officer
From ACM Careers

It Pays to Be a Privacy Officer

Who's your company's CPO? That's chief privacy officer.

Nsf and Federal Partners Award $37m to Advance Co-Robots
From ACM Careers

Nsf and Federal Partners Award $37m to Advance Co-Robots

The NSF — in partnership with the several U.S. government departments and agencies — has announced $37 million in new awards to spur the development and use of...

Supercomputer Benchmark Gains Adherents
From ACM Careers

Supercomputer Benchmark Gains Adherents

A software program that ranks supercomputers on their ability to solve complex problems rather than on raw speed continues to gain traction in the high-performance...

SynTouch Is Giving Robots the Ability to Feel Textures Like Humans Do
From ACM Careers

SynTouch Is Giving Robots the Ability to Feel Textures Like Humans Do

There's just nothing like holding a new product in your hands.

Grandfather of Vr: The Virtual Can Show the Beauty of the Real
From ACM Opinion

Grandfather of Vr: The Virtual Can Show the Beauty of the Real

Thomas Furness is known as the pioneer who stood at the inception of what we know today as virtual reality.

Sharing Best Practices For Getting Published in Science
From ACM Careers

Sharing Best Practices For Getting Published in Science

A panel of editors, students, and faculty recently convened at MIT to discuss aspects of scientific publishing including open access, innovative models of peer...

A Cure For Medical Researchers' Big Data Headache
From ACM Careers

A Cure For Medical Researchers' Big Data Headache

Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory are developing an data analytics tool for literature-based discovery that has the potential to accelerate medical research...

China's Internet Forum May Provide a Peek at Its Cyber-Ambitions
From ACM News

China's Internet Forum May Provide a Peek at Its Cyber-Ambitions

Heads of state, including the prime ministers of Pakistan and Russia, and major technology firms will gather Wednesday in Wuzhen, a picturesque little town of canals...

Hands-On With Microsoft's Hololens, One Year Later
From ACM Careers

Hands-On With Microsoft's Hololens, One Year Later

One year after showing off HoloLens, Microsoft's augmented reality rig remains very much a work in progress.

Spinoff 2016 Highlights Space Technologies Used in Daily Life on Earth
From ACM Careers

Spinoff 2016 Highlights Space Technologies Used in Daily Life on Earth

NASA technology is all around us, turning trash into oil, saving women from a deadly complication of childbirth, and putting the bubbles in beer.

Inside the 2016 Black Market for Donor Emails
From ACM Careers

Inside the 2016 Black Market for Donor Emails

Scott Walker has begun selling access to his email list to pay off his leftover presidential debt, renting out the email addresses of hundreds of thousands of supporters...

In Virtual Reality, Exercise Bike Becomes a Race Car
From ACM Careers

In Virtual Reality, Exercise Bike Becomes a Race Car

A new stationary bike from Boston startup VirZoom requires an unusual accessory while you’re pedaling: a virtual-reality headset, so you can turn your workout into...
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