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How Times Square Works
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How Times Square Works

When we stepped out onto the roof, the wind whipped me sideways, and it took me a second to get my bearings.

Finally, a Way to Teach Coding to the Touchscreen Generation
From ACM News

Finally, a Way to Teach Coding to the Touchscreen Generation

First came Generation X. Then the Millennials. And if you have kids under 10, you already know what they're going to be called: the Touchscreen Generation.

Google Bets a Billion Dollars on Twitch
From ACM Opinion

Google Bets a Billion Dollars on Twitch

Video gaming differentiates itself from the older forms of escapism—literature, theatre, film, television—with interactivity.

Tech Giants Begin Recruiting For the Next Big Platform Wars
From ACM Careers

Tech Giants Begin Recruiting For the Next Big Platform Wars

The Internet of Things is still young, but it's real.

No Guts, All Glory at Robot Soccer World Cup
From ACM News

No Guts, All Glory at Robot Soccer World Cup

Spectacular falls, miraculous goals, and footwork that would put the Premier League to shame—RoboCup 2014 has seen it all.

Id Shows Off Double-Jumping, Skull-Crushing New Doom at Quakecon
From ACM Opinion

Id Shows Off Double-Jumping, Skull-Crushing New Doom at Quakecon

The bad news is that only people who were actually at Dallas' QuakeCon last night were able to see the world-premiere gameplay footage from the next Doom game,...

New Dimension in Scoreboard Watching
From ACM News

New Dimension in Scoreboard Watching

The seemingly endless prairie that blankets this part of the United States would seem to be an unlikely place for one of the largest makers of sports video displays...

How Do Messaging Apps Make Money? They're Gaming Platforms in Disguise
From ACM Careers

How Do Messaging Apps Make Money? They're Gaming Platforms in Disguise

It is not uncommon for smartphone users to have WhatsApp, WeChat, Viber, Facebook Messenger, and other competitors all installed on their phones, using different...

The Moral Hazards and Legal Conundrums of Our Robot-Filled Future
From ACM Opinion

The Moral Hazards and Legal Conundrums of Our Robot-Filled Future

The robots are coming, and they're getting smarter.

For This Author, 10,000 Wikipedia Articles Is a Good Day's Work
From ACM News

For This Author, 10,000 Wikipedia Articles Is a Good Day's Work

Sverker Johansson could be the most prolific author you've never heard of.

Meet Jibo, the Cute Social Robot that Knows the Family
From ACM News

Meet Jibo, the Cute Social Robot that Knows the Family

In suite 712 of the Eventi Hotel, high above the sticky June bustle of Midtown Manhattan, New York, one of the world's most advanced consumer robots awaits command...

Tech Scene in Myanmar Hinges on Cellphone Grid
From ACM Careers

Tech Scene in Myanmar Hinges on Cellphone Grid

Images of Steven P. Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg adorn the walls of Myo Myint Kyaw's creative digital agency.

Digital Warriors Battle to Get African Games on Phones
From ACM Careers

Digital Warriors Battle to Get African Games on Phones

Safari the warrior crouches in the bush - a digitized heroine from the new mobile phone game "Afro Fighters" that its Nigerian creator hopes will soon rival the...

Cameras, Robots, and Gps: Small Tech Firms Seek World Cup Boost
From ACM Careers

Cameras, Robots, and Gps: Small Tech Firms Seek World Cup Boost

Several small technology companies are looking to the World Cup to give their businesses a major boost.

Your Next Angry Birds Opponent Could Be a Robot
From ACM Careers

Your Next Angry Birds Opponent Could Be a Robot

With the help of a smart tablet and Angry Birds, children with disabilities can now program a robot to learn new skills as part of their rehabilitation therapy.

Drone Lighting
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Drone Lighting

Researchers at MIT and Cornell are developing autonomous aerial vehicles that automatically assume the right positions for photographic lighting.

Virtual Reality and Eye Tracking: Sony's Vision of the Future
From ACM Careers

Virtual Reality and Eye Tracking: Sony's Vision of the Future

After Nintendo's "smash hit" Wii, Sony realized that raw horsepower wasn't necessarily the be all, end all for a video game console.

Billy Beane on the Future of Sports: A Tech-Driven Revolution
From ACM Opinion

Billy Beane on the Future of Sports: A Tech-Driven Revolution

Baseball—my passion and profession for three decades—has been at the forefront of the analytics revolution sweeping through sports.

Behind the Scenes of Ibm's Wimbledon Data Bunker
From ACM Careers

Behind the Scenes of Ibm's Wimbledon Data Bunker

Beyond the grass courts, tennis whites and jugs of Pimms, there's a whole flurry of activity going on in a dimly lit underground bunker.

Inside the Secret Building That's Bringing Cell Service To Nyc's Subway
From ACM Careers

Inside the Secret Building That's Bringing Cell Service To Nyc's Subway

As Hurricane Sandy revealed almost two years ago, New York's 100-year-old subway is not a modern and robust system.
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