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Bot & Dolly and the Rise of Creative Robots
From ACM Careers

Bot & Dolly and the Rise of Creative Robots

Behind a small cafe in San Francisco's Potrero Hill neighborhood stands an unmarked warehouse where the future of human-machine interaction is taking shape.

How to Get Into the Games Industry–An Insiders' Guide
From ACM Careers

How to Get Into the Games Industry–An Insiders' Guide

At this year's Bafta video game awards, one of the most telling moments was when Dr Who producer Steven Moffat took to the stage and declared "[Games] are going...

The Cleveland Cavaliers' New 3-D Floor Projection System Is Astonishing
From ACM Careers

The Cleveland Cavaliers' New 3-D Floor Projection System Is Astonishing

The Cleveland Cavaliers are having a rocky season—currently, they're on the outside looking in at an Eastern Conference playoff berth.

With Oculus Rift and Project Morpheus, a Virtual Battleground May Finally Be Here
From ACM Careers

With Oculus Rift and Project Morpheus, a Virtual Battleground May Finally Be Here

Virtual reality has never quite materialized for most consumers.

Jonathan Ive Designs Tomorrow
From ACM News

Jonathan Ive Designs Tomorrow

We use Jonathan Ive's products to help us to eat, drink and sleep, to work, travel, relax, read, listen and watch, to shop, chat, date and have sex.

Ticket Pricing Puts 'lion King' Atop Broadway's Circle of Life
From ACM News

Ticket Pricing Puts 'lion King' Atop Broadway's Circle of Life

How did "The Lion King" turn around its once-shaky fortunes and become the top-grossing show on Broadway in 2013, an unprecedented feat for long-running musicals...

From ACM Opinion

Why Google Doesn't Have a Research Lab

Research vice presidents at some computing giants, such as Microsoft and IBM, rule over divisions housed in dedicated facilities carefully insulated from the rat...

Easy As Pi: Pie Pan Embodies Familiar Mathematical Constant
From ACM Careers

Easy As Pi: Pie Pan Embodies Familiar Mathematical Constant

Marking Pi Day, a Texas Tech University alumnus has created a baking pan in the shape of the pi symbol.

Why You Should Embrace Surveillance, Not Fight It
From ACM Opinion

Why You Should Embrace Surveillance, Not Fight It

I once worked with Steven Spielberg on the development of Minority Report, derived from the short story by Philip K. Dick featuring a future society that uses surveillance...

Oscar-Winning Visual Effects Mastermind Behind Gravity, Talks Physics Lessons, Nasa Imagery, and Defining the Art of Cg 'weightlessness' in Space
From ACM Opinion

Oscar-Winning Visual Effects Mastermind Behind Gravity, Talks Physics Lessons, Nasa Imagery, and Defining the Art of Cg 'weightlessness' in Space

Tim Webber is a visual effects supervisor who has worked on an array of critically acclaimed blockbusters.

The Infinite Lives of BitTorrent
From ACM Careers

The Infinite Lives of BitTorrent

Bram Cohen sits at a round desk, surrounded by a pod of open cubicles.

One-Hit Wonders
From ACM Opinion

One-Hit Wonders

For more than a year now, tens of millions of Americans have found time each day to devote themselves to an essential task: swiping at their phones and tablets...

Virtual Reality Startups Look Back to the Future
From ACM Careers

Virtual Reality Startups Look Back to the Future

It's been almost 30 years since the computer scientist Jaron Lanier formed VPL Research, the first company to sell the high-tech goggles and gloves that once defined...

Computer Science Students Help Singers Learn Their Vowels
From ACM Careers

Computer Science Students Help Singers Learn Their Vowels

Voice students who want to perfect how they sing their vowels can get help from a new free application called Vowel Shapes developed by a group of University of...

Robotic Prosthesis Turns Drummer Into a Three-Armed Cyborg
From ACM Careers

Robotic Prosthesis Turns Drummer Into a Three-Armed Cyborg

Professor Gil Weinberg of Georgia Tech has created a robotic drumming prosthesis that can be attached to an amputee to allow for more control and creativity with...

Dream Job: Digital Instrument Creator
From ACM Careers

Dream Job: Digital Instrument Creator

Sometimes playing a guitar with a plectrum isn't enough.

Futurist Says We'll ­se Lasers to Beam Our Minds Into Space Someday Soon
From ACM Opinion

Futurist Says We'll ­se Lasers to Beam Our Minds Into Space Someday Soon

The idea of erasing and implanting memories is a common feature of science fiction films such as Total Recall and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

The Special Effects Firms Transforming the Film Industry
From ACM Careers

The Special Effects Firms Transforming the Film Industry

If you are looking for a sure thing at this year's Oscars look no further than Gravity to win the best visual effects category.

Comcast's Deal with Netflix Makes Network Neutrality Obsolete
From ACM Opinion

Comcast's Deal with Netflix Makes Network Neutrality Obsolete

For the past two decades, the Internet has operated as an unregulated, competitive free market.

The Interstellar Contract
From ACM Opinion

The Interstellar Contract

Last September, the Times reported that Voyager 1, the hardy spacecraft launched in 1977, had exited the solar system and entered the interstellar void.
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