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You Wouldn't Think It, But Typeface Piracy Is a Big Problem
From ACM News

You Wouldn't Think It, But Typeface Piracy Is a Big Problem

It's safe to assume that most people have no idea that fonts, like music or movies, are protected by intellectual property laws, they usually come with a hefty...

Where Are the Hoverboards? Ithaca College Professor Says Not Too Far Off
From ACM Careers

Where Are the Hoverboards? Ithaca College Professor Says Not Too Far Off

The levitating technology Marty McFly encountered in his jaunt through Oct. 21, 2015 during the 1989 film "Back to the Future II" isn't as far-fetched as it might...

Penn State Develops Technology to Create Robot-Written Textbooks
From ACM Careers

Penn State Develops Technology to Create Robot-Written Textbooks

Penn State has developed a technology that works with faculty to automatically build complete textbooks from open resources on the Web according to topics and keywords...

Museum Specimens Find New Life Online
From ACM News

Museum Specimens Find New Life Online

In a brightly lit room on the third floor of the Museum of Natural History here, stacks of wooden drawers are covered in glass, some panes so dusty that it is difficult...

Tiny Dancers: Can Ballet Bugs Help US Build Better Robots?
From ACM Careers

Tiny Dancers: Can Ballet Bugs Help US Build Better Robots?

A team of researchers at Johns Hopkins University studied the hopping skills and landing patterns of spider crickets in the hope of paving the way for a new generation...

New Study Explores Gender Bias in Academic Hiring
From ACM Careers

New Study Explores Gender Bias in Academic Hiring

Cornell social scientists found that women hold no hiring edge when pitted against slightly more accomplished men for faculty positions in engineering, economics...

How One Austrian Student Took On American Tech Companies Over Privacy—and Won
From ACM Careers

How One Austrian Student Took On American Tech Companies Over Privacy—and Won

Earlier this month the European Union's top court struck down a major trade agreement that thousands of companies use to transfer Europeans' personal data to the...

Seeing Stars, Again: Naval Academy Reinstates Celestial Navigation
From ACM Careers

Seeing Stars, Again: Naval Academy Reinstates Celestial Navigation

The same techniques guided ancient Polynesians in the open Pacific and led Sir Ernest Shackleton to remote Antarctica, then oriented astronauts when the Apollo...

Smarter Lenses
From ACM Careers

Smarter Lenses

A newly launched mobile eye-test device could lead to prescription virtual-reality screens.

Code Is Key to Successful Economic Study Replication, Researcher Says
From ACM Careers

Code Is Key to Successful Economic Study Replication, Researcher Says

An assistant professor at Cornell University says her recent study was successfully replicated by the Federal Reserve because her code was available to other researchers...

IBM Making Plans to Commercialize Its Brain-Inspired Chip
From ACM News

IBM Making Plans to Commercialize Its Brain-Inspired Chip

In August last year, IBM unveiled a chip designed to operate something like the neurons and synapses of the brain (see "IBM Chip Process Data Similar to the Way...

Why What You Learned in Preschool Is Crucial at Work
From ACM Careers

Why What You Learned in Preschool Is Crucial at Work

For all the jobs that machines can now do—whether performing surgery, driving cars or serving food—they still lack one distinctly human trait. They have no social...

Think Twice About Android Root
From ACM Careers

Think Twice About Android Root

A study by UC Riverside engineers quantifies the amount of Android root exploits available in commercial software, and shows that they can be easily abused.

Automating Big-Data Analysis
From ACM Careers

Automating Big-Data Analysis

The 'Data Science Machine' developed by MIT researchers aims to find predictive patterns in raw data. The new system finished ahead of 615 of the 906 human teams...

Immigrants Have a Growing Role in the ­.S. Sci-Tech Workforce
From ACM TechNews

Immigrants Have a Growing Role in the ­.S. Sci-Tech Workforce

Immigrants accounted for 18 percent of U.S. scientists and engineers in 2013, up from 16 percent in 2003, according to a U.S. National Science Foundation report...

Report: Federal Cybersecurity Education Programs Must Expand
From ACM TechNews

Report: Federal Cybersecurity Education Programs Must Expand

Federal cybersecurity education programs need to reach out to more institutions to fortify security in the future, according to a new National Academy of Public...

Hacking For Security, and Getting Paid For It
From ACM Careers

Hacking For Security, and Getting Paid For It

It should come as no surprise that the Internet is riddled with holes.

Bu Research Could Revolutionize Flexible Electronics, Solar Cells
From ACM Careers

Bu Research Could Revolutionize Flexible Electronics, Solar Cells

Researchers have demonstrated an eco-friendly process that enables unprecedented spatial control over the electrical properties of graphene oxide, a two-dimensional...

One Direction: Researchers Grow Nanocircuitry with Semiconducting Graphene Nanoribbons
From ACM Careers

One Direction: Researchers Grow Nanocircuitry with Semiconducting Graphene Nanoribbons

In a development that could revolutionize electronic ciruitry, a research team has confirmed a new way to control the growth paths of graphene nanoribbons on the...

Her Code Got Humans on the Moon—and Invented Software Itself
From ACM Careers

Her Code Got Humans on the Moon—and Invented Software Itself

Margaret Hamilton wasn't supposed to invent the modern concept of software and land men on the moon.
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