From ACM Careers
Canonical's Open Documentation Academy aims to help newcomers participate in the open source community, offering mentorship and…
BNN| February 28, 2024
Researchers say that data breaches are not happening more frequently than they did a decade ago, and that in general they are not growing in size.Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory From ACM Careers | October 14, 2015
At a demo day in San Francisco on Wednesday, Joyce Kim's presentation of her financial tech startup sounded a lot like a tech startup pitching venture capitalists...The Wall Street Journal From ACM Careers | October 13, 2015
Where you go, what you buy, who you know, how many points are on your driving licence, how your pupils rate you.New Scientist From ACM News | October 13, 2015
David Mindell, an MIT professor and author, argues that self-driving cars could be achieved without full autonomy.MIT News From ACM Careers | October 13, 2015
Computer science has for the first time become the most popular major for female students at Stanford University, a hopeful sign for those trying to build up the...Reuters From ACM Careers | October 13, 2015
California now requires police to get a court order before they can search messages, photos and other digital data stored on phones or company servers in the nation's...The Associated Press From ACM Careers | October 9, 2015
It was after 11 p.m. on March 30, 2013, when the Alaska Department of Public Safety helicopter lifted off near Talkeetna, north of Anchorage, after rescuing a stranded...Bloomberg Businessweek From ACM Careers | October 9, 2015
When Emad Eskandar talks about one of his neurosurgery patients with obsessive compulsive disorder, he's not talking about someone who arranges his record collection...Technology Review From ACM News | October 9, 2015
Penn State materials scientist have given the workhorse transistor a big boost using a new technique to incorporate vanadium oxide into the device.Penn State Materials Research Institute From ACM Careers | October 9, 2015
The new movie "Steve Jobs" provides yet another take on the well known business celebrity. Thomas Streeter, professor of sociology at the University of Vermont,...niversity of Vermont From ACM Careers | October 9, 2015
U.S. businesses from online coupon company RetailMeNot Inc to security software company Symantec Corp said a European change to rules governing transatlantic personal...Reuters From ACM News | October 8, 2015
The GVR project looks to deny the physical limitations that threaten the progressive computing improvements described by Moore's Law.niversity of Chicago From ACM Careers | October 8, 2015
The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded $74.5 million in research grants related to securing cyberspace. The funding will support 257 new projects involving...U.S. National Science Foundation From ACM Careers | October 8, 2015
Data scientist–a job that barely existed a decade ago–has become one of the hottest and best-paid professions in the U.S.The Wall Street Journal From ACM Careers | October 7, 2015
A ruling the Europe Union’s highest court yesterday may create enormous headaches for US tech companies like Google and Facebook.Wired From ACM Opinion | October 7, 2015
The U.S. Department of Energy will provide $12 million over four years to establish a computational materials center at Argonne National Laboratory that will develop...Argonne National Laboratory From ACM Careers | October 7, 2015
MIT Ph.D. student David Hill maps human locomotion in detail to improve rehabilitative and assistive robotic devices.MIT News From ACM Careers | October 7, 2015