From ACM Careers
Canonical's Open Documentation Academy aims to help newcomers participate in the open source community, offering mentorship and…
BNN| February 28, 2024
Boston University launched the Racial Data Lab this month as part of an effort to become the leading U.S. academic institution for data-driven antiracist research...Boston University From ACM Careers | December 21, 2020
A $516,000 grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation will help Krishna Venkatasubramanian, a University of Rhode Island computer science professor, research...University of Rhode Island From ACM Careers | December 21, 2020
In a world of nuance and interpretation, the objectivity of math spoke to me (and still does). To be able to use applied math to do science through the use of very...Dona Crawford From Communications of the ACM | January 1, 2021
A transformative nine-figure gift from Ann S. Bowers will establish the Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science, supporting Cornell's...Cornell Chronicle From ACM Careers | December 21, 2020
Robots can encourage humans to take greater risks in a simulated gambling scenario than they would if the robot is silent, research shows.
University of Southampton From ACM Careers | December 17, 2020
A University of Illinois research group is defining a new sub-area of mobile computing called "earable computing" that sees earphones as the next significant milestone...University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign From ACM Careers | December 16, 2020
Computer scientist Warren Hoburg was selected by NASA as one of 18 astronauts to form the Artemis Team for the agency's next astronaut missions on and around the...NASA From ACM Careers | December 16, 2020
The University of Texas at Austin has stopped using a machine-learning system to evaluate applicants for its Ph.D. program in computer science.
Inside Higher Ed From ACM Careers | December 15, 2020
Clarivate's list of Highly Cited Researchers 2020 includes 124 computer scientists, researchers who have demonstrated significant influence in their field through...Clarivate plc From ACM Careers | December 9, 2020
The Mississippi State University Center for Cyber Education will conclude 2020 Computer Science Education Week activities by hosting a virtual Hour of Code event...Mississippi State University From ACM Careers | December 9, 2020
Libbie Mills, an assistant professor at the University of Toronto, noticed something interesting in her introductory Sanskrit class this fall: six of the 40 enrolled...India Education Diary From ACM Careers | December 8, 2020
The academic productivity of higher education faculty in the United States in the STEMM fields with very young children suffered as a result of stay-at-home orders...The University of Tennessee From ACM Careers | December 4, 2020
Digitization and automation have replaced millions of middle-class jobs, yet there is reason for optimism for workers, said scholars and business leaders at an...MIT News From ACM Careers | November 25, 2020
More than 300 university teams from five continents helped kick off the preliminary round of the 2020-2021 ASC Student Supercomputer Challenge on November 16, 2020...Asia Supercomputer Community From ACM Careers | November 25, 2020
Created as a guide for 2020 White House transition teams, a report by a bipartisan working group includes recommendations for U.S. competition with China in four...University of California San Diego From ACM Careers | November 24, 2020
The sixth STL CyberCon took advantage of its virtual format this year to expand its reach, bringing together students, researchers, practitioners, and job seekers...UMSL Daily From ACM Careers | November 24, 2020
Binghamton University Distinguished Professor Jessica Fridrich has received a $768,964 grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation to study steganographic hidden...Binghamton University From ACM Careers | November 20, 2020
High costs and restrictions on datasets can limit both the diversity of researchers who have access and the range of research undertaken with this data.
University of California, Berkeley From ACM Careers | November 19, 2020
Unity Technologies hopes to groom 80,000 people for game jobs over three years with an education initiative aimed at helping people learn how to program and develop...VentureBeat From ACM Careers | November 18, 2020
Cooperation between foreign universities and local businesses is growing in South Korea's Incheon Free Economic Zone (IFEZ), after revisions to regulations on promoting...The Korea Times From ACM Careers | November 18, 2020