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Narcissism Pays Off Big-Time in Job Interview
From ACM Careers

Narcissism Pays Off Big-Time in Job Interview

Narcissism, a trait considered obnoxious in most circumstances, actually pays off big-time in the short-term context of a job interview, according to a new study...

Women in Tech: It's Time to Drop the Old Stereotypes
From ACM Careers

Women in Tech: It's Time to Drop the Old Stereotypes

A career in technology can be as varied, exciting, and glamorous as you want it to be — and that's not just for men.

Computer Scientist Drives for Comprehensive Traffic Model
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientist Drives for Comprehensive Traffic Model

University of Illinois at Chicago professor Jakob Eriksson is developing a traffic model that gathers and assembles data from smartphones, online maps, radio, and...

It Skills Gap Widening
From ACM CareerNews

It Skills Gap Widening

The gap between the IT skills employers need and the IT skills employees offer is widening, according to a new CompTIA survey.  

Can Tunisia Become the Silicon Valley of the Arab World?
From ACM Opinion

Can Tunisia Become the Silicon Valley of the Arab World?

The country could be a model for how economic innovation can help the changing Middle East succeed.

Completion Rates Among Minority Ph.d. Students in STEM Fields To Be Examined
From ACM Careers

Completion Rates Among Minority Ph.d. Students in STEM Fields To Be Examined

Florida State and 20 other universities will be examining lower doctoral completion rates among American Indian, Hispanic and black students in the science, technology...

Google's Self-Driving Car Takes Blind Man to Taco Bell
From ACM Careers

Google's Self-Driving Car Takes Blind Man to Taco Bell

Google's self-driving car recently took a legally blind man for a ride to Taco Bell and to the dry cleaners.

First the Smartphone, Now the Smart Home
From ACM Careers

First the Smartphone, Now the Smart Home

Washington State University's Diane Cook says it won't be long before our homes act as "intelligent agents" that anticipate our needs and tend to tasks that improve...

Super Computing Meets the World of Biology
From ACM TechNews

Super Computing Meets the World of Biology

University of Arizona researchers have developed the iPlant Collaborative, a computer cyberinfrastructure that enables biological sciences researchers to process...

Conservatives' Trust in Science Has Fallen Dramatically Since Mid-1970s
From ACM Careers

Conservatives' Trust in Science Has Fallen Dramatically Since Mid-1970s

While trust in science remained stable among people who self-identified as moderates and liberals in the United States between 1974 and 2010, trust in science fell...

Nsf Leads Federal Efforts In Big Data
From ACM Careers

Nsf Leads Federal Efforts In Big Data

At a White House event, National Science Foundation Director Subra Suresh outlined efforts to support the fundamental science and underlying infrastructure to...

A Surge in Learning the Language of the Internet
From ACM TechNews

A Surge in Learning the Language of the Internet

The market for online classes in programming, Web construction, and application development is booming.  

Digital Skills Shortage Leaves Eu Youth a Step Behind
From ACM TechNews

Digital Skills Shortage Leaves Eu Youth a Step Behind

The European Commission estimates that the information technology and digital skills shortage could reach 700,000 workers by 2015.  

Five Stealthy Ways to Find a New Job with Social Media
From ACM Careers

Five Stealthy Ways to Find a New Job with Social Media

Searching for a new job while you're still employed can be tricky. You don't want to jeopardize your current job by making it obvious that you're looking for...

Minority Women Still Most Underrepresented in Science Despite Progress
From ACM Careers

Minority Women Still Most Underrepresented in Science Despite Progress

Thirty-five years after a landmark report documented minority women as the most underrepresented individuals in science, engineering, medicine and dentistry, dramatic...

Computer System Identifies Liars
From ACM Careers

Computer System Identifies Liars

In a study of 40 cases, a computer correctly identified liars more than 80 percent of the time, a better rate than humans with the naked eye typically achieve in...

Competition Heats ­p To Fill European Tech Jobs
From ACM Careers

Competition Heats ­p To Fill European Tech Jobs

Europe's stagnant economy is having little effect on demand for qualified engineers information technology specialists.

National Study Ranks City Governments' ­se of Social Media
From ACM Careers

National Study Ranks City Governments' ­se of Social Media

Six times as many big-city governments reached citizens via Facebook in 2011 compared to 2009. Use of YouTube and Twitter grew fourfold and threefold respectively...

The Digital Economy: Yes, We're Failing You
From ACM Careers

The Digital Economy: Yes, We're Failing You

Students in the European Union are not acquiring the computer skills which are now arguably as important as basic literacy and math, and the future of the global...

Why Women Make Better Bosses
From ACM Careers

Why Women Make Better Bosses

Women make better bosses. That's the finding of a new report, which found that women in management positions lead in a more democratic way, allow employees to...
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