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'The Algorithm Fired Me': California Bill Takes on Amazon's Notorious Work Culture
From ACM TechNews

'The Algorithm Fired Me': California Bill Takes on Amazon's Notorious Work Culture

A bill passed by the California Assembly would challenge Amazon's algorithm-driven warehouse culture.

Can Japan Close Gender Gap to Address Tech Worker Shortage?
From ACM Careers

Can Japan Close Gender Gap to Address Tech Worker Shortage?

Japan is pushing to digitally modernize itself, but one of the developed world's starkest gender gaps is holding it back.

U.S. Digital Corps Aims to Bring Young Tech Talent to Government
From ACM Careers

U.S. Digital Corps Aims to Bring Young Tech Talent to Government

The White House launched the U.S. Digital Corps two-year fellowship on Monday designed to place early-career software engineers, data scientists, and other technologists...

Why Apple Won Its Legal Settlement With Developers
From ACM Careers

Why Apple Won Its Legal Settlement With Developers

Apple said it had made major concessions, but a closer examination suggests that the tech giant and the app makers' lawyers were big winners.

White House Seeks to Plug Cybersecurity Job Hole
From ACM Careers

White House Seeks to Plug Cybersecurity Job Hole

The White House held a cybersecurity summit with business leaders in the tech, finance, and energy sectors on Wednesday (August 25) in what was described as a "call...

IT Recruitment 'Twice as Hard' During Pandemic, CIO Says
From ACM Careers

IT Recruitment 'Twice as Hard' During Pandemic, CIO Says

IT recruitment has been "twice as hard" during the pandemic, with some roles remaining open for over a year, says Steve Capper at SNC-Lavalin.

China Tops U.S. in Number of Highly Cited Scientific Papers
From ACM Careers

China Tops U.S. in Number of Highly Cited Scientific Papers

China topped the United States for the first time in the number of highly cited scientific papers published between 2017 and 2019, according to Japan's National...

Award Recognizes Bowling Green's CS Mentorship Program for Girls
From ACM Careers

Award Recognizes Bowling Green's CS Mentorship Program for Girls

A Bowling Green State University computer science mentorship program for girls has received the 2021 Inspiring Programs in STEM Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity...

How Music and Programming Led Me to Build Digital Microworlds
From Communications of the ACM

How Music and Programming Led Me to Build Digital Microworlds

The ability to discover and experience world building is a relatively unique privilege afforded to computer programmers.

International Students Remain A Primary Source Of U.S. Tech Talent
From ACM Careers

International Students Remain A Primary Source Of U.S. Tech Talent

International students make up 72% of full-time graduate students in computer and information science at U.S. universities, though their enrollment numbers are...

Why Do Chief Data Officers Have Such Short Tenures?
From ACM Careers

Why Do Chief Data Officers Have Such Short Tenures?

Chief Data Officers may have the most unstable job in the C-suite. Tenures are short, turnover is high, and many companies don't seem to know exactly what they...

Why Working From Home Doesn't Work for Many Employees
From ACM Careers

Why Working From Home Doesn't Work for Many Employees

Research shows that fully autonomous working from home across all industries is neither desirable nor sustainable.

Twitter's Bug Bounty Competition Aims to Find Biased Algorithms
From ACM Careers

Twitter's Bug Bounty Competition Aims to Find Biased Algorithms

Twitter has enrolled external researchers in a algorithm bias bounty competition to find hidden biases in its own algorithms.

Google Employees Working From Home Could See Pay Cut
From ACM Careers

Google Employees Working From Home Could See Pay Cut

Google employees based in the same office before the pandemic could see different changes in pay if they switch to working from home permanently, according to a...

Tech Has An Image Problem With Young People
From ACM Careers

Tech Has An Image Problem With Young People

Young people are increasingly shunning tech jobs and IT-related subjects at school. The responsibility of getting young people interested in tech ultimately falls...

OpenAI's Codex Turns Written Language Into Computer Code
From ACM Careers

OpenAI's Codex Turns Written Language Into Computer Code

OpenAI is releasing an improved version of its Codex AI model that can read written instructions in conversational language and transform it into working computer...

Duke Professors Awarded $10M NSF Grant to Increase Diversity in Computing
From ACM Careers

Duke Professors Awarded $10M NSF Grant to Increase Diversity in Computing

The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded Duke University professors Alicia Nicki Washington and Shaundra Daily a nearly $10 million grant over the next...

Coursera Will Lower Fees for University Partners That Add Degree Programs
From ACM Careers

Coursera Will Lower Fees for University Partners That Add Degree Programs

Coursera will decrease the share of revenue it takes for credit-bearing degrees and credentials from university partners as they increase the amount of tuition...

Partnership Will Help Trans Researchers Update Names on Past Work
From ACM Careers

Partnership Will Help Trans Researchers Update Names on Past Work

All 17 U.S. national laboratories and many prominent scientific publishers have formed a partnership to support name change requests from transgender and other...

Developers Reveal the Programming Languages They Love, and the Ones They Dread
From ACM Careers

Developers Reveal the Programming Languages They Love, and the Ones They Dread

Over 80,000 developers from 181 countries voted on their favorite technologies for Stack Overflow's 2021 Developer Survey, and 86.69% identified the Rust programming...
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