From ACM Careers
Canonical's Open Documentation Academy aims to help newcomers participate in the open source community, offering mentorship and…
BNN| February 28, 2024
Tech workers at companies offering remote-work products or services have faced higher demand, along with higher expectations from customers, throughout the pandemic...Wired From ACM Careers | November 24, 2021
Children as young as age six develop ideas that girls are less interested than boys in computer science and engineering — stereotypes that can extend into the late...University of Washington From ACM Careers | November 23, 2021
A study of commuting and job performance shows how wearable sensing technology can predict individual work quality based on the daily grind of commuting.
Dartmouth College From ACM Careers | November 22, 2021
Asking job candidates about previous pay when recruiting contributes to the gender pay gap by replicating pay gaps from other organizations, according to a study...BBC From ACM Careers | November 19, 2021
Software teams are changing their coding processes to fit the new dynamics of remote work, according to GitHub's 2021 State of the Octoverse.
Tech Republic From ACM Careers | November 18, 2021
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has launched a program to find and hire cybersecurity professionals.
The Hill From ACM TechNews | November 17, 2021
A bill passed by the New York City Council will require providers of AI-assisted employment tools to have those systems evaluated each year and the results provided...Protocol From ACM Careers | November 16, 2021
Professors are experts in their subject matters but many have limited training in actually teaching their students.
Tech & Learning From ACM Careers | November 15, 2021
A survey of more than 1,000 IT and business leaders found that only 16% rank employee satisfaction and retention as a top priority.
ZDNet From ACM Careers | November 12, 2021
Seventy-two percent of IT leaders believe members of Generation Z (ages 16 to 24) will solve the digital skills shortage, but just 24% of young people view their...ZDNet From ACM TechNews | November 8, 2021
While open-access science has made research available worldwide, some scholars worry that misinformation, fraud, and politicization have become rampant in a system...Inside Higher Ed From ACM Careers | November 8, 2021
People who are friendly and trustworthy are more likely to be selected for teams than those who are known for just their skill competency and personal reputation...Binghamton University From ACM Careers | November 4, 2021
Toughened visa requirements for Chinese graduate students and postgraduate researchers are squeezing the flow of talent to U.S. universities.
The Wall Street Journal From ACM Careers | November 4, 2021
University of Georgia professor Aaron Schecter has received two grants totaling nearly $2 million from the U.S. Army to study the interplay between human and robotic...University of Georgia From ACM Careers | November 2, 2021
Employers who had slowed recruiting during the pandemic have accelerated efforts to fill pressing needs, with strong hiring growth is expected in computer services...Michigan State University From ACM Careers | November 2, 2021
The Open Quantum Initiative has launched an undergraduate fellowship as part of its effort to advocate for and contribute to the development of a diverse and inclusive...Chicago Quantum Exchange From ACM Careers | November 1, 2021
Microsoft plans to work with community colleges across the United States to fill 250,000 cybersecurity jobs over the next four years.
Reuters From ACM Careers | October 29, 2021
Half of women in tech feel the industry is a boys club, but more than 60% see signs of progress in spite of that, according to a new study from
CNET From ACM Careers | October 26, 2021
In 1963, the British government decided to make the world's most powerful computer. The manufacturer, Ferranti, asked would-be buyers to send their best programmers...Ann Moffatt From Communications of the ACM | November 1, 2021