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Your Gadget's Next Power Supply? Your Body
From ACM Careers

Your Gadget's Next Power Supply? Your Body

Researchers have developed a small metallic tab that attaches to the human body and generates electricity from simple movements.

Want Awesome Robots? You'll Have to Best These Challenges
From ACM Opinion

Want Awesome Robots? You'll Have to Best These Challenges

We are living in the midst of a profound technological restructuring of human society. The machines that once only frolicked in science fiction have begun to infiltrate...

How Immersive Technology Is Changing the Way Students Learn
From ACM Careers

How Immersive Technology Is Changing the Way Students Learn

California State University is working to add more pilot projects and courses on its campuses to leverage the power of augmented reality and virtual reality.

Inside Amazon's Artificial Intelligence Flywheel
From ACM Careers

Inside Amazon's Artificial Intelligence Flywheel

In early 2014, Srikanth Thirumalai met with Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos.

How Intel Creates Its Dazzling Drone Light Shows
From ACM Careers

How Intel Creates Its Dazzling Drone Light Shows

After the lights went dark in the Monte Carlo resort's Park Theater, a buzzing army of 110 small drones with flickering red lights started to float up to the ceiling...

The Follower Factory
From ACM Careers

The Follower Factory

The real Jessica Rychly is a Minnesota teenager with a broad smile and wavy hair. She likes reading and the rapper Post Malone.

Every Study We Could Find on What Automation Will Do to Jobs, in One Chart
From ACM Careers

Every Study We Could Find on What Automation Will Do to Jobs, in One Chart

You've seen the headlines: "Robots Will Destroy Our Jobs—and We're Not Ready for It." "You Will Lose Your Job to a Robot—and Sooner Than You Think." "Robots May...

The Emotional Chatbots Are Here to Probe Our Feelings
From ACM Careers

The Emotional Chatbots Are Here to Probe Our Feelings

When Eugenia Kuyda created her chatbot, Replika, she wanted it to stand out among the voice assistants and home robots that had begun to take root in peoples lives...

Spinoff 2018 Highlights Space Technology Improving Life on Earth
From ACM Careers

Spinoff 2018 Highlights Space Technology Improving Life on Earth

The 2018 edition of NASA's annual Spinoff publication, released Tuesday, features 49 technologies the agency helped create that are used in almost every facet of...

Researchers Create Digital Map of Carlsbad Cavern
From ACM Careers

Researchers Create Digital Map of Carlsbad Cavern

University of Arkansas researchers are using laser imaging to create a highly accurate, three-dimensional digital map of public trails inside Carlsbad Cavern.

Changing the Color of 3-D Printed Objects
From ACM Careers

Changing the Color of 3-D Printed Objects

A system developed at MIT CSAIL uses custom ink and ultraviolet light to repeatedly change an object's color.

Casinos Bet on Smoothie Slots, Desperate to Lure Millennials
From ACM Careers

Casinos Bet on Smoothie Slots, Desperate to Lure Millennials

It's one of the big dilemmas facing the $70 billion U.S. casino industry—how to get people in their 20s and 30s to play slot machines as much as their parents or...

Tech Giants Brace For Europe's New Data Privacy Rule
From ACM News

Tech Giants Brace For Europe's New Data Privacy Rule

Over the past two months, Google has started letting people around the world choose what data they want to share with its various products, including Gmail and...

Shake-­p at Facebook Highlights Tension in Race For AI
From ACM Careers

Shake-­p at Facebook Highlights Tension in Race For AI

Facebook's hiring of French artificial-intelligence trailblazer Yann LeCun in 2013 to start its AI Research lab signaled that the social-media giant was serious...

Microsoft's 'ink to Code' Turns Drawings Into ­ser Interfaces
From ACM Careers

Microsoft's 'ink to Code' Turns Drawings Into ­ser Interfaces

Sketching out rough ideas—traditionally on the back of a napkin in the US, backs of envelopes being preferred in the UK—is a common and important part of the design...

Why Robots Should Shake the Bejeezus Out of Cherry Trees
From ACM Careers

Why Robots Should Shake the Bejeezus Out of Cherry Trees

I don't think sci-fi saw this coming. For so long, futuristic books and films have promised us robots like C-3PO that translate alien languages and assist us in...

I Am a Roboticist in a Cheese Factory
From ACM Opinion

I Am a Roboticist in a Cheese Factory

Most people think about robots as autonomous machines guided by artificial intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence Will Be a Human Jobs Creator
From ACM Careers

Artificial Intelligence Will Be a Human Jobs Creator

In 2013, James "Jimi" Crawford founded a company called Orbital Insight, barely noticed at the time amid the Silicon Valley froth.

IBM May Finally Stop Shrinking. But Is It a Turnaround?
From ACM Careers

IBM May Finally Stop Shrinking. But Is It a Turnaround?

For five and a half years, nearly the entire tenure of its chief executive, Virginia M. Rometty, IBM has reported a steady erosion of revenue.

How a 22-Year-Old Discovered the Worst Chip Flaws in History
From ACM Careers

How a 22-Year-Old Discovered the Worst Chip Flaws in History

In 2013, a teenager named Jann Horn attended a reception in Berlin hosted by Chancellor Angela Merkel. He and 64 other young Germans had done well in a government...
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