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Virtual Reality Headset Reduces Children's Fear of Needles
From ACM Careers

Virtual Reality Headset Reduces Children's Fear of Needles

A pediatrician has come up with an innovative solution to distract children from their fear, anxiety and pain using a virtual reality headset.

The Inside Story of How AI Got Good Enough to Dominate Silicon Valley
From ACM Opinion

The Inside Story of How AI Got Good Enough to Dominate Silicon Valley

Alex Krizhevsky didn't get into the AI business to change the course of history.

If You're A Facebook ­ser, You're Also a Research Subject
From ACM News

If You're A Facebook ­ser, You're Also a Research Subject

The professor was incredulous.

Car Insurers Warn on 'Autonomous' Vehicles
From ACM Careers

Car Insurers Warn on 'Autonomous' Vehicles

The motor insurance industry is warning carmakers against the use of the word "autonomous" in their marketing.

Computer Science Students Honored for Humanizing Robots With Humor
From ACM Careers

Computer Science Students Honored for Humanizing Robots With Humor

Three Stanford computer science students developed a model that can detect humor in spoken language and predict when a conversational agent should respond with...

Self-Driving Cars Likely Won't Steal Your Job (­ntil 2040)
From ACM Opinion

Self-Driving Cars Likely Won't Steal Your Job (­ntil 2040)

The self-driving robots are coming to transform your job. Kind of. Also, very slowly.

Teaching Robots How to Move Objects
From ACM Careers

Teaching Robots How to Move Objects

Amazon Robotics Challenge winner Maria Bauza helps to improve how robots interact with the world.

Squashing Cyberbullying
From ACM Careers

Squashing Cyberbullying

Researchers at University of Colorado Boulder use computing tools to scan social media data and alert administrators or parents when abuse has occurred.

On A Mission To Build The ­ncrashable Car
From ACM Careers

On A Mission To Build The ­ncrashable Car

Ryan Eustice and his team at the Toyota Research Institute are using artificial intelligence technologies to develop a car incapable of causing accidents.

The ­-2 Spy Plane Is Still Flying Combat Missions 60 Years After Its Debut
From ACM News

The ­-2 Spy Plane Is Still Flying Combat Missions 60 Years After Its Debut

Six decades after the U-2 flew its first mission, the military is trying to harness artificial-intelligence technology to enhance the venerable spy plane's combat...

Drone Cops Take Flight in Los Angeles
From ACM Careers

Drone Cops Take Flight in Los Angeles

The machine hovered above us, at the edge of a cloud of yellow smoke billowing into the sky from a mock hazardous-waste spill.

Apple's Plans to Bring Artificial Intelligence to Your Phone
From ACM Careers

Apple's Plans to Bring Artificial Intelligence to Your Phone

Apple describes its mobile devices as designed in California and assembled in China.

Ted Dabney, a Founder of Atari and a Creator of Pong, Dies at 81
From ACM Careers

Ted Dabney, a Founder of Atari and a Creator of Pong, Dies at 81

Samuel F. Dabney, an electrical engineer who laid the groundwork for the modern video game industry as a co-founder of Atari and helped create the hit console game...

The Importance of Teaching Robots to Hug
From ACM Opinion

The Importance of Teaching Robots to Hug

Hugs make us feel warm and safe and comforted and loved.

The Psychosocial Toll of Our Increasingly Online Lives
From ACM Careers

The Psychosocial Toll of Our Increasingly Online Lives

As people become more dependent on computer technologies, their physical, mental, and social health may suffer, says UNLV sociologist Simon Gottschalk.

Demystifying the Future of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
From ACM Careers

Demystifying the Future of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

Researchers at Argonne National Laboratory are using advanced modeling and simulation tools to understand how connected and autonomous vehicles could affect transportation...

Google to Drop Pentagon AI Contract After Employee Objections to the 'Business of War'
From ACM Careers

Google to Drop Pentagon AI Contract After Employee Objections to the 'Business of War'

Google will not seek to extend its contract next year with the Defense Department for artificial intelligence used to analyze drone video, squashing a controversial...

Wireless System Can Power Devices Inside the Body
From ACM Careers

Wireless System Can Power Devices Inside the Body

MIT researchers, working with scientists from Brigham and Women's Hospital, have developed a new way to power and communicate with devices implanted deep within...

­SB-IF Publishes HID Standard for Braille Displays
From ACM Careers

­SB-IF Publishes HID Standard for Braille Displays

USB Implementers Forum has released a new standard for braille displays to improve accessibility for blind or low-vision users across different operating systems...

Teaching Chores To An Artificial Agent
From ACM Careers

Teaching Chores To An Artificial Agent

Researchers will demonstrate a system that can simulate detailed household tasks and then have artificial "agents" execute them, opening up the possibility of one...
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