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Google Really Is Trying to Build a Censored Chinese Search Engine, Its CEO Confirms
From ACM Careers

Google Really Is Trying to Build a Censored Chinese Search Engine, Its CEO Confirms

Google on Monday finally confirmed a secretive project that's been fueling an employee-led backlash for weeks at the company: an effort to build a version of its...

M.I.T. Plans College for Artificial Intelligence, Backed by $1 Billion
From ACM Careers

M.I.T. Plans College for Artificial Intelligence, Backed by $1 Billion

Every major university is wrestling with how to adapt to the technology wave of artificial intelligence—how to prepare students not only to harness the powerful...

The 50 Most Influential Living Computer Scientists
From ACM Careers

The 50 Most Influential Living Computer Scientists compiled a list of 50 mathematicians, logicians, and computer scientists who did most of the scientific spadework that laid the foundations for...

Eating With Your Eyes: Virtual Reality Can Alter Taste
From ACM Careers

Eating With Your Eyes: Virtual Reality Can Alter Taste

Cornell food scientists used virtual reality to show how people's perception of real food can be altered by their surroundings, according to research published...

Stringent Password Policies Help Prevent Fraud, Study Finds
From ACM Careers

Stringent Password Policies Help Prevent Fraud, Study Finds

Longer minimum passwords are the most effective way to prevent password reuse and reduce potential exposure in a third-party data breach.

Backscatter Method Allows 3D-Printed Objects to Communicate Their ­sage Wirelessly
From ACM Careers

Backscatter Method Allows 3D-Printed Objects to Communicate Their ­sage Wirelessly

Researchers at the University of Washington have developed 3-D printed assistive technology that can track and store their use—without using batteries or electronics...

Students Develop Technology to Prevent Road Accidents
From ACM Careers

Students Develop Technology to Prevent Road Accidents

Students at UPES in New Delhi have developed a sleep detector device that issues an alarm to alert inattentive drivers.

Supercomputing for Better Commuting
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Supercomputing for Better Commuting

ORNL and GridSmart Technologies are using high performance computing to improve fuel economy, reduce emissions, and facilitate the smooth flow of traffic.

60 Years of DARPA's Favorite Toys
From ACM News

60 Years of DARPA's Favorite Toys

This year, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) turned 60. To celebrate, DARPA held a conference in Washington, D.C. One of the highlights...

Empowering Communities Through Computer Science
From ACM Careers

Empowering Communities Through Computer Science

A team of researchers at Northwestern University's Delta Lab work to design more inclusive educational technologies.

To Find China's Best Driverless Technology, Look in Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

To Find China's Best Driverless Technology, Look in Silicon Valley

China's homegrown search giant, much like its U.S. counterpart, has a division focused entirely on driverless vehicles. And just like its rival, Google-born Waymo...

Germany's Self-Driving Streetcar Puts Autonomous Tech on Track
From ACM Careers

Germany's Self-Driving Streetcar Puts Autonomous Tech on Track

Of the many acronyms engineers spend their lives internalizing, few are more valuable than KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid. Constrain the problem, reduce the variables...

Most Preschool Educational Apps Not Designed to Help Children Learn, Study Finds
From ACM Careers

Most Preschool Educational Apps Not Designed to Help Children Learn, Study Finds

Most literacy and math educational apps for preschoolers incorporate few evidence-based features that align with best practices for teaching, a UCI study says. ...

JAXA Wants Telepresence Robots for In-Space Construction and Exploration
From ACM News

JAXA Wants Telepresence Robots for In-Space Construction and Exploration

Last Monday, we covered the new, updated, and way way better guidelines for the ANA Avatar XPRIZE.

In 1968, Computers Got Personal: How the 'Mother of All Demos' Changed the World
From ACM Opinion

In 1968, Computers Got Personal: How the 'Mother of All Demos' Changed the World

On a crisp California afternoon in early December 1968, a square-jawed, mild-mannered Stanford researcher named Douglas Engelbart took the stage at San Francisco's...

Luis von Ahn Awarded $500,000 Lemelson-MIT Prize
From ACM Careers

Luis von Ahn Awarded $500,000 Lemelson-MIT Prize

Luis von Ahn, consulting professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University and CEO of Duolingo, is the winner of the 2018 $500,000 Lemelson-MIT Prize...

AI Aimed at Making Life Easier Poses Dangerous Threat
From ACM Careers

AI Aimed at Making Life Easier Poses Dangerous Threat

Wouldn't it be great if your smartphone could call your hairdresser and book an appointment, or haggle with your favorite restaurant for dinner reservations?

Some Internet ­se Compensates for Other Interpersonal Issues
From ACM Careers

Some Internet ­se Compensates for Other Interpersonal Issues

People who are lonely, depressed, and socially anxious are more likely to have problems with their Internet use.

How Will Google's Innovation Continue Beyond Its 20th Year?
From ACM Opinion

How Will Google's Innovation Continue Beyond Its 20th Year?

As millions of people came online in the late 1990s they needed help figuring out what each webpage was about, and how to find what they were looking for.

Hearing Aids Are Finally Entering the 21st Century
From ACM Careers

Hearing Aids Are Finally Entering the 21st Century

Most people probably associate three things with hearing aids: an elderly demographic, beige plastic construction and high-pitched feedback in public places.
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