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Video Games Are Now So Beautiful Players Are Spending Hours Framing Stunning Works of Internet Art
From ACM Careers

Video Games Are Now So Beautiful Players Are Spending Hours Framing Stunning Works of Internet Art

To capture the perfect lighting, Rasmus Furbo directed Spider-Man to crouch on top of a queen-size bed.

How Will We Outsmart A.I. Liars?
From ACM Opinion

How Will We Outsmart A.I. Liars?

During the summer before the 2016 presidential election, John Seymour and Philip Tully, two researchers with ZeroFOX, a security company in Baltimore, unveiled...

The Ingredients Powering the DOD's New Nonlethal Weapons
From ACM Careers

The Ingredients Powering the DOD's New Nonlethal Weapons

We may never know whether Cuba attacked American diplomats with microwave weapons—but we do know similar devices exist.

Retailers Partnering With Silicon Valley to Lure Holiday Shoppers Into Stores
From ACM Careers

Retailers Partnering With Silicon Valley to Lure Holiday Shoppers Into Stores

Some traditional retailers are partnering with Silicon Valley tech companies to create strategies that they hope will draw consumers into stores during the holiday...

This Company Is Helping Build China's Panopticon. It Won't Stop There 
From ACM Careers

This Company Is Helping Build China's Panopticon. It Won't Stop There 

The lobby of SenseTime's Beijing office makes you feel a bit like you've stumbled into a Philip K. Dick novel.

AI Summit Addresses Impact of Technology on Jobs and Global Economy
From ACM Careers

AI Summit Addresses Impact of Technology on Jobs and Global Economy

Advances in artificial intelligence will not lead to optimal outcomes on their own, said speakers at the second annual summit on "AI and the Future of Work."

STEM Firms to Run ­.K. National Center for Computing Education
From ACM TechNews

STEM Firms to Run ­.K. National Center for Computing Education

U.K. companies in the science, technology, engineering, and math sectors will work together to create and lead a U.K. National Center for Computing Education.

France to 'Embed' Regulators at Facebook in Fight Against Hate Speech
From ACM Careers

France to 'Embed' Regulators at Facebook in Fight Against Hate Speech

In the first move of its kind, Facebook will allow a small number of French regulators to "embed" inside the company and examine how the social media giant combats...

Samsung Is Building Software to Control Your TV with Your Brain
From ACM Careers

Samsung Is Building Software to Control Your TV with Your Brain

Samsung has created smart TV software you can control with your brainwaves.

In the Age of A.I., Is Seeing Still Believing?
From ACM News

In the Age of A.I., Is Seeing Still Believing?

In 2011, Hany Farid, a photo-forensics expert, received an e-mail from a bereaved father.

English Has the Scientific Edge, for Now 
From ACM News

English Has the Scientific Edge, for Now 

For centuries, science was a multilingual affair, powered by French, German, English and other tongues. But since the early 1970s, English has become the undisputed...

Imperial College To Offer Live Lectures Via Hologram
From ACM Careers

Imperial College To Offer Live Lectures Via Hologram

Students at Imperial College Business School will have access to live lectures delivered via hologram during the current 2018/19 academic year.

A New Study Finds Potentially Manipulative Ads in Apps for Preschoolers
From ACM Careers

A New Study Finds Potentially Manipulative Ads in Apps for Preschoolers

Apps marketed to children 5 and younger deploy potentially manipulating tactics to deliver ads to children, raising questions about the ethics of child software...

Prepping for a Flood of Heavenly Bodies
From ACM Opinion

Prepping for a Flood of Heavenly Bodies

This is a story of getting the good out of the bad, said Mario Jurić.

RV Mobile Lab Broadens the Pool of Research Participants
From ACM Careers

RV Mobile Lab Broadens the Pool of Research Participants

A New York City-based mobile communication lab is enabling researchers to diversify their pool of study participants to include those rarely surveyed and hardest...

Europe and ­S Lock Horns on Transatlantic Privacy
From ACM News

Europe and ­S Lock Horns on Transatlantic Privacy

Europe's effort to export its tough privacy rules around the world is about to run into a wall of U.S. resistance.

Shaken by Hype, Self-Driving Leaders Adopt New Strategy: Shutting ­p
From ACM Careers

Shaken by Hype, Self-Driving Leaders Adopt New Strategy: Shutting ­p

Three former executives at Google, Tesla and Uber who once raced to be the first to develop self-driving cars have adopted a new strategy: Slow down. And shut up...

New Data Science Method Makes Charts Easier to Read at a Glance
From ACM Careers

New Data Science Method Makes Charts Easier to Read at a Glance

The "Pixel Approximate Entropy" technique, which provides a score to quantify the visual complexity of difficult charts, could help users in emergency settings...

In Facebook's Effort to Fight Fake News, Human Fact-Checkers Struggle to Keep ­p
From ACM Careers

In Facebook's Effort to Fight Fake News, Human Fact-Checkers Struggle to Keep ­p

At Facebook Inc. headquarters in Silicon Valley this week, engineers and researchers huddled around computers in a newly configured "war room" to fight misinformation...

Grant to Increase ­TA Doctoral Students in Computer Science and Engineering
From ACM Careers

Grant to Increase ­TA Doctoral Students in Computer Science and Engineering

Professor Ishfaq Ahmad has received a $1.2 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education that will significantly increase the number of Ph.D. students in...
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