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'The Goal Is to Automate ­s': Welcome to the Age of Surveillance Capitalism
From ACM Opinion

'The Goal Is to Automate ­s': Welcome to the Age of Surveillance Capitalism

We're living through the most profound transformation in our information environment since Johannes Gutenberg's invention of printing in circa 1439.

Technology ­se Has 'Tiny' Association With Adolescent Well-Being
From ACM Careers

Technology ­se Has 'Tiny' Association With Adolescent Well-Being

A study of 300,000 adolescents and parents in the UK and USA shows that use of technology has less of a negative affect on adolescent mental health than wearing...

What the Future of Work Means for Cities
From ACM Opinion

What the Future of Work Means for Cities

Two weeks ago, MIT's David Autor gave the prestigious Richard T. Ely lecture at the annual meeting of American economists in Atlanta. Introduced by the former chair...

To Cover China, There's No Substitute for WeChat
From ACM Opinion

To Cover China, There's No Substitute for WeChat

How do New York Times journalists use technology in their jobs and in their personal lives? Li Yuan, a technology columnist in Hong Kong, discussed the tech she's...

Etch a Sketch Lives On in Browser-Based Chrome Labs Project
From ACM Opinion

Etch a Sketch Lives On in Browser-Based Chrome Labs Project

Everyone who remembers the Etch A Sketch slabs of yesteryear remembers how difficult it was to translate your vision onto its "magic screen," and how proud youWeb...

Tech Skills in Most Demand This Year: Data, Cloud, Cybersecurity
From ACM TechNews

Tech Skills in Most Demand This Year: Data, Cloud, Cybersecurity

A global recruiting firm predicts 68% of information technology employers will increase full-time IT hiring this year, while 53% will increase their use of consultants...

In Memory of Lawrence Roberts
From ACM Opinion

In Memory of Lawrence Roberts


Overlooked No More: Karen Sparck Jones, Who Established the Basis for Search Engines
From ACM Careers

Overlooked No More: Karen Sparck Jones, Who Established the Basis for Search Engines

When most scientists were trying to make people use code to talk to computers, Karen Sparck Jones taught computers to understand human language instead.

Don't Fear the Robot Overlords; Embrace Them as Coworkers
From ACM Opinion

Don't Fear the Robot Overlords; Embrace Them as Coworkers

In a chilly warehouse just outside of Boston, the brute toils away. It's 600 pounds of orange and black metal and whirring motors, a massive robotic arm that picks...

One Giant Step for a Chess-Playing Machine
From ACM News

One Giant Step for a Chess-Playing Machine

In early December, researchers at DeepMind, the artificial-intelligence company owned by Google's parent corporation, Alphabet Inc., filed a dispatch from the frontiers...

Josh Tenenbaum Named Innovator of the Year by R&D Magazine
From ACM Careers

Josh Tenenbaum Named Innovator of the Year by R&D Magazine

Josh Tenenbaum, a professor of computational cognitive science at MIT, was named 2018 Innovator of the Year by R&D Magazine.

How a Personality Trait Puts You at Risk for Cybercrime
From ACM Careers

How a Personality Trait Puts You at Risk for Cybercrime

Impulse online shopping, downloading music, and compulsive email use are all signs of low self control that make a person a target for malware attacks.

The Robots Have Descended on Trump Country
From ACM Opinion

The Robots Have Descended on Trump Country

The growing use of work robots and the deployment of artificial intelligence have been most disruptive in just those areas of the country that provided President...

Researchers Create Sensor Package That Can Ride Aboard a Bumblebee
From ACM Careers

Researchers Create Sensor Package That Can Ride Aboard a Bumblebee

Researchers at the University of Washington have created a sensor package that is small enough to ride aboard a bumblebee.

2018 ACM Fellows Honored for Achievements that ­nderpin the Digital Age
From ACM Careers

2018 ACM Fellows Honored for Achievements that ­nderpin the Digital Age

ACM named 56 members as 2018 ACM Fellows for their significant contributions in areas including computer architecture, mobile networks, robotics, and systems security...

An Inside Look at Apple's Biggest Step Yet in Health Care
From ACM Careers

An Inside Look at Apple's Biggest Step Yet in Health Care

Captain America and Black Panther were about to defend Earth from the villain Thanos when Kevin Foley first noticed something was wrong.

More Than an Auto-Pilot, AI Charts Its Course in Aviation
From ACM News

More Than an Auto-Pilot, AI Charts Its Course in Aviation

Ask anyone what they think of when the words "artificial intelligence" and aviation are combined, and it's likely the first things they'll mention are drones.

Dress Measures How Many Times the Wearer Was Groped
From ACM Careers

Dress Measures How Many Times the Wearer Was Groped

The Dress For Respect, a garment for the #MeToo era, has sensors sewn in that measure where on the body, and when, the wearer is touched.

You Will Be Replaced. Here's How
From ACM News

You Will Be Replaced. Here's How

Route 9 skims by Boston and cuts clear across Massachusetts to Pittsfield, a city of roughly 50,000, the largest in Berkshire County.

How Cheap Labor Drives China's A.I. Ambitions
From ACM Careers

How Cheap Labor Drives China's A.I. Ambitions

Some of the most critical work in advancing China's technology goals takes place in a former cement factory in the middle of the country's heartland, far from the...
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