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It Jobs: More Vacancies Than Applicants
From ACM CareerNews

It Jobs: More Vacancies Than Applicants

According to industry body e-Skills UK, the number of advertised IT jobs is now slightly greater than the number of people looking for work in the sector. That...

From ACM Careers

Compassion, Not Sanctions, Is Best Response to Workplace Anger

Challenging traditional views of workplace anger, a new article in the journal Human Relations suggests that even intense emotional outbursts can lead to an improved...

Communication Skills More Important Than Technical Know-How For It Jobs, Say It Graduates
From ACM CareerNews

Communication Skills More Important Than Technical Know-How For It Jobs, Say It Graduates

Most IT graduates think technical skills are the least important qualification for IT jobs, according to a survey of students conducted by CA Technologies. Forty...

From ACM CareerNews

Women Working to Expand in Tech Industry

From coders to venture capitalists, women remain a small minority in most tech-related businesses. In fact, of the 20 leading occupations of employed women surveyed...

From ACM TechNews

Tech Sector Faces 'Serious and Pervasive' Skills Shortage

Canadian companies will need to hire about 106,000 new information and communications technology employees over the next five years, but there likely will not be...

Math Meets Music
From ACM Careers

Math Meets Music

Geometry is the force that shapes both the sound of music and the novel research of Florida State University composer-theorist Clifton Callender, whose work explores...

From ACM CareerNews

Prepare for Talent Wars

As the result of an intensifying war for IT talent, hiring managers and recruiters are watching carefully to make sure their own most valued employees aren't about...

It Professionals Can Have Great Careers at Suppliers
From ACM CareerNews

It Professionals Can Have Great Careers at Suppliers

With thousands IT workers out of work in the UK and recent graduates finding it difficult to get their careers off the ground, the IT services sector is emerging...

Techdom's Talent Poaching Epidemic
From ACM CareerNews

Techdom's Talent Poaching Epidemic

Competition for IT talent is fierce as the economy rebounds, with tech companies  battling over the engineers, designers, computer scientists, and executives who...

From ACM CareerNews

Why Silicon Valley Immigrant Entrepreneurs Are Returning Home

Visa issues are forcing talented immigrant entrepreneurs to return to their home countries rather than stay in Silicon Valley. Instead of creating hundreds of jobs...

From ACM CareerNews

Stack Exchange Launches Programmer Recruiting Site

Stack Exchange, the company behind the Stack Overflow site for programmers, has unveiled a new jobs board for developers. The Careers 2.0 board helps hiring managers...

Five Reasons Why Your Online Presence Will Replace Your Resume in 10 Years
From ACM CareerNews

Five Reasons Why Your Online Presence Will Replace Your Resume in 10 Years

As more recruiters use the Web as a place to search for talent and conduct employment background searches, having an online presence is almost a prerequisite. More...

Higher Job Performance Linked to People Who are More Honest and Humble
From ACM Careers

Higher Job Performance Linked to People Who are More Honest and Humble

A Baylor University study shows that the combination of honesty and humility was a unique predictor of high job performance in a worker, and a better predictor...

What Challenges Face Women in Is Workplace? Answer Depends on Gender
From ACM Careers

What Challenges Face Women in Is Workplace? Answer Depends on Gender

Researchers uncovered a serious gender gap in how male and female managers in the information systems field think about the challenges women in the profession face...

Labor Shortage Persists in Some Fields
From ACM CareerNews

Labor Shortage Persists in Some Fields

Despite the still-high unemployment figures around the country, many tech companies are unable to find suitable candidates to fill their new openings. Many companies...

From ACM TechNews

'rural Sourcing' Offers Way to Keep Jobs at Home

Rural Sourcing Inc. represents a growing trend that is helping to keep information technology jobs in the United States by locating them in smaller cities instead...

From ACM CareerNews

How to Get What You Want at Work

The best way to get what you want at work in terms of a new position or job responsibility is a tactic known as incremental negotiating, whereby you signal your...

Rise in Social Media Jobs Means Opportunity
From ACM CareerNews

Rise in Social Media Jobs Means Opportunity

One bright trend in the 2011 technology jobs market is the sharp increase in the number of social media jobs. According to, three times as many jobs...

Technology Helps Female Researchers More Than Males, Study Finds
From ACM Careers

Technology Helps Female Researchers More Than Males, Study Finds

Access to information technology benefits female research scientists more than their male counterparts, increasing research productivity and collaboration, according...

From ACM TechNews

Battle For Tech Geeks: Street vs. Silicon Valley

Wall Street firms are aggressively competing with Silicon Valley for computer programmers and software engineers by offering more laid-back office environments,...
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