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The Feedback Gap
From ACM CareerNews

The Feedback Gap

A recent survey found that many managers dislike giving feedback, and when they do it is often less than effective. Fewer than half of surveyed employees receive...

IT Pay Creeps ­p After Two-Year Downward Spiral
From ACM CareerNews

IT Pay Creeps ­p After Two-Year Downward Spiral

After two years of pay cuts and downward pressure on wages, IT salaries are once again on the rise, driven by demand for contract and permanent IT staff. Demand...

Facebook Can Serve as Personality Test
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Can Serve as Personality Test

Facebook pages can provide personality profiles for prospective employees, according to researchers at the University of Maryland, who surveyed the public profiles...

Bringing Them Back
From ACM TechNews

Bringing Them Back

The University of Washington's recent On-Ramps into Academia workshop aimed to encourage and coach talented and accomplished women in science and engineering to...

Five Things to Consider Before Joining a Startup
From ACM Careers

Five Things to Consider Before Joining a Startup

Job seekers who dream of joining a startup company should realize there are risks and should know the right questions to ask before making the leap, according to...

Getting Along with Co-Workers May Prolong Life
From ACM Careers

Getting Along with Co-Workers May Prolong Life

People who have a good peer support system at work may live longer than people who don't have such a support system, according research published by the American...

2011 Will Be Landmark Year For Hiring in India
From ACM CareerNews

2011 Will Be Landmark Year For Hiring in India

2011 is expected to be a significant year for tech hiring and job mobility in India as market visibility improves, global customers increase spending, and project...

A Graduation Gift For College Seniors: Jobs
From ACM Careers

A Graduation Gift For College Seniors: Jobs

Hamza Afzal had such a hard time finding an internship during the recession that he delayed his graduation, took pre-med classes, and applied to law school. This...

Dirty IT Jobs: Partners in Slime
From ACM Careers

Dirty IT Jobs: Partners in Slime

You think your job is bad? Remember, it could be worse. You ain't seen nothing until you've had to pick moldy food and cockroaches out of a dead PC or been asked...

'superjobs': Why You Work More, Enjoy It Less
From ACM Careers

'superjobs': Why You Work More, Enjoy It Less

Businesses expect a lot more out of their employees these days. In today's workplace, everyone does windows, and anyone who gripes about working too hard will...

Tweeting the Raid: Social Media, National Security and 'Eyes on the Ground'
From ACM Careers

Tweeting the Raid: Social Media, National Security and 'Eyes on the Ground'

Sohaib Athar's unwitting live-tweeting of the Bin Laden raid in Pakistan hours before it was publicly announced marks "the beginning of a new day," says Professor...

Watson Leader Among Eight New IBM Fellows
From ACM Careers

Watson Leader Among Eight New IBM Fellows

IBM has named eight new IBM Fellows, the company's most prestigious technical honor. David Ferrucci, the principal investigator of Watson — the computer system...

At ­w, Computer Science Degrees Rule Over Biotech Degrees
From ACM Careers

At ­w, Computer Science Degrees Rule Over Biotech Degrees

Graduates from the University of Washington with computer science degrees are finding high-paying jobs, but some graduates with degrees in biotech engineering...

Silicon Valley Experiencing New Hiring Boom
From ACM CareerNews

Silicon Valley Experiencing New Hiring Boom

Graduates with science and engineering degrees are about to enter the hottest Silicon Valley job market in a decade. Some recent grads are even turning down interview...

How Women Can Advance in Science and Technology
From ACM CareerNews

How Women Can Advance in Science and Technology

Women still face obstacles to career advancement within science and technology fields. But experts say there are a handful of effective solutions for overcoming...

Misleading Government Stats on It Employment
From ACM Opinion

Misleading Government Stats on It Employment

David Foote, CEO of IT workforce analyst firm Foote Partners, says that U.S. government statistics on IT employment are misleading because they do not track 16...

Building an Effective CIO Resume
From ACM CareerNews

Building an Effective CIO Resume

For experienced C-level IT executives, creating an effective technology leadership resume requires thinking about company-level contributions, rather than merely...

From ACM TechNews

Mentorship Key For Women in It, Says Collaborate Panel

A recent panel discussion at the Collaborate 11 Oracle user conference concluded that mentors and sponsors are crucial to helping women advance their careers in...

From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Enrollments Rebound, ­p 10% Last Fall

Computer science enrollments increased for the third consecutive year at Ph.D.-granting institutions, are up 10 percent from a year ago, but are still below the...

Location, Location, Location: Home Field Provides Advantage in Negotiations
From ACM Careers

Location, Location, Location: Home Field Provides Advantage in Negotiations

Planning to negotiate a raise? Try not to discuss it with the boss in his or her office, suggests a new study by an organizational behavior expert at Washington...
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