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Virtual Creatures in a Box, Controlled By You
From ACM Careers

Virtual Creatures in a Box, Controlled By You

A Canadian startup is working to make monsters, fish, and other creatures seem to come alive inside a tabletop box.

China Draft Counterterror Law Strikes Fear in Foreign Tech Firms
From ACM Careers

China Draft Counterterror Law Strikes Fear in Foreign Tech Firms

China is weighing a far-reaching counterterrorism law that would require technology firms to hand over encryption keys and install security "backdoors", a potential...

Why Big Tech Isn't Celebrating Its Big Victory on Net Neutrality
From ACM Careers

Why Big Tech Isn't Celebrating Its Big Victory on Net Neutrality

Not long ago, Google execs would have been popping champagne corks over today's big news from the Federal Communications Commission.

New Chip Lets Gadget Developers Build Mobile Apps Into Their Devices
From ACM Careers

New Chip Lets Gadget Developers Build Mobile Apps Into Their Devices

Two years ago, a small group of engineers from a company called RF Digital launched a Kickstarter campaign for the RFduino, a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 4.0-enabled...

Computer Scientist Fights Inefficiencies
From ACM Careers

Computer Scientist Fights Inefficiencies

MIT Senior Sheldon Trotman designs computer programs to streamline anything that catches his eye.

Frequency Filter Could Advance Terahertz Data Transmission
From ACM Careers

Frequency Filter Could Advance Terahertz Data Transmission

University of Utah engineers have designed filters capable of separating different frequencies in the terahertz spectrum, the next-generation communications bandwidth...

How Madden Ratings Are Made
From ACM Careers

How Madden Ratings Are Made

Hunched over a keyboard, surrounded by computer monitors, Donny Moore, 37, controls the fate of the National Football League.

Why the Fax Machine Isn't Quite Dead Yet
From ACM Careers

Why the Fax Machine Isn't Quite Dead Yet

When do you think the fax machine was invented?

Sony Opens Global Math Challenge to ­.s. Students
From ACM Careers

Sony Opens Global Math Challenge to ­.s. Students

Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc.'s Global Math Challenge will be available to students in the United States for the first time. The challenge will be held...

How the Military Will Fight Isis on the Dark Web
From ACM News

How the Military Will Fight Isis on the Dark Web

The Dark Web is not so much a place as it is a method of achieving a level of anonymity online.

Electrolyte Rids Batteries of Short-Circuiting Fibers
From ACM Careers

Electrolyte Rids Batteries of Short-Circuiting Fibers

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have developed a new electrolyte for lithium batteries that eliminates dendrites...

China Drops Leading Technology Brands For State Purchases
From ACM Careers

China Drops Leading Technology Brands For State Purchases

China has dropped some of the world's leading technology brands from its approved state purchase lists, while approving thousands more locally made products, in...

New Display Technology Lets Lcds Produce Princess Leia-Style Holograms
From ACM News

New Display Technology Lets Lcds Produce Princess Leia-Style Holograms

During a famous scene in Star Wars, Princess Leia has R2D2 play a holographic video message in midair in which she pleads for help from Obi-Wan Kenobi. In the near...

Why Digital Natives Prefer Reading in Print. Yes, You Read That Right.
From ACM Opinion

Why Digital Natives Prefer Reading in Print. Yes, You Read That Right.

Frank Schembari loves books—printed books.

Planetary Science: The Pluto Siblings
From ACM Careers

Planetary Science: The Pluto Siblings

In a spare conference room in Boulder, Colorado, planetary scientists Leslie and Eliot Young quiz a graduate student to prepare him for his upcoming exams.

Better Machine Learning
From ACM Careers

Better Machine Learning

Research scientist Kalyan Veeramachaneni is tackling some of the bottlenecks holding back the data science industry.

A Pebble in Apple's Shoe
From ACM Careers

A Pebble in Apple's Shoe

I made it a point to visit Eric Migicovsky on September 10, 2014. It was the day after the lavish event announcing the Apple Watch, the long-anticipated wrist computer...

The Plan to Find Alien Life in Europa's Icy Seas
From ACM News

The Plan to Find Alien Life in Europa's Icy Seas

How do you solve a problem like Europa?

Researchers' Software Bids to Develop World's Fastest Super Computers
From ACM Careers

Researchers' Software Bids to Develop World's Fastest Super Computers

Researchers at Queen's University Belfast are creating ground-breaking computer software which has the potential to develop some of the world's fastest super...

This Is Your Avatar Speaking
From ACM News

This Is Your Avatar Speaking

Last year, in a lab at the University of Barcelona, an anonymous woman was fitted with headphones, a microphone, a head-mounted virtual-reality display, a motion...
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