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Electronics You Can Wrap Around Your Finger
From ACM Careers

Electronics You Can Wrap Around Your Finger

Researchers from South Korea have taken a new step toward more bendable devices by manufacturing a thin film that keeps its useful electric and magnetic properties...

An Incubator For Innovation
From ACM Careers

An Incubator For Innovation

To halt climate change, the world desperately needs advances in clean energy.

Nanotech Pioneer Langer Wins Award By Thinking Small
From ACM Opinion

Nanotech Pioneer Langer Wins Award By Thinking Small

Bioengineer Robert Langer has spent his career looking for the next not-so-big thing.

The Attention Machine
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The Attention Machine

Human attention isn't stable, ever, and it costs us: lives lost when drivers space out, billions of dollars wasted on inefficient work, and mental disorders that...

Autonomous Vehicles: No Drivers Required
From ACM News

Autonomous Vehicles: No Drivers Required

This summer, people will cruise through the streets of Greenwich, U.K., in electric shuttles with no one's hands on the steering wheel—or any steering wheel at...

Scientists Target Smartphone Technology to Improve Hearing Devices
From ACM Careers

Scientists Target Smartphone Technology to Improve Hearing Devices

A UT Dallas team will use a $522,000, two-year grant from the National Institutes of Health to look into tapping the power of smartphones to boost the quality of...

Smartphone App Tracks Students' Class Attendance Automatically
From ACM Careers

Smartphone App Tracks Students' Class Attendance Automatically

A team of Missouri S&T researchers has developed an app that tracks classroom attendance using a smartphone camera.

Networks Reveal the Connections of Disease
From ACM News

Networks Reveal the Connections of Disease

Stefan Thurner is a physicist, not a biologist. But not long ago, the Austrian national health insurance clearinghouse asked Thurner and his colleagues at the Medical...

Bigger Is Not Better When It Comes to Lab Size
From ACM Careers

Bigger Is Not Better When It Comes to Lab Size

To publish the most papers, labs should ideally have 10 to 15 members, according to a much-discussed study in PeerJ PrePrints.

Tetris Creators Talk Virtual Reality, Touch Screens, History, E-Sports
From ACM Opinion

Tetris Creators Talk Virtual Reality, Touch Screens, History, E-Sports

As the second and final day of the 2015 DICE Summit came to a close, Alexey Pajitnov took the stage in a rare public appearance to talk frankly about the history...

Precision Growth of Light-Emitting Nanowires
From ACM Careers

Precision Growth of Light-Emitting Nanowires

A team at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has demonstrated that using metal-alloy catalysts can give more control over nanowire fabrication.

Could a Robot Have Written This Story? The Rise of the Robo-Journalist
From ACM News

Could a Robot Have Written This Story? The Rise of the Robo-Journalist

At large news agencies where speed is crucial, template-style stories have long been used for company results, allowing journalists to simply key in the relevant...

The Biggest Hole in the Fcc's New Internet Rules
From ACM Opinion

The Biggest Hole in the Fcc's New Internet Rules

The people clamoring for tough, new regulations for Internet service—everyone from net neutrality activists and a few blue-chip companies to President Obama and ...

 Human Insights Inspire Solutions for Household Robots
From ACM Careers

Human Insights Inspire Solutions for Household Robots

New algorithms designed by researchers at UC Berkeley and UMass allow a robot to do laundry without any specific knowledge of what it has to wash.

Cyber Security Experts Make Virtual Lab Available For Classrooms, Competitions
From ACM Careers

Cyber Security Experts Make Virtual Lab Available For Classrooms, Competitions

With NSF support, Iowa State University is making a version of ISEAGE (the Internet-Scale Event and Attack Generation Environment) software technology available...

British Army Creates Team of Facebook Warriors
From ACM News

British Army Creates Team of Facebook Warriors

The British army is creating a special force of Facebook warriors, skilled in psychological operations and use of social media to engage in unconventional warfare...

Andreessen Horowitz Taps Into Thriving World of Programmers
From ACM Careers

Andreessen Horowitz Taps Into Thriving World of Programmers

With its recent investment in Stack Exchange, venture firm Andreessen Horowitz now counts three significant companies in its portfolio that serve the broad and...

Programming: Pick ­p Python
From ACM Careers

Programming: Pick ­p Python

Last month, Adina Howe took up a post at Iowa State University in Ames. Officially, she is an assistant professor of agricultural and biosystems engineering.

Machine Learning Offers Insights Into Evolution, Researchers Find
From ACM Careers

Machine Learning Offers Insights Into Evolution, Researchers Find

Computers are able to use monkey facial patterns to correctly identify and distinguish individuals within species. The findings suggest that machine learning can...

Intellectual Privacy Vital to Life in the Digital Age
From ACM Careers

Intellectual Privacy Vital to Life in the Digital Age

Privacy law expert Neil M. Richards argues in a new book that digital technologies should give more attention to the important human values that required hard fights...
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