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Child Abuse Algorithms: From Science Fiction to Cost-Cutting Reality
From ACM Careers

Child Abuse Algorithms: From Science Fiction to Cost-Cutting Reality

Could a computer program flag a problem family, identify a potential victim, and help prevent future incidents of child abuse?

China Calls for Borderless Research to Promote AI Development
From ACM Careers

China Calls for Borderless Research to Promote AI Development

A little more than a year ago, China released an aggressive plan to become the world's leading artificial intelligence player. But with its technological dependence...

What Worries People about Future Science and Tech Innovations?
From ACM Opinion

What Worries People about Future Science and Tech Innovations?

Many Americans see the future crowding into the present and some of the innovations ahead unnerve them, especially as they reshape ideas about human dominion.

Intel Execs Address the AI Talent Shortage, AI Education, and the 'Cool' Factor 
From ACM Opinion

Intel Execs Address the AI Talent Shortage, AI Education, and the 'Cool' Factor 

Last week, I sat down with Intel's Gadi Singer, vice president and general manager of artificial intelligence architecture, and Chris Rice, head of AI talent acquisition...

AI Aimed at Making Life Easier Poses Dangerous Threat
From ACM Careers

AI Aimed at Making Life Easier Poses Dangerous Threat

Wouldn't it be great if your smartphone could call your hairdresser and book an appointment, or haggle with your favorite restaurant for dinner reservations?

Researcher to Help Develop 'Human-Like' Control System
From ACM Careers

Researcher to Help Develop 'Human-Like' Control System

Zhen Ni will use a $261,503 NSF grant to develop algorithms for an adaptive dynamic programming-based learning control framework to be integrated into space robot...

How AI Technology Can Tame the Scientific Literature
From ACM Careers

How AI Technology Can Tame the Scientific Literature

AI-based tools can offer a penetrating view of scientific literature, computationally taming the vast flood of scholarly papers published at a rate of 1 million...

Robots Can Now Pick ­p Any Object After Inspecting It
From ACM Careers

Robots Can Now Pick ­p Any Object After Inspecting It

A system developed at MIT CSAIL can recognize specific objects it has never seen before.

Harnessing Deep Learning to Better ­nderstand the ­niverse
From ACM Careers

Harnessing Deep Learning to Better ­nderstand the ­niverse

A collaboration between NERSC, Intel, and Cray has yielded CosmoFlow, a highly scalable deep learning application built on top of the TensorFlow framework.

Decoding Data to Predict Landslides
From ACM Careers

Decoding Data to Predict Landslides

A software tool developed by researchers at the University of Melbourne uses applied mathematics and big data analytics to predict the location of a landslide two...

Self-Driving Technology Threatens Nearly 300,000 Trucking Jobs, Report Says
From ACM Careers

Self-Driving Technology Threatens Nearly 300,000 Trucking Jobs, Report Says

Autonomous driving technology could replace some 294,000 long-distance truck drivers over the next 25 years, a lighter impact than some have predicted but one that...

Britain Faces an AI Brain Drain as Tech Giants Raid Top ­niversities
From ACM Careers

Britain Faces an AI Brain Drain as Tech Giants Raid Top ­niversities

Britain faces an artificial intelligence "brain drain" as Silicon Valley raids its top universities for talent.

Are We Ready for the Future of Warfare?
From ACM Opinion

Are We Ready for the Future of Warfare?

Warfare has always been about exerting political will.

AI-Human Partnerships Tackle 'Fake News'
From ACM News

AI-Human Partnerships Tackle 'Fake News'

During the 2016 U.S. presidential election, inaccurate and misleading articles burned through social networks.

Artificial Intelligence Is Now a Pentagon Priority. Will Silicon Valley Help?
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Is Now a Pentagon Priority. Will Silicon Valley Help?

In a May memo to President Trump, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis implored him to create a national strategy for artificial intelligence.

What Went Wrong With IBM's Watson
From ACM Opinion

What Went Wrong With IBM's Watson

What if artificial intelligence can't cure cancer after all?

How AI Can Spot Exam Cheats and Raise Standards
From ACM Careers

How AI Can Spot Exam Cheats and Raise Standards

Technology is coming into the exam hall. A Coursera system takes images of students and verifies their identities. Plagiarism detectors scan essays to identify...

More Workers Might Not Mean More Work Gets Done, Study Shows
From ACM Careers

More Workers Might Not Mean More Work Gets Done, Study Shows

For ants and robots operating in confined spaces like tunnels, having more workers does not necessarily mean getting more work done.

Replacing Your Boss With a Cruel Robot Could Make You Concentrate More
From ACM TechNews

Replacing Your Boss With a Cruel Robot Could Make You Concentrate More

A mean robot could motivate human employees to improve their cognitive performance, compared to supervision by a friendly robot or no robot supervision, researchers...

AI Is the Future–But Where Are the Women?
From ACM Careers

AI Is the Future–But Where Are the Women?

The numbers of men and women who had contributed work at three top machine learning conferences in 2017 suggest the group supposedly charting society's future is...
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