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To Get Ready for Robot Driving, Some Want to Reprogram Pedestrians
From ACM News

To Get Ready for Robot Driving, Some Want to Reprogram Pedestrians

You're crossing the street wrong.

Robots Will Never Replace Teachers But Can Boost Children's Education
From ACM Careers

Robots Will Never Replace Teachers But Can Boost Children's Education

Researchers say current technical limitations mean that robots' role will largely be confined to that of teaching assistants or tutors.

To Win the AI Race, We Need More Humans
From ACM Opinion

To Win the AI Race, We Need More Humans

The United States is trying to develop a national strategy on artificial intelligence (AI) but is ignoring its single greatest advantage: many of the world's brightest...

Deep Learning Stretches ­p to Scientific Supercomputers
From ACM Careers

Deep Learning Stretches ­p to Scientific Supercomputers

A team from Intel, NERSC, and Stanford developed a 15-petaflop deep-learning system and demonstrated its ability to handle large data sets via test runs on the...

Why AI Researchers Shouldn't Turn Their Backs on the Military
From ACM Opinion

Why AI Researchers Shouldn't Turn Their Backs on the Military

More than 2,400 AI researchers recently signed a pledge promising not to build so-called autonomous weapons—systems that would decide on their own whom to kill....

Why Automation Is Creating a Bigger Need for Humans In the Tech Sector
From ACM Careers

Why Automation Is Creating a Bigger Need for Humans In the Tech Sector

Even as automation displaces more human workers, CEOs and hiring managers at tech companies are seeking a workforce heavy on something robots don't have.

Artificial Intelligence Is Coming for Hiring, and It Might Not Be That Bad
From ACM Careers

Artificial Intelligence Is Coming for Hiring, and It Might Not Be That Bad

AI is a step up from the notoriously biased recruiting process, advocates say.

Engineers Taught a Drone to Herd Birds Away From Airports
From ACM Careers

Engineers Taught a Drone to Herd Birds Away From Airports

Engineers at Caltech have developed a control algorithm that enables a single drone to herd an entire flock of birds away from the airspace of an airport.

AI Can Help Write Wikipedia Pages for Overlooked Scientists
From ACM Careers

AI Can Help Write Wikipedia Pages for Overlooked Scientists

Quicksilver AI software discovers scientists who should have Wikipedia articles about them and writes a first draft.

Programmers Need Ethics When Designing the Technologies that Influence People's Lives
From ACM Opinion

Programmers Need Ethics When Designing the Technologies that Influence People's Lives

Computing professionals are on the front lines of almost every aspect of the modern world.

AI Can Now Tell Your Boss What Skills You Lack – And How You Can Get Them
From ACM Careers

AI Can Now Tell Your Boss What Skills You Lack – And How You Can Get Them

Coursera has unveiled a machine learning tool that shows companies what skills their employees are acquiring from its classes and their level of expertise.

Startup JITX ­ses AI to Automate Complex Circuit Board Design
From ACM Opinion

Startup JITX ­ses AI to Automate Complex Circuit Board Design

While anyone can learn how to design a circuit board, it takes a skilled engineer to design a circuit board that is both well optimized and unlikely to melt, explode...

Engineer to Explore Impact of Social Robots and AI in Higher Education
From ACM Careers

Engineer to Explore Impact of Social Robots and AI in Higher Education

Alan Wagner of Penn State is investigating how social, artificially intelligent robots in higher education can foster and enforce ethical behavior and academic...

Particle Physicists Team ­p With AI to Solve Toughest Science Problems
From ACM Careers

Particle Physicists Team ­p With AI to Solve Toughest Science Problems

Researchers from around the world increasingly use machine learning to handle Big Data produced in modern experiments and to study some of the most fundamental...

Facebook Identifies an Active Political Influence Campaign ­sing Fake Accounts
From ACM News

Facebook Identifies an Active Political Influence Campaign ­sing Fake Accounts

Facebook said on Tuesday that it had identified a political influence campaign that was potentially built to disrupt the midterm elections, with the company ...

How Robot Hands Are Evolving to Do What Ours Can
From ACM News

How Robot Hands Are Evolving to Do What Ours Can

A robotic hand? Four autonomous fingers and a thumb that can do anything your own flesh and blood can do? That is still the stuff of fantasy.

Scientists ­se Computer Vision and Machine Learning to Predict Plant Growth
From ACM Careers

Scientists ­se Computer Vision and Machine Learning to Predict Plant Growth

Scientists from the Skoltech Institute of Science and Technology have developed a 2-D/3-D scanning system with the intelligent data processing mechanism which helps...

The Ethics of Computer Science: This Researcher Has a Controversial Proposal
From ACM Opinion

The Ethics of Computer Science: This Researcher Has a Controversial Proposal

In the midst of growing public concern over artificial intelligence (AI), privacy and the use of data, Brent Hecht has a controversial proposal: the computer-science...

Helping Computers Perceive Human Emotions
From ACM Careers

Helping Computers Perceive Human Emotions

MIT Media Lab researchers have developed a machine-learning model that takes computers a step closer to interpreting human emotions as naturally as people do.

China's AI Focus Will Leave U.S. in the Dust, Professor Says
From ACM Careers

China's AI Focus Will Leave U.S. in the Dust, Professor Says

China is leading the global race for supremacy in artificial intelligence and financial technologies, says Tsinghua University Professor Steven White.
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