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At Israel's Mit, Arab Women (and Men) Are Suddenly Thriving
From ACM Careers

At Israel's Mit, Arab Women (and Men) Are Suddenly Thriving

Here's a little-told success story: Israeli Arabs, women in particular, have made huge strides over the past decade at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology...

A Googler's Quest to Teach Machines How to ­nderstand Emotions
From ACM Careers

A Googler's Quest to Teach Machines How to ­nderstand Emotions

Quoc Le sees the world as a series of numbers.

Studies Look at Long-Term Aging of Electronics in Nuclear Weapons
From ACM Careers

Studies Look at Long-Term Aging of Electronics in Nuclear Weapons

Sandia National Laboratories is studying how environments, including radiation that originates from a nuclear weapon itself, could affect the performance of electronics...

National Lab Researchers Awarded Time on Top Computers
From ACM Careers

National Lab Researchers Awarded Time on Top Computers

As part of the INCITE program, eight Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researchers have been awarded nearly 800 million core hours on two of America's fastest...

Physics: Quantum Computer Quest
From ACM News

Physics: Quantum Computer Quest

When asked what he likes best about working for Google, physicist John Martinis does not mention the famous massage chairs in the hallways, or the free snacks available...

These Programming Skills Will Earn You the Most Money
From ACM Careers

These Programming Skills Will Earn You the Most Money

If you want to provoke an argument among computer programmers, ask them to pick their favorite coding language or framework. But even more contentious in an environment...

Extreme Materials and ­biquitous Electronics
From ACM Careers

Extreme Materials and ­biquitous Electronics

Associate Professor Tomás Palacios and researchers at MIT explore the application of novel materials to help next-generation electronics save energy.

How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Competition
From ACM Opinion

How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Competition

Information technology is revolutionizing products. Once composed solely of mechanical and electrical parts, products have become complex systems that combine hardware...

How Sensors That Test Our Stress Could Revolutionize Product Design
From ACM Careers

How Sensors That Test Our Stress Could Revolutionize Product Design

What do Best Buy, the Blue Man Group and Google X have in common? They've all tapped Elliott Hedman and his sensors to help make their stuff better.

Amazon Robots Boost Efficiency — and Open New Job Possibilities
From ACM Careers

Amazon Robots Boost Efficiency — and Open New Job Possibilities's use of robots in its warehouses will increase efficiency and open the possibilities for more jobs, according to Ross Knepper of Cornell University...

Stephen Hawking Warns Artificial Intelligence Could End Mankind
From ACM Opinion

Stephen Hawking Warns Artificial Intelligence Could End Mankind

He told the BBC: "The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race."

To Lure Young, Movie Theaters Shake, Smell and Spritz
From ACM News

To Lure Young, Movie Theaters Shake, Smell and Spritz

Having tried 3-D films, earsplitting sound systems and even alcohol sales in pursuit of younger moviegoers, some theater chains are now installing undulating seats...

Computer Equal to or Better Than Humans at Cataloging Science
From ACM Careers

Computer Equal to or Better Than Humans at Cataloging Science

A computer system developed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison equaled or bested scientists at the complex task of extracting data from scientific publications...

Cockpit Automation Causes Pilots to Lose Critical Thinking Skills
From ACM Careers

Cockpit Automation Causes Pilots to Lose Critical Thinking Skills

New human factors/ergonomics research suggests that pilots' thinking skills are  vulnerable in today's automated cockpits.

Turing's Spirit Hovers at a Restored Estate
From ACM Opinion

Turing's Spirit Hovers at a Restored Estate

When "Captain Ridley's shooting party" gathered here in late August 1938 as weekend guests at Bletchley Park, a Buckinghamshire country house, they were accompanied...

Gregarious and Direct: China's Web Doorkeeper
From ACM Careers

Gregarious and Direct: China's Web Doorkeeper

When a major Chinese-American Internet conference convenes in Washington on Tuesday, a middle-aged Communist Party propaganda chief will be seated amid a room full...

Microscopy: Hasten High Resolution
From ACM Opinion

Microscopy: Hasten High Resolution

The best electron and scanning probe microscopes today can resolve individual atoms and chemical bonds.

Researchers Develop Efficient Method to Produce Nanoporous Metals
From ACM Careers

Researchers Develop Efficient Method to Produce Nanoporous Metals

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology researchers have developed a cost-effective way to manufacture nanoporous...

College Diplomas, With a Side of Specialized Study
From ACM TechNews

College Diplomas, With a Side of Specialized Study

Recent college graduates, especially those in the liberal arts and political sciences, increasingly are turning to coding boot camps, online courses, and community...

Drone Pilot Wanted: Starting Salary $100,000
From ACM Careers

Drone Pilot Wanted: Starting Salary $100,000

Big companies, such as Amazon and Facebook, are looking for pilots who fly drones and engineers with experience in building the unmanned aircraft. And they are...
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