From ACM Careers
Canonical's Open Documentation Academy aims to help newcomers participate in the open source community, offering mentorship and…
BNN| February 28, 2024
U.K. computer science programs are not doing enough to develop students' skills in cybersecurity, according to a new paper from the Council of Professors and Heads...Times Higher Education From ACM TechNews | November 17, 2014
University of Wisconsin-Madison computer science researchers have developed a method for using social media posts to estimate air pollution levels with significant...University of Wisconsin-Madison From ACM Careers | November 18, 2014
Sanjay Sarma is investigating how online coursework enhances lecture-based learning and the implications for higher education.MIT Spectrum From ACM Careers | November 18, 2014
An interdisciplinary team of students and professors have developed a novel way to help the visually impaired.Wake Forest University From ACM Careers | November 17, 2014
Scientists can monitor and forecast diseases around the globe more effectively by analyzing views of Wikipedia articles.Los Alamos National Laboratory From ACM Careers | November 17, 2014
The incorporation of material from a massive open online course (MOOC) into a traditional lecture-based MIT course changed and enhanced both the students' and the...MIT News From ACM Careers | November 17, 2014
As a pair of window washers clung to a scaffold dangling outside the 68th floor of 1 World Trade Center on Wednesday, the captivating drama left some below wondering...The New York Times From ACM News | November 14, 2014
As Google's core business continues to thrive, Larry Page is making huge bets on new technology—ingestible nanoparticles, balloons that beam down broadband—that... From ACM Careers | November 14, 2014
There's no Nobel prize for computer science, but after a grant from Google, the top award in the field now just as lucrative.CNET From ACM News | November 14, 2014
Once locked in an arms race with each other for the fastest supercomputers, US national laboratories are now banding together to buy their next-generation machines...Nature From ACM News | November 14, 2014
A wearable system under development by the University at Buffalo and Sentient Science will provide personalized health alerts to troops and civilian.University at Buffalo From ACM Careers | November 14, 2014
On a bright fall day last year off the coast of Southern California, an Air Force B-1 bomber launched an experimental missile that may herald the future of warfare...The New York Times From ACM News | November 13, 2014
To help moderate the energy needs of power-hungry supercomputers, Sandia National Labs has released the Power API with the goal of standardizing measurement and...Sandia National Laboratories From ACM Careers | November 13, 2014
Los Alamos National Laboratory has deployed 100 supercomputers in the last 60 years as part of its national security mission.Los Alamos National Laboratory From ACM Careers | November 13, 2014
ESA's Rosetta mission has soft-landed its Philae probe on a comet, the first time in history that such an extraordinary feat has been achieved.European Space Agency From ACM News | November 12, 2014
Engineering researchers at the University of Arkansas have received a $725,000 grant from the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research to further develop... From ACM Careers | November 12, 2014
China is on track to overtake the United States in research and development (R&D) spending by the end of the decade, according to a report on the global state of...Nature From ACM Careers | November 12, 2014