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Manufacturing Is Becoming A White-Collar Profession in Singapore
From ACM Careers

Manufacturing Is Becoming A White-Collar Profession in Singapore

Manufacturing has made a comeback in Singapore, where the share of jobs held by  high-skill professionals, managers, executives, and technicians has risen by 8...

Women in Science Receive Less Credit for Their Contributions
From ACM Careers

Women in Science Receive Less Credit for Their Contributions

Women in science are less likely than their male counterparts to receive authorship credit for the work they do, a new study finds.

Even Your Boss Wants to Quit
From ACM Careers

Even Your Boss Wants to Quit

The Great Resignation is seeping into the corner office, with 70% of C-level executives surveyed by Deloitte and Workplace Intelligence saying they are seriously...

CTO Commutes to Work in His Company's Flying Car
From ACM Careers

CTO Commutes to Work in His Company's Flying Car

Jetson, the Swedish electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (eVTOL) company, has released a video of founder Tomasz Patan, inventor of the company's ONE flying...

Programs Train K-8 Teachers to Integrate CS Into Core Classes
From ACM Careers

Programs Train K-8 Teachers to Integrate CS Into Core Classes

The Center for Educational Partnerships at Old Dominion University has designed two programs that train teachers to help students build computer skills while learning...

Researchers Build An Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithm
From ACM Careers

Researchers Build An Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithm

A group of Cornell physicists and computer scientists developed an unsupervised machine learning method that can automatically extract charge density wave order...

The Rise of Computer-Generated, Artificially Intelligent Influencers
From ACM Careers

The Rise of Computer-Generated, Artificially Intelligent Influencers

Serah Reikka, a semi-autonomous artificial intelligence, has more than 79,000 Instagram followers. She is part of a growing community of social media personalities...

Researchers Hope Fireflies Will Aid Robot Communication
From ACM Careers

Researchers Hope Fireflies Will Aid Robot Communication

Researchers from the University of Colorado are studying the Great Smoky Mountains' synchronous fireflies to determine whether understanding the way they communicate...

Closing the Cybersecurity Talent Gap With New Candidate Pools
From ACM Careers

Closing the Cybersecurity Talent Gap With New Candidate Pools

HR and security leaders must deploy new strategies to attract, hire, and retain cyber professionals. New talent pools could help narrow the talent gap.

The Just Tech Fellowship Names Its Inaugural Class
From ACM Careers

The Just Tech Fellowship Names Its Inaugural Class

The Just Tech Fellowship has announced the inaugural class of Just Tech Fellows, each of whom will each receive two-year fellowships to tackle complex issues at...

Quantum Computer Programming for Dummies
From ACM Careers

Quantum Computer Programming for Dummies

A beginner's guide for would-be quantum programmers provides a thorough introduction to quantum algorithms and their implementation on existing hardware.

Tech Hiring Is Still Bonkers
From ACM Careers

Tech Hiring Is Still Bonkers

Amidst sinking stocks and layoffs at some firms, the market for tech talent and for workers at tech companies remains hot.

Report Shows Decline in U.S. Tech and Data Science Skills
From ACM Careers

Report Shows Decline in U.S. Tech and Data Science Skills

Coursera's Global Skills Report 2022 shows U.S. proficiency in technology and data science skills are declining and lag behind countries in Asia-Pacific, Europe...

U.K. Updates Digital Strategy to Address Skills Gap
From ACM Careers

U.K. Updates Digital Strategy to Address Skills Gap

The U.K. will update its digital strategy for the first time since 2017 in a bid to attract tech talent to the country and encourage pension funds to invest in...

Researchers Present 'Trauma-Informed Computing' Framework
From ACM Careers

Researchers Present 'Trauma-Informed Computing' Framework

Researchers have developed a framework that applies six key principles of trauma-informed approaches to computing which they say will benefit all users.

The Peer-Review Crisis
From ACM Careers

The Peer-Review Crisis

The peer-review system, which relies on unpaid volunteers, has long been stressed. COVID-19 is making it worse — a lot worse. Possible solutions include paying...

Tech Firms Urged to Keep Women Safer Online
From ACM Careers

Tech Firms Urged to Keep Women Safer Online

A study of online lives in the U.K. reveals that women are less confident about their online safety than men, more negatively affected by discriminatory, hateful...

Grad Students Develop Robot That Paints Like a Human
From ACM Careers

Grad Students Develop Robot That Paints Like a Human

Graduate students at Georgia Institute of Technology have built a graffiti-painting robot system that uses motion capture technology to record human motions then...

Why Companies' Diversity Messages May Backfire
From ACM Careers

Why Companies' Diversity Messages May Backfire

Companies that make a business case for their diversity efforts can undermine the sense of belonging for current and potential employees from underrepresented groups...

Microsoft Drops Non-Compete Clauses and NDAs from Employee Contracts
From ACM Careers

Microsoft Drops Non-Compete Clauses and NDAs from Employee Contracts

Microsoft will no longer add non-compete clauses in its contracts for employees in the United States, and is  ending the practice of having workers sign non-disclosure...
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