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U.S. Teen Donates Nearly 1,000 Computers to Fight the Digital Divide
From ACM Careers

U.S. Teen Donates Nearly 1,000 Computers to Fight the Digital Divide

U.S. high schooler Ayush Agarwal last year co-founded nonprofit ClosingTheDivde which donates computers and provides digital literacy classes to low-income families...

Researchers' Computer Model Predicts Whether a Pesticide Will Harm Bees
From ACM Careers

Researchers' Computer Model Predicts Whether a Pesticide Will Harm Bees

Researchers at Oregon State University have trained a support vector machine to predict the toxicity of proposed pesticides to honey bees based on the compound's...

Program Funds California Education Collaboratives
From ACM Careers

Program Funds California Education Collaboratives

California's K-16 Education Collaboratives Grant Program has funded six education collaboratives to increase access to higher education and support education-to...

Not My Job: AI Researchers Push Back on Ethical Concerns
From ACM Careers

Not My Job: AI Researchers Push Back on Ethical Concerns

Feathers were ruffled with a policy shift at this year's CVPR conference which "strongly encouraged" researchers to include a discussion about potential negative...

Companies That Take Political Stands Find It Harder to Recruit Top Talent
From ACM Careers

Companies That Take Political Stands Find It Harder to Recruit Top Talent

Companies that take political stands may find it harder to hire top talent because job seekers consider those positions and are less likely to apply at a company...

Why Microsoft Measures Employee Thriving, Not Engagement
From ACM Careers

Why Microsoft Measures Employee Thriving, Not Engagement

Dawn Klinghoffer and Elizabeth McCune of Microsoft's People Analytics team studied how to keep employees thriving, that is, energized and empowered to do meaningful...

How to Find, Read, and Organize Papers
From ACM Careers

How to Find, Read, and Organize Papers

Ph.D. student Maya Gosztyla decided to rethink her approach to research papers after she had trouble keeping track of the published literature.

'Over-Mentored and Under-Capitalized': Scant Funding for Female Entrepreneurs
From ACM Careers

'Over-Mentored and Under-Capitalized': Scant Funding for Female Entrepreneurs

The pressures and biases that lead to women entrepreneurs raising a barely-there 1.1% share of total venture capital funding was a focus of the Diversity Tech Summit...

Gender Pay Gap Is Smaller in Occupations With a Higher Ratio of Men
From ACM Careers

Gender Pay Gap Is Smaller in Occupations With a Higher Ratio of Men

Workers in occupations with a higher ratio of men, such as STEM jobs, tend to receive better pay than those in occupations with a higher ratio of women.

Higgs Boson Discoverers Publish Refined Measurements
From ACM Careers

Higgs Boson Discoverers Publish Refined Measurements

Experimenters marked this week's 10-year anniversary of the Higgs discovery by releasing comprehensive new measurements of the particle.

Taxonomy Makes Machine-Learning Model Features More Understandable
From ACM Careers

Taxonomy Makes Machine-Learning Model Features More Understandable

MIT researchers have developed a taxonomy to improve the interpretability of features of machine learning models so that data scientists will be more comfortable...

Researcher Asked GPT-3 to Write an Academic Paper About Itself
From ACM Careers

Researcher Asked GPT-3 to Write an Academic Paper About Itself

Swedish researcher Almira Osmanovic Thunström asked OpenAI's GPT-3 text generating algorithm to write an academic paper about itself. The paper is currently being...

Robots Are Driving U.S. Workers Towards Substance Abuse, Mental Illness
From ACM Careers

Robots Are Driving U.S. Workers Towards Substance Abuse, Mental Illness

Robotic co-workers may be driving more people to do drugs and abuse alcohol, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh have found.

Gallup Workplace Report Says Employee Stress Is At An All-Time High
From ACM Careers

Gallup Workplace Report Says Employee Stress Is At An All-Time High

Employee stress is at an all-time high, according to Gallup's newly released State of the Global Workplace report.

Award Supports Computer Scientist's Quest to Address Digital Inequities
From ACM Careers

Award Supports Computer Scientist's Quest to Address Digital Inequities

Computer scientist Morgan Vigil-Hayes at Northern Arizona University was awarded a $561,598 grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation to support research...

Deepfakes Are Being Used to Apply for Remote Work Positions
From ACM Careers

Deepfakes Are Being Used to Apply for Remote Work Positions

The FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center warns of an increase in complaints reporting the use of deepfakes and stolen personally identifiable information to apply...

Texas Tech Will Study Impact of STEM Course-Based Undergrad Research
From ACM Careers

Texas Tech Will Study Impact of STEM Course-Based Undergrad Research

A team of Texas Tech University researchers will study how STEM course-based undergraduate research experiences are related to post-graduate workforce outcomes....

Wimbledon Hoping Big Data Will Improve Fan Experience
From ACM Careers

Wimbledon Hoping Big Data Will Improve Fan Experience

All England Club and IBM are offering a tool that aims to keep Wimbledon fans engaged with detailed AI-powered stats.

Making Art Through Computation
From ACM Careers

Making Art Through Computation

MIT graduate student Chelsi Cocking develops software to use as artistic tools, including facial detection techniques, body tracking software, and machine learning...

AI-Created Craft Beer Available in New Orleans
From ACM Careers

AI-Created Craft Beer Available in New Orleans

New Orleans locals can now order the AI Blonde Ale craft beer created by an artificial intelligence platform.
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