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Pills of the Future: Nanoparticles
From ACM Careers

Pills of the Future: Nanoparticles

Researchers from MIT and Brigham and Women's Hospital have developed a drug-carrying nanoparticle that can be delivered orally and absorbed through the digestive...

Scientists Seek Other Scientists For Cosmology Problem
From ACM News

Scientists Seek Other Scientists For Cosmology Problem

How do you measure something that is invisible?

Jury: Newegg Infringes Spangenberg Patent, Must Pay $2.3 Million
From ACM News

Jury: Newegg Infringes Spangenberg Patent, Must Pay $2.3 Million

Newegg, an online retailer that has made a name for itself fighting the non-practicing patent holders sometimes called "patent trolls," sits on the losing end of...

How Do Game Companies Share Massive Files?
From ACM News

How Do Game Companies Share Massive Files?

Electronic Arts' multi-player shooter "Battlefield 4" exploded onto the computer games scene earlier this month, giving players a realistic taste of military combat...

Sharing Personal Info Via Online Social Networks Can Lead to Hiring Discrimination
From ACM TechNews

Sharing Personal Info Via Online Social Networks Can Lead to Hiring Discrimination

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have found evidence that sharing personal information via online social networks can lead to hiring discrimination.

Strategy for Women in STEM
From ACM TechNews

Strategy for Women in STEM

Women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields might benefit from a project-based curriculum, based on evidence from Worcester Polytechnic...

'wise Chisels': Art, Craftsmanship, and Power Tools
From ACM News

'wise Chisels': Art, Craftsmanship, and Power Tools

It's often easy to tell at a glance the difference between a mass-produced object and one that has been handcrafted: The handmade item is likely to have distinctive...

Already Anticipating 'terminator' Ethics
From ACM News

Already Anticipating 'terminator' Ethics

What could possibly go wrong?

Lawrence Livermore Researchers Awarded a Billion Supercomputer Core Hours
From ACM Careers

Lawrence Livermore Researchers Awarded a Billion Supercomputer Core Hours

Thirteen Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researchers have been awarded more than a billion core hours on two of America's fastest supercomputers as part...

Argonne and RIKEN Sign Petascale Computing Agreement
From ACM Careers

Argonne and RIKEN Sign Petascale Computing Agreement

The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility and the RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science have signed a memorandum of understanding aimed at expanding...

Newegg Trial: Crypto Legend Takes the Stand, Goes For Knockout Patent Punch
From ACM News

Newegg Trial: Crypto Legend Takes the Stand, Goes For Knockout Patent Punch

Newegg's courtroom face-off with patent-licensing giant TQP Development is nearing its end.

Charlie Rose Talks to Nathan Myhrvold
From ACM Opinion

Charlie Rose Talks to Nathan Myhrvold

You worked for years at Microsoft, where things now look uncertain.

Three Questions For Computing Pioneer Carver Mead
From ACM Opinion

Three Questions For Computing Pioneer Carver Mead

Computer scientist Carver Mead gave Moore's Law its name in around 1970 and played a crucial role in making sure it's held true in the decades since.

Researchers Present Jellyfish-like Flying Robot
From ACM Careers

Researchers Present Jellyfish-like Flying Robot

Look, up in the sky: It's a bird! It's a plane! It's . . . a jellyfish?

From ACM News

Why the ­.s. May Lose the Race to Exascale

In the global race to build the next generation of supercomputers—exascale—there is no guarantee the U.S. will finish first.

Women Gain in Some STEM Fields, but Not Computer Science
From ACM Careers

Women Gain in Some STEM Fields, but Not Computer Science

A few weeks ago, I wrote about ways to get more women interested in computer science.

Why Steven Sinofsky Really Left Microsoft
From ACM Careers

Why Steven Sinofsky Really Left Microsoft

About every six weeks, a small group of Microsoft executives gathers at a Seattle restaurant to talk strategy.

Companies That Screen Social Media Accounts Alienate Job Candidates
From ACM Careers

Companies That Screen Social Media Accounts Alienate Job Candidates

Research shows companies that screen the social media accounts of job applicants alienate potential employees — making it harder for them to attract top job candidates...

What's Next For Gpu Chips? Maybe the Network.
From ACM News

What's Next For Gpu Chips? Maybe the Network.

Over the last few years it's been interesting to see where in the computing landscape graphics processors or GPUs like those turned out by Nvidia have turned up...

Meet The 'assassination Market' Creator Who's Crowdfunding Murder With Bitcoins
From ACM News

Meet The 'assassination Market' Creator Who's Crowdfunding Murder With Bitcoins

As Bitcoin becomes an increasingly popular form of digital cash, the cryptocurrency is being accepted in exchange for everything from socks to sushi to heroin.
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