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Indiana University Offering Online Certificate in Data Science
From ACM Careers

Indiana University Offering Online Certificate in Data Science

The Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing has announced a new online program in data science.

Machine Learning Branches Out
From ACM Careers

Machine Learning Branches Out

An algorithm that extends an artificial-intelligence technique to new tasks could aid in analysis of flight delays and social networks.

Big Data's Little Brother
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Big Data's Little Brother

David Soloff is recruiting an army of "hyperdata" collectors.

The Head of Google X Thinks We're All Too Risk-Averse
From ACM Opinion

The Head of Google X Thinks We're All Too Risk-Averse

Google X is responsible for some of Google's most literally fantastic projects: Google Glass, self-driving cars, gigantic inflatable balloons that beam Internet...

Google Assists Rowan Computer Science Education Outreach
From ACM Careers

Google Assists Rowan Computer Science Education Outreach

With funding from Google, Rowan University computer science professor Jennifer Kay will develop curricula for middle and high school educators that will help them...

Sdsc ­ses Raspberry Pi Cluster to Teach Parallel Computing
From ACM Careers

Sdsc ­ses Raspberry Pi Cluster to Teach Parallel Computing

Researchers at the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego, have built a Linux cluster using 16 Raspberry Pi computers as part...

They Loved Your G.P.A. Then They Saw Your Tweets.
From ACM Careers

They Loved Your G.P.A. Then They Saw Your Tweets.

At Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Me., admissions officers are still talking about the high school senior who attended a campus information session last year for...

Social Media Helps Aid Efforts After Typhoon Haiyan
From ACM News

Social Media Helps Aid Efforts After Typhoon Haiyan

Ten million people affected. Half a million displaced. Ten thousand feared dead.

Should Tech Designers Go With Their Guts—or the Data?
From ACM Opinion

Should Tech Designers Go With Their Guts—or the Data?

For many tech companies, design is no longer subjective.

Virtual Volunteers Needed to Help Recognize Technical Young Women
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Volunteers Needed to Help Recognize Technical Young Women

The National Center for Women & Information Technology is reviewing applications from Nov. 9-23 for its annual Aspirations in Computing Award competition for young...

Aspiring Coders Hone Their Skills at Coderdojo
From ACM TechNews

Aspiring Coders Hone Their Skills at Coderdojo

Australia's Brisbane City Council has launched a CoderDojo program to teach children basic software development skills from volunteer mentors.  CoderDojo is free...

How Corporate America Fights Hackers
From ACM News

How Corporate America Fights Hackers

To defend themselves against hackers, some of America's largest corporations have adopted shadowy tactics usually reserved for government spies.

Nest's Tony Fadell on Smart Objects, and the Singularity of Innovation
From ACM Opinion

Nest's Tony Fadell on Smart Objects, and the Singularity of Innovation

Tony Fadell is the founder and chief executive of Nest, a company that is trying to bring a high-end technology experience to some of the most prosaic areas of...

The False Promise of Classroom Technology
From ACM Opinion

The False Promise of Classroom Technology

The cover story of Life magazine on Oct. 16 was "U.S. Schools: They Face a Crisis."

Cybersecurity Algorithms, Techniques Being Developed Through Anthropology Methods
From ACM Careers

Cybersecurity Algorithms, Techniques Being Developed Through Anthropology Methods

Experts in anthropology and cybersecurity at Kansas State University are examining the unspoken knowledge shared by cybersecurity analysts as a way to develop...

The 'dark Side' at Work
From ACM Careers

The 'dark Side' at Work

In a Q&A, Binghamton University's Seth Spain, an industrial psychologist, says employers should look beyond the characteristics measured by common personality...

Five Fascinating Things Revealed By Twitter Data
From ACM News

Five Fascinating Things Revealed By Twitter Data

When technology companies get floated on the stock market, it prompts all kinds of analytical soul searching.

As Interest Fades in the Humanities, Colleges Worry
From ACM Careers

As Interest Fades in the Humanities, Colleges Worry

On Stanford University’s sprawling campus, where a long palm-lined drive leads to manicured quads, humanities professors produce highly regarded scholarship on...

What's the Nsa Going to Do With Your Data?
From ACM Opinion

What's the Nsa Going to Do With Your Data?

We are all Angela Merkel.

The American Who Designed the Playstation 4 and Remade Sony
From ACM Careers

The American Who Designed the Playstation 4 and Remade Sony

Shuhei Yoshida still remembers the call that convinced him Sony needed to change.
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