From ACM Careers
Canonical's Open Documentation Academy aims to help newcomers participate in the open source community, offering mentorship and…
BNN| February 28, 2024
Startup Crocodoc is developing technology that converts documents into HTML for easy viewing and embedding.MIT News From ACM Careers | October 30, 2013
A new report by a coalition of the leading U.S. research universities illustrates the many returns on investment of federally funded scientific research: the...University of Illinois at Chicago From ACM Careers | October 30, 2013
Like a story straight out of the universe of Franz Kafka, Lavabit founder Ladar Levison found himself before a judge in Washington, representing himself against...CNET From ACM Opinion | October 29, 2013
Researched needed a petaflop supercomputer to simulate hundreds of droplets of freezing water at a million molecules each to help engineers design better wind turbine... From ACM Careers | October 29, 2013
Columbia researchers have developed a new approach to designing nanostructured materials through an inverse design framework using genetic algorithms. The study...Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science From ACM Careers | October 29, 2013
On the evening of February 12, 2009, a Continental Connection commuter flight made its way through blustery weather between Newark, New Jersey, and Buffalo, New...The Atlantic From ACM Opinion | October 28, 2013
Consumer trust is a vital currency for every big Internet company, which helps to explain why the giants of Silicon Valley have gone to great lengths in recent...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | October 28, 2013
If integrated into adaptive cruise-control systems, a new algorithm could mitigate the type of freeway backup that seems to occur for no reason.MIT News From ACM Careers | October 28, 2013
Despite a 7.2 percent national unemployment rate, the U.S. job market is a healthy one for college students majoring in information systems, with nearly three...Temple University From ACM Careers | October 28, 2013
Ed Terebus was an 18-year-old high school student when he and his big brother Jim, a laid-off auto worker, decided to build their first haunted house 34 years ago...Reuters From ACM News | October 25, 2013
When he read about the technical failures plaguing, Mike Bracken said it felt like a real-life version of the movie Groundhog Day.NPR From ACM Opinion | October 25, 2013
Sandia's TITANS program involves college interns in real-world projects while offering the prospect of a fully funded master's degree or full-time employment. Sandia National Laboratories From ACM Careers | October 25, 2013
The Deposition Science & Technology Group within Oak Ridge National Laboratory is focused on making additive manufacturing — or 3-D printing — commercially relevant...Oak Ridge National Laboratory From ACM Careers | October 25, 2013
From the front of his classroom, University of Nebraska-Lincoln associate professor Barney McCoy noticed that students’ smart phones were making regular appearances...The Atlantic From ACM News | October 25, 2013
Often dismissed as a laggard in the global cyberarms race, North Korea has long been seen as a chronic cyber-superpower wannabe.The Christian Science Monitor From ACM News | October 24, 2013