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Powering Better Online Document Viewing
From ACM Careers

Powering Better Online Document Viewing

Startup Crocodoc is developing technology that converts documents into HTML for easy viewing and embedding.

Spinoffs Highlight Importance of Federally Funded University Research
From ACM Careers

Spinoffs Highlight Importance of Federally Funded University Research

A new report by a coalition of the leading U.S. research universities illustrates the many returns on investment of federally funded scientific research: the...

Craig Venter: Why I Put My Name in Synthetic Genomes
From ACM Opinion

Craig Venter: Why I Put My Name in Synthetic Genomes

How has the definition of life changed during your lifetime?

Lavabit Founder Says He Fought Feds to Protect the Constitution
From ACM Opinion

Lavabit Founder Says He Fought Feds to Protect the Constitution

Like a story straight out of the universe of Franz Kafka, Lavabit founder Ladar Levison found himself before a judge in Washington, representing himself against...

Titan Supercomputer Propels Wind Turbine Research
From ACM Careers

Titan Supercomputer Propels Wind Turbine Research

Researched needed a petaflop supercomputer to simulate hundreds of droplets of freezing water at a million molecules each to help engineers design better wind turbine...

Using Data Science Tools to Discover New Nanostructured Materials
From ACM Careers

Using Data Science Tools to Discover New Nanostructured Materials

Columbia researchers have developed a new approach to designing  nanostructured materials through an inverse design framework using genetic algorithms. The study...

All Can Be Lost: The Risk of Putting Our Knowledge in the Hands of Machines
From ACM Opinion

All Can Be Lost: The Risk of Putting Our Knowledge in the Hands of Machines

On the evening of February 12, 2009, a Continental Connection commuter flight made its way through blustery weather between Newark, New Jersey, and Buffalo, New...

There's One Key Difference Between Kids Who Excel at Math and Those Who Don't
From ACM Opinion

There's One Key Difference Between Kids Who Excel at Math and Those Who Don't

"I’m just not a math person."

The Information-Gathering Paradox
From ACM Opinion

The Information-Gathering Paradox

Consumer trust is a vital currency for every big Internet company, which helps to explain why the giants of Silicon Valley have gone to great lengths in recent...

Algorithm Could Eliminate ­nexplained Traffic Jams
From ACM Careers

Algorithm Could Eliminate ­nexplained Traffic Jams

If integrated into adaptive cruise-control systems, a new algorithm could mitigate the type of freeway backup that seems to occur for no reason.

Information Systems Job Index Shows Healthy Market For College Grads
From ACM Careers

Information Systems Job Index Shows Healthy Market For College Grads

Despite a 7.2 percent national unemployment rate, the U.S. job market is a healthy one for college students majoring in information systems, with nearly three...

The Man Who Would Teach Machines to Think
From ACM Opinion

The Man Who Would Teach Machines to Think

"It depends on what you mean by artificial intelligence."

Haunted House Business Gets Boost As Techs ­p Thrill Ante
From ACM News

Haunted House Business Gets Boost As Techs ­p Thrill Ante

Ed Terebus was an 18-year-old high school student when he and his big brother Jim, a laid-off auto worker, decided to build their first haunted house 34 years ago...

­.k. Official ­rges ­.s. Government to Adopt a Digital Core
From ACM Opinion

­.k. Official ­rges ­.s. Government to Adopt a Digital Core

When he read about the technical failures plaguing, Mike Bracken said it felt like a real-life version of the movie Groundhog Day.

Sandia Interns Tackle National Security Work, with a Side of Fun
From ACM Careers

Sandia Interns Tackle National Security Work, with a Side of Fun

Sandia's TITANS program involves college interns in real-world projects while offering the prospect of a fully funded master's degree or full-time employment.

Hiring in the Age of Big Data
From ACM Careers

Hiring in the Age of Big Data

Wasabi Waiter looks a lot like hundreds of other simple online games.

3-D Printing Rises to the Occasion, One Layer at a Time
From ACM Careers

3-D Printing Rises to the Occasion, One Layer at a Time

The Deposition Science & Technology Group within Oak Ridge National Laboratory is focused on making additive manufacturing — or 3-D printing — commercially relevant...

Study: 80% of College Students Say They Text in Class
From ACM News

Study: 80% of College Students Say They Text in Class

From the front of his classroom, University of Nebraska-Lincoln associate professor Barney McCoy noticed that students’ smart phones were making regular appearances...

Big Plans For Small Spacecraft
From ACM News

Big Plans For Small Spacecraft

It's hard to miss the rocket engine in Paulo Lozano's MIT office.

In Cyberarms Race, North Korea Emerging As a Power, Not a Pushover
From ACM News

In Cyberarms Race, North Korea Emerging As a Power, Not a Pushover

Often dismissed as a laggard in the global cyberarms race, North Korea has long been seen as a chronic cyber-superpower wannabe.
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