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Nobel Prize Sparks 'Brain Drain' Debate in Israel
From ACM Careers

Nobel Prize Sparks 'Brain Drain' Debate in Israel

The Nobel Prize in chemistry has stirred up national pride in Israel but also concern on Thursday over a brain drain of some of its best and brightest to universities...

The Future Fabric of Data Analysis
From ACM News

The Future Fabric of Data Analysis

When subatomic particles smash together at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, they create showers of new particles whose signatures are recorded by four...

Increasing Diversity of ­ndergraduate Scientific Researchers
From ACM Careers

Increasing Diversity of ­ndergraduate Scientific Researchers

A summer research immersion program at Ursinus College recruits students underrepresented in the sciences at the beginning of their college careers and encourages...

Dude, Where's My Code?
From ACM Careers

Dude, Where's My Code?

A new system warns programmers when compilers — which convert high-level programs into machine-readable instructions — might simply discard their code.

Three Questions For Microsoft's New Head of Research, Peter Lee
From ACM Opinion

Three Questions For Microsoft's New Head of Research, Peter Lee

Microsoft's new head of research, Peter Lee, is tasked with helping the company invent the future.

Nasa Grant Aims to Develop Advanced Microcircuits For Space Program
From ACM Careers

Nasa Grant Aims to Develop Advanced Microcircuits For Space Program

The University of Arkansas is one of 10 institutions selected by NASA to develop technology that will address technical needs and enable future missions of America's...

Cyber Warrior Shortage Hits Anti-Hacker Fightback
From ACM Careers

Cyber Warrior Shortage Hits Anti-Hacker Fightback

For the governments and corporations facing increasing computer attacks, the biggest challenge is finding the right cyber warriors to fight back.

Bit By Bit, Virtual Reality Heads For the Holodeck
From ACM News

Bit By Bit, Virtual Reality Heads For the Holodeck

While sitting in a stuffy Hollywood hotel conference room recently, I plotted my next move outside a snow-covered, ancient castle.

A Blueprint For Restoring Touch with a Prosthetic Hand
From ACM Careers

A Blueprint For Restoring Touch with a Prosthetic Hand

New research at the University of Chicago is laying the groundwork for touch-sensitive prosthetic limbs that one day could convey real-time sensory information...

The Nobel Prize in Physics Is Really a Nobel Prize in Math
From ACM Opinion

The Nobel Prize in Physics Is Really a Nobel Prize in Math

This year's Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to François Englert and Peter W. Higgs for the prediction of the Higgs boson, which was experimentally confirmed...

Accelerometer Ids Smartphones in Seconds
From ACM News

Accelerometer Ids Smartphones in Seconds

One afternoon late last month, security researcher Hristo Bojinov placed his Galaxy Nexus phone face up on the table in a cramped Palo Alto conference room. Then...

Quantum Conductors Benefit from Growth on Smooth Foundations
From ACM Careers

Quantum Conductors Benefit from Growth on Smooth Foundations

Researchers in the United States and China have teamed up to develop a speedway for future devices, an exotic type of electrical conductor called a topological...

3D Printing a Masterwork For Your Living Room
From ACM News

3D Printing a Masterwork For Your Living Room

You may never be able to get to Italy to see Michelangelo's David—but advances in 3D printing technology are making it possible for you to create an almost perfect...

Playing War: How the Military ­ses Video Games
From ACM Opinion

Playing War: How the Military ­ses Video Games

According to popular discourse, video games are either the divine instrument of education’s future or the software of Satan himself, provoking young men to carry...

Can Silicon Valley Boot Camps Get You a $120K Job?
From ACM Careers

Can Silicon Valley Boot Camps Get You a $120K Job?

Hiring a good software engineer in Silicon Valley these days can seem almost as daunting as creating the next big thing. Just ask the companies.

What Our 3d-Printed Future Looks Like
From ACM News

What Our 3d-Printed Future Looks Like

On-demand organs, Terminator-style arms, and aviation nostalgia—the best of 3D printing is on show in 3D: Printing the Future at London's Science Museum.

­.s. Adults Fare Poorly in a Study of Skills
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Adults Fare Poorly in a Study of Skills

U.S. adults are below average compared to adults in other developed countries in the mathematical and technical skills needed for jobs in the current economy, according...

15 Companies that Led and Still Lead Tech Innovation
From ACM Careers

15 Companies that Led and Still Lead Tech Innovation

The history of the tech industry is littered with the dead—companies that rode a wave of innovation and wiped out hard.

Virtual Reality Gaming Is Nearly Here; We Just Need the Right Controller
From ACM News

Virtual Reality Gaming Is Nearly Here; We Just Need the Right Controller

Video games have long promised to offer their players "immersive experiences," but full-blown virtual reality—the holodeck or the matrix—was still a fantasy.

Here's Why Cops Should Be Required to Wear a Lapel Camera While on Duty
From ACM Opinion

Here's Why Cops Should Be Required to Wear a Lapel Camera While on Duty

Police officers in Rialto, Calif., carry cameras to record their every action while on duty.
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