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Testing the Future: Astronaut in Space Remote-Controls Robot in California
From ACM News

Testing the Future: Astronaut in Space Remote-Controls Robot in California

On a pebbled field built next to a parking lot, a small rover scoots forward and expels a long sheet of polyimide plastic from its backside, the third film the...

The Bell Labs of Quantum Computing
From ACM Careers

The Bell Labs of Quantum Computing

Raymond Laflamme can't yet sell you a quantum computer. But he'll sell you a $13,000 logic board for measuring entangled photons.

The Brains Behind Research on the Brain
From ACM Careers

The Brains Behind Research on the Brain

While studying physics and electrical engineering as an MIT undergraduate in the late 1990s, Mehmet Fatih Yanik managed to avoid taking any biology classes until...

Ex-­saf Chief Scientist Likens ­.s. Cybersecurity Challenge to Whac-A-Mole
From ACM Opinion

Ex-­saf Chief Scientist Likens ­.s. Cybersecurity Challenge to Whac-A-Mole

From his vantage point as chief scientist of the U.S. Air Force, Mark Maybury had a bird’s-eye view of myriad advantages and challenges that modern technology presents...

Mail from the (velvet) Cybercrime ­nderground
From ACM Opinion

Mail from the (velvet) Cybercrime ­nderground

Over the past six months, "fans" of this Web site and its author have shown their affection in some curious ways.

As Work Habits Change, Software Makers Rush to Innovate
From ACM Careers

As Work Habits Change, Software Makers Rush to Innovate

Every day, millions of office workers prepare memos and reports using scissors and paste, and store data on floppy disks, though they have plenty of digital memory...

Government Can Grab Cell Phone Location Records Without Warrant, Appeals Court Says
From ACM News

Government Can Grab Cell Phone Location Records Without Warrant, Appeals Court Says

In a major victory for the Justice Department over privacy advocates, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that government agencies can collect records showing...

Bringing Big Data to Business Schools
From ACM Careers

Bringing Big Data to Business Schools

The University of Iowa has established one of the first majors helping undergraduates learn analytics and data management, one of the fastest growing segments...

Onstar, Garmin Try to Keep Pace With Waze, Other Free Navigation Apps
From ACM Careers

Onstar, Garmin Try to Keep Pace With Waze, Other Free Navigation Apps

When Tim Nixon’s sons want to figure out how to get somewhere in their cars, they turn their iPhones sideways, attach them to their windshields with a suction cup...

Georgia Tech Uncovers Ios Security Weaknesses
From ACM Careers

Georgia Tech Uncovers Ios Security Weaknesses

Researchers from the Georgia Tech have discovered two security weaknesses that permit installation of malware onto Apple mobile devices using seemingly innocuous...

Zeroing In on ­nbreakable Computer Security
From ACM News

Zeroing In on ­nbreakable Computer Security

The news out of Moscow of late has been dominated by Edward Snowden, the American leaker of secret state documents who is currently seeking temporary asylum in...

Rethinking How We Watch Tv
From ACM News

Rethinking How We Watch Tv

To understand how much television could soon change, it helps to visit an Intel Corp. division here that runs like a startup.

How a Satellite Called Syncom Changed the World
From ACM News

How a Satellite Called Syncom Changed the World

In the fall of 1957, the Soviet Union's newly launched Sputnik satellite would regularly streak across the Los Angeles sky, a bright dot in the black night.

Make It Yourself With a 3-D Printer and Save – a Lot
From ACM Careers

Make It Yourself With a 3-D Printer and Save – a Lot

A new study shows that a household could save hundreds if not thousands of dollars by making common items on its own with a 3-D printer.

Your Body Is the Computer
From ACM News

Your Body Is the Computer

The last few years have presented an unprecedented shift in the computing world as PCs are being replaced with mobile devices. But now that a large portion of the...

Professors Help Practitioners Decipher 'Big Data'
From ACM Careers

Professors Help Practitioners Decipher 'Big Data'

The University of Virginia Darden School of Business has new ways to help marketing practitioners find the narrative in 'Big Data' numbers and articulate their...

Are You Hiring the Wrong Person?
From ACM Careers

Are You Hiring the Wrong Person?

A new study finds that hiring managers often make poor choices because they systematically rely strictly on generic performance measures rather than consider...

Software Experts Attack Cars, to Release Code As Hackers Meet
From ACM News

Software Experts Attack Cars, to Release Code As Hackers Meet

Car hacking is not a new field, but its secrets have long been closely guarded.

Want to Be a Professor? Choose Math
From ACM Careers

Want to Be a Professor? Choose Math

Are you an aspiring scientist with quantitative chops and a strong desire for a faculty career?

Nsa Growth Fueled By Need to Target Terrorists
From ACM News

Nsa Growth Fueled By Need to Target Terrorists

Twelve years later, the cranes and earthmovers around the National Security Agency are still at work, tearing up pavement and uprooting trees to make room for a...
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