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How to Call B.s. on Big Data: A Practical Guide
From ACM Opinion

How to Call B.s. on Big Data: A Practical Guide

"Nothing that you will learn in the course of your studies will be of the slightest possible use to you," the Oxford philosophy professor John Alexander Smith told...

Who Will Pay For the Future If Not the Robots?
From ACM Opinion

Who Will Pay For the Future If Not the Robots?

RRobots are taking over the world's workforce—and why shouldn't they?

Jean Sammet, Co-Designer of a Pioneering Computer Language, Dies at 89
From ACM News

Jean Sammet, Co-Designer of a Pioneering Computer Language, Dies at 89

Jean E. Sammet, an early software engineer and a designer of COBOL, a programming language that brought computing into the business mainstream, died on May 20 in...

20 Years After Deep Blue: How AI Has Advanced Since Conquering Chess
From ACM Opinion

20 Years After Deep Blue: How AI Has Advanced Since Conquering Chess

Twenty years ago IBM's Deep Blue computer stunned the world by becoming the first machine to beat a reigning world chess champion in a six-game match.

Teaching Robots 'manners'
From ACM Careers

Teaching Robots 'manners'

DARPA-funded researchers have created a cognitive-computational model of human norms in a representation that can be coded into machines, clearing a path to the...

Got a Face-Recognition Algorithm? ­ncle Sam Wants to Review It
From ACM News

Got a Face-Recognition Algorithm? ­ncle Sam Wants to Review It

The nation's top-level intelligence office, the Director of National Intelligence, wants to find "the most accurate unconstrained face recognition algorithm."

Wearable Glove Provides Haptic Feedback in Virtual Reality Environments
From ACM Careers

Wearable Glove Provides Haptic Feedback in Virtual Reality Environments

Engineers at UC San Diego are using soft robotics technology to make light, flexible gloves that allow users to feel tactile feedback when they interact with virtual...

Computer Scientist to Boost Interactivity of Museum's History, Holdings
From ACM Careers

Computer Scientist to Boost Interactivity of Museum's History, Holdings

James Miller,  associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of Kansas, is exploring new ways to open the Spencer Museum...

The Virtual-Reality App That Turns Your Office Into a Vacation Paradise
From ACM Careers

The Virtual-Reality App That Turns Your Office Into a Vacation Paradise

The British writer Charles Lamb was no stranger to workplace-induced despair.

Building Empathy Through Computer Science and Art
From ACM Careers

Building Empathy Through Computer Science and Art

Danielle Olson creates immersive media to help users understand each other's backgrounds and feelings.

Is China Outsmarting America in A.i.?
From ACM Careers

Is China Outsmarting America in A.i.?

Sören Schwertfeger finished his postdoctorate research on autonomous robots in Germany, and seemed set to go to Europe or the United States, where artificial intelligence...

When Hatred Goes Viral: Inside Social Media's Efforts to Combat Terrorism
From ACM News

When Hatred Goes Viral: Inside Social Media's Efforts to Combat Terrorism

On New Year's Eve in 2015 local and federal agents arrested a 26-year-old man in Rochester, N.Y., for planning to attack people at random later that night using...

Printed, Flexible, and Rechargeable Battery Can Power Wearable Sensors
From ACM Careers

Printed, Flexible, and Rechargeable Battery Can Power Wearable Sensors

Nanoengineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a printed battery that is flexible, stretchable, and rechargeable, a step toward self-powered...

Top Hacker Conference to Target Voting Machines
From ACM Careers

Top Hacker Conference to Target Voting Machines

Hackers will target American voting machines—as a public service, to prove how vulnerable they are. 

Google Cozies ­p to China With AI Secrets and a Game of Go
From ACM Careers

Google Cozies ­p to China With AI Secrets and a Game of Go

Google's latest effort to thaw relations with China involves an artificial intelligence pow-wow—and a few games of Go.

The Vr Future Is Here but No One Can Agree on a Name For It
From ACM Opinion

The Vr Future Is Here but No One Can Agree on a Name For It

At the VR keynote at Google's IO developer conference, a slide appeared on screen to start the morning's presentation. Clay Bavor, head of AR and VR for Google,...

Google, Not the Government, Is Building the Future
From ACM Opinion

Google, Not the Government, Is Building the Future

One persistent criticism of Silicon Valley is that it no longer works on big, world-changing ideas.

The State of the Car Computer: Forget Horsepower, We Want Megahertz!
From ACM News

The State of the Car Computer: Forget Horsepower, We Want Megahertz!

If I asked you "how many computing devices do you own?" your mind will probably first jump to your PCs and laptops at home, and then to your smartphones and tablets...

Europe's Latest Billion-Dollar Startup Wants to Build the Matrix. Really.
From ACM Careers

Europe's Latest Billion-Dollar Startup Wants to Build the Matrix. Really.

A London-based software startup called Improbable is living up to its name.

Automation Will Have a Bigger Impact on Jobs in Smaller Cities
From ACM Careers

Automation Will Have a Bigger Impact on Jobs in Smaller Cities

The robot takeover will start in the smaller cities.
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