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The Surprising Repercussions of Making AI Assistants Sound Human
From ACM Careers

The Surprising Repercussions of Making AI Assistants Sound Human

Ask Alexa about the weather, and it'll tell you it's sunny and 75 in a pleasant monotone.

A Robot Revolution, This Time in China
From ACM News

A Robot Revolution, This Time in China

Even a decade ago, car manufacturing in China was still a fairly low-tech, labor-intensive endeavor.

Algorithm Replicates Brain Circuitry to Direct a Realistic Prosthetic Arm
From ACM Careers

Algorithm Replicates Brain Circuitry to Direct a Realistic Prosthetic Arm

An algorithm and the Comet supercomputer at the San Diego Supercomputer Center helped a team of researchers identify and replicate neural circuitry that drove a...

3D-Printed 'bionic Skin' Could Give Robots the Sense of Touch
From ACM Careers

3D-Printed 'bionic Skin' Could Give Robots the Sense of Touch

Researchers at the University of Minnesota have developed a process for 3D printing stretchable electronic sensory devices on human skin to create what they call...

Teaching Robots to Teach Other Robots
From ACM News

Teaching Robots to Teach Other Robots

Most robots are programmed using one of two methods: learning from demonstration, in which they watch a task being done and then replicate it, or via motion-planning...

Physical Keyboards Make Virtual Reality Typing Easier
From ACM Careers

Physical Keyboards Make Virtual Reality Typing Easier

Computer scientists used a light-up virtual display, autocorrect algorithms, and a physical keyboard to assist head-mount-display users inputting text for home...

Your Password Is Terrible and Everyone Wants to Fix That
From ACM Careers

Your Password Is Terrible and Everyone Wants to Fix That

Headlines about mass data breaches have become ominously routine, and yet password convenience still trumps security for most people.

CM­ Researchers Create Touchpads With a Can of Spray Paint
From ACM Careers

CM­ Researchers Create Touchpads With a Can of Spray Paint

A team of CMU researchers can turn surfaces of a wide variety of shapes and sizes into touchpads using tools as simple as a can of spray paint.

How to Prepare For an Automated Future
From ACM Careers

How to Prepare For an Automated Future

We don't know how quickly machines will displace people's jobs, or how many they'll take, but we know it's happening—not just to factory workers but also to ...

Google and Facebook's Idealistic Futures Are Built on Ads
From ACM Opinion

Google and Facebook's Idealistic Futures Are Built on Ads

In 2011 a young computer scientist named Jeff Hammerbacher said something profound while explaining why he'd decided to leave Facebook—and the promise of a small...

Meet the People Who Train the Robots (to Do Their Own Jobs)
From ACM Careers

Meet the People Who Train the Robots (to Do Their Own Jobs)

What if part of your job became teaching a computer everything you know about doing someone's job—perhaps your own?

The Internet of Things Needs a Code of Ethics
From ACM Opinion

The Internet of Things Needs a Code of Ethics

In October, when malware called Mirai took over poorly secured webcams and DVRs, and used them to disrupt internet access across the United States, I wondered who...

The Easter Egg Puzzles that Are Hiding Inside Video Games
From ACM Careers

The Easter Egg Puzzles that Are Hiding Inside Video Games

Brad Hill knew what the jumbled letters represented, but he had no idea where they would lead.

Next List 2017 20 Tech Visionaries Who Are Creating the Future
From ACM Careers

Next List 2017 20 Tech Visionaries Who Are Creating the Future

Microsoft will build computers even more sleek and beautiful than Apple's. Robots will 3-D-print cool shoes that are personalized just for you.

Light Has New Capacity For Electronics
From ACM Careers

Light Has New Capacity For Electronics

Researchers have demonstrated a photo-dielectric effect that is not due to photo-conduction, a finding expected to contribute to the development of photo-capacitors...

Inside China's Plans For World Robot Domination
From ACM Careers

Inside China's Plans For World Robot Domination

Scenes from China's quest to dominate the robotic future: At startup E-Deodar, a human-looking droid serves coffee to employees who are building $15,000 industrial...

President Trump's New Order Gives China Tech Opportunity To 'hire American' Too
From ACM Opinion

President Trump's New Order Gives China Tech Opportunity To 'hire American' Too

The same week that President Trump issued his hire American executive order, the president of one of China's top tech companies said his company wants to do the...

How to Build Your Own Moonshot Lab, According to Astro Teller
From ACM Opinion

How to Build Your Own Moonshot Lab, According to Astro Teller

From balloon-based Internet to self-driving cars, Astro Teller and his team have produced some of the world's most ambitious technology products.

Sensor-Filled Glove Could Help Doctors Take Guesswork Out of Physical Exams
From ACM Careers

Sensor-Filled Glove Could Help Doctors Take Guesswork Out of Physical Exams

An interdisciplinary team of researchers has developed a glove with wearable sensors and robotics technology that could be used to accurately measure muscle stiffness...

Find Out If a Robot Will Take Your Job 
From ACM Careers

Find Out If a Robot Will Take Your Job 

At a community college in upstate New York, 12 cafeteria workers recently learned that they will lose their jobs—and be replaced by self-serve machines.
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