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Stop Computer Prodigies Before They Hack
From ACM TechNews

Stop Computer Prodigies Before They Hack

Some U.S. government programs aim to teach kids the wrongness of hacking so they will be less likely to use their computing skills malevolently.

Researcher Developing New Computing Approach to Materials Science
From ACM Careers

Researcher Developing New Computing Approach to Materials Science

Krishna Rajan of Iowa State University and the Ames Laboratory is using data mining, information theory, and statistical learning concepts to develop a new approach...

Robots, Codebreaking, and S'mores: Welcome To Summer Camp For Supergeeks
From ACM Careers

Robots, Codebreaking, and S'mores: Welcome To Summer Camp For Supergeeks

On a dusk-lit beach on Washington's Olympic Peninsula, four miles from the northwesternmost point of the continental U.S., a man dressed in a mad scientist's white...

Mow Yard. Drop Off Kids. Take a Drive on Mars.
From ACM Careers

Mow Yard. Drop Off Kids. Take a Drive on Mars.

Matt Heverly, 36, started a recent workday as any young father might: up at 5:30, gulping coffee, fixing a bottle for the baby. 

­.S. Collaborators to Make Higgs-Hunting Tech Available
From ACM Careers

­.S. Collaborators to Make Higgs-Hunting Tech Available

The University of Texas at Arlington is teaming with with two U.S. Department of Energy national labs to develop a universal version of PanDA, a workload management...

Who's the Most Influential in a Social Graph?
From ACM Careers

Who's the Most Influential in a Social Graph?

Georgia Tech has developed a new algorithm that quickly determines betweenness centrality for streaming graphs. The algorithm can identify influencers as information...

Intel Seeks Software Experts in Growing Windows Tablet Push
From ACM Careers

Intel Seeks Software Experts in Growing Windows Tablet Push

Top chipmaker Intel Corp is recruiting for a new software team focused on tablets, according to a new job ad, underscoring the top chipmaker's efforts to expand...

Cybersecurity Experts Look to Keep Medical Devices Secure, Communicating
From ACM Careers

Cybersecurity Experts Look to Keep Medical Devices Secure, Communicating

Cybersecurity experts are working to keep medical devices — and the patients they help — safe from hackers.

Nasa Sparks Its Imagination
From ACM Opinion

Nasa Sparks Its Imagination

It's been a month since Curiosity’s remarkable soft landing on the surface of Mars. Remember the massive, supersonic parachute that slowed the spacecraft’s descent...

Overconfident CEOs Are Better Innovators, Research Shows
From ACM Careers

Overconfident CEOs Are Better Innovators, Research Shows

New research reveals overconfident CEOs are more likely to pursue riskier projects with potentially greater rewards. The findings are published in the latest edition...

Estonia Reprograms First Graders as Web Coders
From ACM Careers

Estonia Reprograms First Graders as Web Coders

Public schools in Estonia will soon have a curriculum for teaching web and mobile application development to students as early as first grade.

How Shazam Stayed On Top By Reinventing Itself—twice
From ACM Careers

How Shazam Stayed On Top By Reinventing Itself—twice

Naming that tune has been the name of Shazam’s game for more than decade. But should you confuse Shazam for a predictable, tired old company, you're even more clueless...

Cellphone Medical Test Wins Npr's 'big Idea' Contest
From ACM Careers

Cellphone Medical Test Wins Npr's 'big Idea' Contest

Most of us would like to make life better for people in developing countries. Most of us don't do anything about it. Catherine Wong is different.

Should the Boss Learn to Code?
From ACM Careers

Should the Boss Learn to Code?

Learning to write code has become something of a trendy thing to do. But is it necessary? Among European entrepreneurs polled by The Wall Street Journal, the answer...

Visiting the White House, 'Anytime, Anywhere, and on Any Device'
From ACM Careers

Visiting the White House, 'Anytime, Anywhere, and on Any Device'

The White House has launched a mobile program that includes a mobile-friendly website, revamped mobile apps, and the release of source code for the...

Tech Jobs Are All Across America
From ACM TechNews

Tech Jobs Are All Across America

The Bay Area Council Economic Institute recently released a report that presents a county-by-county picture of how high-tech jobs are distributed throughout the...

Key Skills Pay Off in Fast-Evolving World of Mobile App Development
From ACM CareerNews

Key Skills Pay Off in Fast-Evolving World of Mobile App Development

As demand for mobile app developers continues to increase, some universities are beginning to offer the type of basic training that is essential to a career in...

Using YouTube to Assess and Supplement Online Learning
From ACM CareerNews

Using YouTube to Assess and Supplement Online Learning

As online learning steadily becomes the norm, it is important that more educators are aware of the tools they can incorporate into their classrooms — such as Skype...

The Security Skills Shortage Is Worse Than You Think
From ACM TechNews

The Security Skills Shortage Is Worse Than You Think

Enterprise employers and security specialists are increasingly growing concerned about what some see as a deepening skills shortage in the information technology...

Computer Programmers Learn Tough Lesson in Sharing
From ACM TechNews

Computer Programmers Learn Tough Lesson in Sharing

Some Silicon Valley companies are instituting pair programming in which two people share a desk and a computer, with one programmer designated a driver who mans...
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