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Computer Scientist Explores Device-Independent Mobile Apps
From ACM Careers

Computer Scientist Explores Device-Independent Mobile Apps

Eli Tilevich of Virginia Tech has garnered a Microsoft Research Software Engineering Innovation Foundation Award to solve the problems of porting applications across...

Within Reach: Engineers to Add Arms and Hands to ­AVs
From ACM Careers

Within Reach: Engineers to Add Arms and Hands to ­AVs

Engineers at Drexel University will investigate adding dexterous limbs to unmanned aerial vehicles as part of a U.S. National Science Foundation grant.

Identifying Dolphins With Technology
From ACM Careers

Identifying Dolphins With Technology

A computer program developed by students at Eckerd College simplifies the process of manual photo identification of bottlenose dolphins and other species.

Writing Graphics Software Gets Much Easier
From ACM Careers

Writing Graphics Software Gets Much Easier

A new programming language for image-processing algorithms yields code that's much shorter and clearer — but also faster.

Finding the Talent Your Business Needs
From ACM Careers

Finding the Talent Your Business Needs

How CIOs are meeting the challenge of a small high-tech pool by making the most of the teams they have.

Forget Pencils and Paper: Smartphones and E-Readers Are the New School Supplies
From ACM Careers

Forget Pencils and Paper: Smartphones and E-Readers Are the New School Supplies

The use of technology in the classroom is growing beyond computers to improve student learning, according to Kansas State University education technology expert...

Encouraging College Women Into STEM Studies
From ACM Careers

Encouraging College Women Into STEM Studies

Research suggests that attracting women to STEM fields may be about learning connections and not just role models.

Why Investors Willingly Pay Speed Traders Extra Billions
From ACM Careers

Why Investors Willingly Pay Speed Traders Extra Billions

When high-frequency traders defend themselves against criticism that they're screwing up the stock market by distorting prices or making it more volatile, their...

Is Algebra Necessary?
From ACM Opinion

Is Algebra Necessary?

A typical American school day finds some six million high school students and two million college freshmen struggling with algebra.

Roosevelt Island: New York's New Tech Hub
From ACM Careers

Roosevelt Island: New York's New Tech Hub

In a sliver of land in New York City's East River, where a lunatic asylum and smallpox hospital once stood, banners proclaim with unabashed assurance (or chutzpah)...

Columbia ­niversity Creates Data Sciences Institute
From ACM Careers

Columbia ­niversity Creates Data Sciences Institute

As part of its Applied Sciences NYC Initiative, New York City will assist Columbia University's plan to create a world-class center for data sciences and engineering...

Ten-Year-Old Problem in Theoretical Computer Science Falls
From ACM Careers

Ten-Year-Old Problem in Theoretical Computer Science Falls

Computer scientists have finally answered the question of whether whether shared entanglement between the provers in multiprover interactive proof systems weaken...

Google Science Fair Answers and Raises Questions
From ACM Careers

Google Science Fair Answers and Raises Questions

Here's what a successful scientist looks like: Sabera Talukder is standing in an elegantly lighted hall at Google, surrounded by peers from around the world, explaining...

Startup's Software Simulates Wireless Environments
From ACM Careers

Startup's Software Simulates Wireless Environments

A Tennessee company, Networcsim, has licensed software from Oak Ridge National Laboratory that will help industries install wireless networks more cost-effectively...

Are Social Media Making the Resume Obsolete?
From ACM CareerNews

Are Social Media Making the Resume Obsolete?

Social networking sites such as Facebook are starting to replace the paper resume as the primary way for professional workers to attract the attention of recruiters...

­niversities Invited to Train Cyber Spooks
From ACM CareerNews

­niversities Invited to Train Cyber Spooks

The British government is hoping to shore up its defenses against cybercrime through post-graduate training, and has asked universities to apply for funding to...

Visualization Tool Analyzes Large-Scale Data Sets
From ACM Careers

Visualization Tool Analyzes Large-Scale Data Sets

A research team at the Georgia Tech Research Institute has developed a software tool that enables users to perform in-depth analysis of modeling and simulation...

­niversity Researchers Are Designing, Building Robotic Manta Ray
From ACM Careers

­niversity Researchers Are Designing, Building Robotic Manta Ray

Stingrays and manta rays are among nature's most elegant swimmers. Researchers at four universities are trying to emulate the seemingly effortless but powerful...

Cell Phone Screener Identifies Women With Anemia in the Developing World
From ACM Careers

Cell Phone Screener Identifies Women With Anemia in the Developing World

Biomedical engineering students at Johns Hopkins University have invented a way to use cell phones in developing nations to identify pregnant women with dangerous...

Card Game Lets Players Try Their Hand at Computer Security
From ACM Careers

Card Game Lets Players Try Their Hand at Computer Security

A new card game developed by University of Washington computer scientists gives teenage and young-adult players a taste of what it means to be a computer-security...
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