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Super Send-Off for Sandia's Red Storm
From ACM Careers

Super Send-Off for Sandia's Red Storm

From helping destroy an errant satellite to aiding a foundering computer company, the Red Storm supercomputer was a forerunner machine without peer.

­niversities Reshaping Education on the Web
From ACM Careers

­niversities Reshaping Education on the Web

Coursera, an online higher education company founded last year by Stanford University computer scientists, announced an expansion that will offer more than 100...

NSF Reports on Employment and Education Patterns of Underrepresented Groups
From ACM Careers

NSF Reports on Employment and Education Patterns of Underrepresented Groups

The U.S. National Science Foundation has released a new report with updated statistics about underrepresented groups in Science and Engineering fields.

The New Artisan Economy
From ACM Careers

The New Artisan Economy

The recovery from the Great Recession of 2007-09 has been so anemic that the average American would probably be surprised to hear that the recession has officially...

Lessons Learned from Mitx's Prototype Course
From ACM Careers

Lessons Learned from Mitx's Prototype Course

As the team behind MIT's ambitious online learning program gears up to introduce new courses in the fall, it takes stock of its initial experiences.

Addressing Gender Imbalance in the It Industry: Kaylene O'brien
From ACM TechNews

Addressing Gender Imbalance in the It Industry: Kaylene O'brien

To address the gender imbalance in information technology, the industry needs to rid its "geeky kind of boy's job" image and better promote the diversity of IT...

Computer Science Continues Growth on College Campuses
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Continues Growth on College Campuses

After falling to its lowest level since the 1970s in 2005, computer science enrollments at U.S. universities have been rising for the last three consecutive years...

Why Tech Can't Break the Hold of Paper
From ACM Careers

Why Tech Can't Break the Hold of Paper

The promise that we can all go paperless has been around for years. So why is it that despite email, smartphones, and computers we are all still so dependent on...

Mechanical Engineers Develop an 'intelligent Co-Pilot' For Cars
From ACM Careers

Mechanical Engineers Develop an 'intelligent Co-Pilot' For Cars

A semiautonomous safety system developed at MIT monitors a driver's performance and takes control only when the driver's actions are unsafe.

Americans' Information Needs Not Being Met, Study Finds
From ACM Careers

Americans' Information Needs Not Being Met, Study Finds

Despite the proliferation of information and communications technology, Americans' lives are still grounded in the communities where they live and require a set...

When Does An App Need Fda's Blessing?
From ACM News

When Does An App Need Fda's Blessing?

Bernard Farrell obsesses over every bite he eats, every minute of exercise he gets, and everything that stresses him out. And, more than anything else, Farrell...

Four Things Gen Y Gets Right About Work
From ACM CareerNews

Four Things Gen Y Gets Right About Work

Many of the traits typically ascribed to members of Generation Y can actually be seen as a positive trend in the future direction of the workplace.

App Maps Smithsonian Museums From the Inside Out
From ACM Careers

App Maps Smithsonian Museums From the Inside Out

Google and the Smithsonian have collaborated to map the indoor public spaces of the Smithsonian's 17 museums and the National Zoo. Visitors with Google Maps for...

Pentagon Digs In on Cyberwar Front
From ACM News

Pentagon Digs In on Cyberwar Front

The U.S. military is accelerating its cyberwarfare training programs in an aggressive expansion of its preparations for conflict on an emerging battlefield.

A Northwest Pipeline to Silicon Valley
From ACM News

A Northwest Pipeline to Silicon Valley

Some budding entrepreneurs and computer whizzes based here in the Pacific Northwest are starting to turn heads down in Silicon Valley.

Developing Situational Awareness
From ACM TechNews

Developing Situational Awareness

Carnegie Mellon University's Ed Stoner says the ability to monitor large networks and analyze bulk data collections from various sources is crucial to allowing...

Information Technology Spending to Hit $3.6 Trillion in 2012, Report Says
From ACM Careers

Information Technology Spending to Hit $3.6 Trillion in 2012, Report Says

Fueled by an accelerating move to cloud computing, and by a boom in associated telecommunications services, worldwide information technology spending is increasing...

From ACM Careers

U.S. Pushes for More Scientists, but the Jobs Aren't There

Michelle Amaral wanted to be a brain scientist to help cure diseases.

The ­nified Theory of Wu
From ACM News

The ­nified Theory of Wu

Virginia Tech Associate Professor at Wu-chun Feng, commonly known as "Wu," talks about productivity and his latest work on supercomputers.

Judging a Facebook By Its Cover
From ACM Careers

Judging a Facebook By Its Cover

A recent sudy shows that social network screening can make organizations unattractive to applicants.
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