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Data Science Salary Survey Reveals Market Shift
From ACM Careers

Data Science Salary Survey Reveals Market Shift

Frenzied demand for data scientists and predictive analytics professionals has gotten a little calmer over the past year, and salaries have remained relatively...

Essential Tech Career Skills Your CS Degree May Have Missed
From ACM Careers

Essential Tech Career Skills Your CS Degree May Have Missed

An executive panel identifies key professional skills graduates wouldn't necessarily learn in a computer science curriculum.

SoNIC Program Empowers Diverse CS Students
From ACM TechNews

SoNIC Program Empowers Diverse CS Students

Cornell University's SoNIC workshop, now in its ninth year, has exposed hundreds of minority students from across the U.S. to computer science, and to the prerequisites...

The Gender Gap in Computer Science Research Won't Close for 100 Years
From ACM Careers

The Gender Gap in Computer Science Research Won't Close for 100 Years

Women will not reach parity with men in writing published computer science research in this century if current trends hold, according to a new study from the Allen...

Misunderstandings of the Past
From ACM Careers

Misunderstandings of the Past

Our STEM problems of low percentages of women and minorities entering computer science may lay in a misunderstanding of the past.

Top Data Science Job Trends
From ACM TechNews

Top Data Science Job Trends

U.K. technology recruitment firm Harnham cites growing demand for data science specialists as the reason behind major wage increases as companies increasingly try...

Birth Order Influences CEO Risk-Taking
From ACM Careers

Birth Order Influences CEO Risk-Taking

Younger siblings often take more risks as chief executives, just like they did when they were kids trying to keep up with their older brothers and sisters, according...

Tech Companies Are Still Hiring Liberal Arts Graduates
From ACM Careers

Tech Companies Are Still Hiring Liberal Arts Graduates

Tech companies are still hiring liberal arts graduates, and maybe they're recruiting more. Researchers also found that the number of liberal arts graduates entering...

Why Tech Companies Are Raiding Animal Research Labs
From ACM Careers

Why Tech Companies Are Raiding Animal Research Labs

Neuroscientists studying birds, mice, and fish are landing seven-figure salaries to help advance artificial intelligence, self-driving cars, and more.

27 Tech Execs Among Glassdoor's Top 100 CEOs
From ACM Careers

27 Tech Execs Among Glassdoor's Top 100 CEOs

Glassdoor's 2019 Employee Choice Awards for top 100 CEOs included 27 CEOs from the tech industry.

Has The ­.S. Gone Too Far In Restricting Chinese Scientists And Engineers?
From ACM Careers

Has The ­.S. Gone Too Far In Restricting Chinese Scientists And Engineers?

Are U.S. government actions driving away highly educated Chinese scientists and threatening America's model as an open economy based on innovation and welcoming...

Google Game Builder Lets You Create 3D Video Games Without Coding Knowledge
From ACM Careers

Google Game Builder Lets You Create 3D Video Games Without Coding Knowledge

Gone are the days when you needed to know coding to create a video game.

All-Woman Team Commands Rock-Zapping Laser on Mars
From ACM Careers

All-Woman Team Commands Rock-Zapping Laser on Mars

An all-female engineering team is responsible for sending commands to the Curiosity rover's ChemCam instrument, which shoots Martian rocks with a laser to determine...

Classes Address Skills Gap for Remote Coders
From ACM Careers

Classes Address Skills Gap for Remote Coders

Startup Pesto Tech's 12-week program aims to bridge cultural and skills gaps and qualify Indian programmers for remote positions with U.S. employers.

Here Are the 40 Companies Computer Science Students Hope Will Hire Them
From ACM News

Here Are the 40 Companies Computer Science Students Hope Will Hire Them

Employer branding specialist Universum has released its annual rankings of the most attractive employers in the U.S. for 2019.

Six CS­ Campuses Awarded $7.5M to Improve Equity in STEM Education
From ACM Careers

Six CS­ Campuses Awarded $7.5M to Improve Equity in STEM Education

Six California State University campuses will receive a combined $7.5 million to reimagine online courses in STEM fields.

China Warns Students, Academics to Consider Risks of Studying In ­.S.
From ACM Careers

China Warns Students, Academics to Consider Risks of Studying In ­.S.

China is warning students and academics about risks involved in studying in the United States amid a bitter trade war and other tensions between the two countries...

Huawei Ban Revoked by Science Publisher IEEE
From ACM Careers

Huawei Ban Revoked by Science Publisher IEEE

The IEEE is no longer restricting Huawei scientists from peer reviewing papers in its publications, reversed restrictions it had slapped on the company last week...

AI Will Reduce the Demand for Computer Science Degrees, Mark Cuban Says
From ACM Careers

AI Will Reduce the Demand for Computer Science Degrees, Mark Cuban Says

Computer science degrees will lose some of their value as artificial intelligence becomes more advanced, billionaire Mark Cuban said in an interview.

Another Ripple From the Huawei Ban: Scientific Peer Review
From ACM Careers

Another Ripple From the Huawei Ban: Scientific Peer Review

The Trump administration's decision to blacklist Chinese telecom giant Huawei is spilling over into academia. IEEE publications will stop using Huawei employees...
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