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Overlooked No More: Karen Sparck Jones, Who Established the Basis for Search Engines
From ACM Careers

Overlooked No More: Karen Sparck Jones, Who Established the Basis for Search Engines

When most scientists were trying to make people use code to talk to computers, Karen Sparck Jones taught computers to understand human language instead.

Diversity in the Lab Makes Me a Better Scientist
From ACM Careers

Diversity in the Lab Makes Me a Better Scientist

An international environment forces you to consider different perspectives to begin with and helps you to communicate your ideas more clearly in the end.

Developing the Job Skills Needed for a Future Economy
From ACM Careers

Developing the Job Skills Needed for a Future Economy

The Global Innovation Exchange, a new graduate program partnership between the University of Washington and China's Tsinghua University, with foundational support...

Silicon Valley Worker Shortage Creates ­pside-Down Labor Market
From ACM Careers

Silicon Valley Worker Shortage Creates ­pside-Down Labor Market

Workers with a high school diploma have lower unemployment rates than those with bachelor's degrees or higher in some Bay Area counties.

Julia Language Co-Creators Win Prize for Numerical Software
From ACM Careers

Julia Language Co-Creators Win Prize for Numerical Software

Three co-creators of the MIT-incubated Julia programming language are the recipients of the 2019 James H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Analysis and Scientific...

British-Iranian Computer Science Professor Returns Home After Detention
From ACM Careers

British-Iranian Computer Science Professor Returns Home After Detention

Abbas Edalat, a professor of computer science and mathematics at Imperial College London who was detained in Iran in April, has returned to Britain, according to...

Two Princeton ­niversity Computer Science Professors To Lead Google AI Lab
From ACM Careers

Two Princeton ­niversity Computer Science Professors To Lead Google AI Lab

Princeton University computer science professors Elad Hazan and Yoram Singer will lead a Google artificial intelligence lab that is scheduled to open in January...

Initiative Will Educate High School Teachers in Computer Science
From ACM Careers

Initiative Will Educate High School Teachers in Computer Science

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has launched a five-year initiative that will educate and certify high school teachers to teach computer science....

China's Tech Giants Want to Go Global. Just One Thing Might Stand in Their Way.
From ACM News

China's Tech Giants Want to Go Global. Just One Thing Might Stand in Their Way.

In the early 1980s, a cluster of fledging computer companies opened up shop in a chaotic corner of northwest Beijing, near the campuses of Peking and Tsinghua Universities...

Nonprof-IT Student Teams Provide Tech Support to Community Groups
From ACM Careers

Nonprof-IT Student Teams Provide Tech Support to Community Groups

Students at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee offer free IT services through the Nonprof-IT program.

Josh Tenenbaum Named Innovator of the Year by R&D Magazine
From ACM Careers

Josh Tenenbaum Named Innovator of the Year by R&D Magazine

Josh Tenenbaum, a professor of computational cognitive science at MIT, was named 2018 Innovator of the Year by R&D Magazine.

The ­S Needs to Engage China on Tech, Or Risk Isolating Itself
From ACM Opinion

The ­S Needs to Engage China on Tech, Or Risk Isolating Itself

The contrast could hardly be more striking. In October, Vice President Mike Pence delivered a blistering speech accusing China of stealing prized US technology...

Science vs. the State: A Family Saga at the Caltech of China
From ACM Careers

Science vs. the State: A Family Saga at the Caltech of China

Three generations of personal and political history show the tensions between the Communist Party's need for knowledge and its need for ideological control.

Half of Academic Scientists Quit After Just Five Years–Here's Why
From ACM TechNews

Half of Academic Scientists Quit After Just Five Years–Here's Why

Indiana University researchers estimated that half of all people pursuing STEM careers at higher-education institutions leave the field after only five years. ...

What Are Silicon Valley's Highest-Paying Tech Jobs?
From ACM Careers

What Are Silicon Valley's Highest-Paying Tech Jobs?

Product management, reliability, and security jobs pay the most in Silicon Valley, says job search firm Indeed.

3 Reasons Students Aren't Into Computer Science – Yet
From ACM Careers

3 Reasons Students Aren't Into Computer Science – Yet

Many students go through their entire high school career without being exposed to computer science. Research isolated three reasons why students are not interested...

International Students Steer Clear of Graduate Programs in the ­nited States
From ACM Careers

International Students Steer Clear of Graduate Programs in the ­nited States

The number of international students enrolling in U.S. graduate programs is falling, according to reports from the U.S. Council of Graduate Schools in Washington...

The Robots Have Descended on Trump Country
From ACM Opinion

The Robots Have Descended on Trump Country

The growing use of work robots and the deployment of artificial intelligence have been most disruptive in just those areas of the country that provided President...

'Blockchain Developer' Is the Fastest-Growing ­.S. Job
From ACM Careers

'Blockchain Developer' Is the Fastest-Growing ­.S. Job

"Blockchain developer" is the top emerging job in the U.S., according to data published in LinkedIn's 2018 U.S. Emerging Jobs report.

TT­'s First Female Computer Science Ph.D. to Graduate Saturday
From ACM Careers

TT­'s First Female Computer Science Ph.D. to Graduate Saturday

Rina Singh will make history this Saturday when she graduates as Tennessee Tech University's first female to receive a Ph.D. in engineering with a concentration...
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