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The Hard Part of Computer Science? Getting Into Class
From ACM Careers

The Hard Part of Computer Science? Getting Into Class

On campuses across the United States, from major state universities to small private colleges, the surge in student demand for computer science courses is far outstripping...

China's Aiming for College Excellence, India for Quotas
From ACM Careers

China's Aiming for College Excellence, India for Quotas

Ten years ago, India was seen as a potential superpower capable of combating the rise of China. Today it is too far behind to matter.

Tenure Denial, and How Early-Career Researchers Can Survive It
From ACM Careers

Tenure Denial, and How Early-Career Researchers Can Survive It

Scientists with first-hand experience offer advice on coping with a denial of tenure.

Demand and Salaries for Data Scientists Continue to Climb
From ACM Careers

Demand and Salaries for Data Scientists Continue to Climb

Data-science job openings are expanding faster than the number of technologists looking for them, says job-search firm Indeed.

High School Senior Brings Pianist's Perspective to Computer Science
From ACM Careers

High School Senior Brings Pianist's Perspective to Computer Science

A changed perspective of math and a determination gained as a piano student put Cumberland Valley High School senior Elizabeth Walker on a course to study computer...

What the Future of Work Means for Cities
From ACM Opinion

What the Future of Work Means for Cities

Two weeks ago, MIT's David Autor gave the prestigious Richard T. Ely lecture at the annual meeting of American economists in Atlanta. Introduced by the former chair...

J-PAL North America Calls for Proposals From Education Leaders
From ACM Careers

J-PAL North America Calls for Proposals From Education Leaders

J-PAL North America has announced a call for proposals designed to help education leaders identify effective practices that utilize education technology.

Robotic Milkers and an Automated Greenhouse: Inside a High-Tech Small Farm
From ACM News

Robotic Milkers and an Automated Greenhouse: Inside a High-Tech Small Farm

About 150 Jersey cows in the rolling terrain at Rivendale Farms in Bulger, some 25 miles west of Pittsburgh, wear Fitbit-like collars that monitor their movement...

Former Super Bowl Champ Empowers Students to Learn Computer Science
From ACM Careers

Former Super Bowl Champ Empowers Students to Learn Computer Science

Retired NFL defensive tackle Ellis Wyms recently founded Athletes for Computer Science, which deploys athlete ambassadors to teach children in underprivileged districts...

The MOOC Pivot
From ACM Careers

The MOOC Pivot

After promising a reordering of higher education, the massive open online course (MOOC) field is instead coalescing around a different, much older business model...

Student Develops Machine-Learning Model for Energy and Environmental Applications
From ACM Careers

Student Develops Machine-Learning Model for Energy and Environmental Applications

A West Virginia University physics student helped create a machine-learning model that has the potential to make searching for energy and environmental materials...

Reseacher Will Shed Light on Doctoral Program Dropouts
From ACM Careers

Reseacher Will Shed Light on Doctoral Program Dropouts

Professor Catherine Berdanier will use an NSF CAREER Award to better understand the experiences and obstacles faced by engineering doctoral students.

Software Developer Tops List of 2019 Best Jobs Rankings
From ACM Careers

Software Developer Tops List of 2019 Best Jobs Rankings

Software developer is the top pick for best job in 2019, according to U.S. News & World Report. The position's projected increase in demand and average stress levels...

Tech Giants, Gorging on AI Professors Is Bad for You
From ACM Opinion

Tech Giants, Gorging on AI Professors Is Bad for You

In an essay written in 1833, the British economist William Forster Lloyd made a profound observation using the example of cattle grazing.

2019's Best & Worst Metro Areas for STEM Professionals
From ACM Careers

2019's Best & Worst Metro Areas for STEM Professionals

Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue is the top U.S. metro area for STEM professionals, according to WalletHub's 2019 rankings. Boston-Cambridge-Newton ranks second, and Pittsburgh...

Introducing Scratch 3.0
From ACM Careers

Introducing Scratch 3.0

The new version of Scratch adds characters, compatibility, and curricula to the creative coding platform for kids.

Zimbabwe Computer Whizkid Breaks Barriers
From ACM Careers

Zimbabwe Computer Whizkid Breaks Barriers

But how does someone like Bongani Jubani, born and bred in the remote area of Zimbabwe, become computer literate when they have never used a computer, let alone...

Will the World Embrace the Radical Proposal to Mandate Open Access to Science Papers?
From ACM Careers

Will the World Embrace the Radical Proposal to Mandate Open Access to Science Papers?

Europe-backed Plan S program aims to convince the world's major research funders to require immediate open access to all published papers stemming from their grants...

Scientific Sonnets: Duke Team Wins Competition for Poetry-Generating Algorithm
From ACM TechNews

Scientific Sonnets: Duke Team Wins Competition for Poetry-Generating Algorithm

A team of Duke University researchers won the 2018 PoetiX Literary Creative Turing Test contest for an algorithm that composed the most "human-like" sonnets.

In Memory of Lawrence Roberts
From ACM Opinion

In Memory of Lawrence Roberts

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