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Expert: Tesla Driverless Car Death Not Surprising, Expect More
From ACM Careers

Expert: Tesla Driverless Car Death Not Surprising, Expect More

The number of fatalities associated with autonomous systems such as driverless cars will increase as more are used, says automation expert Timothy Carone of the...

How Amazon Triggered a Robot Arms Race
From ACM News

How Amazon Triggered a Robot Arms Race

An Amazon warehouse is a flurry of activity.

Researchers Sue the Government Over Computer Hacking Law
From ACM News

Researchers Sue the Government Over Computer Hacking Law

In the age of big data analytics, the proprietary algorithms web sites use to determine what data to display to visitors have the potential to illegally discriminate...

Meet the Smartest, Cutest AI-Powered Robot You've Ever Seen
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Smartest, Cutest AI-Powered Robot You've Ever Seen

Boris Sofman taps his phone, and the robot on the conference room table in front of him wakes up. Not in that gadget-y way, like when a laptop screen turns on,...

How Well Do Facial Recognition Algorithms Cope with a Million Strangers?
From ACM Careers

How Well Do Facial Recognition Algorithms Cope with a Million Strangers?

University of Washington researchers are using the MegaFace challenge competition to evaluate and improve the performance of face recognition algorithms at the...

Whom Are You Voting For? This Guy Can Read Your Mind.
From ACM Careers

Whom Are You Voting For? This Guy Can Read Your Mind.

Neuroscientist Ryan McGarry swabbed a brain activity headset with saline solution and lowered it onto Brian Hazel's head, connecting circular prongs gingerly to...

'eccentric Orbits' Chronicles the Stunning Failure (and Improbable Revival) of the Iridium Satellite Phone
From ACM Careers

'eccentric Orbits' Chronicles the Stunning Failure (and Improbable Revival) of the Iridium Satellite Phone

The business sections of bookstores overflow with guides to success—the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, for instance, has stamped his name on more than a...

Do We Really Need Humans to Explore Mars?
From ACM News

Do We Really Need Humans to Explore Mars?

The dazzling sunlight that flooded the lake-front restaurant where I sat down with Chris Kraft in 2014 was nothing compared to the brightness in his eyes.

Better Research Through Video Games
From ACM Careers

Better Research Through Video Games

On a warm evening in 2014, Attila Szantner, a Hungarian Web entrepreneur, and his friend Bernard Revaz, a Swiss physics researcher, sat on a balcony in Geneva and...

When Will Computers Have Common Sense? Ask Facebook
From ACM News

When Will Computers Have Common Sense? Ask Facebook

Facebook is well known for its early and increasing use of artificial intelligence.

Basic Income: A Sellout of the American Dream
From ACM Opinion

Basic Income: A Sellout of the American Dream

Matt Krisiloff is in a small, glass-walled conference room off the lobby of Y Combinator’s office in San Francisco's South of Market neighborhood, shouting distance...

Advertisers Look to Harness Virtual Reality For Marketing Boost
From ACM Careers

Advertisers Look to Harness Virtual Reality For Marketing Boost

A syringe-making machine built by Stevanato Group SpA of Italy runs 23 hours a day, churning out glass needles that can be filled with blood thinners, vaccines...

Eye-Tracking System ­ses Ordinary Cellphone Camera
From ACM Careers

Eye-Tracking System ­ses Ordinary Cellphone Camera

Researchers at MIT CSAIL and the University of Georgia believe they can make eye tracking technology pervasive with software turns any smartphone into an eye-tracking...

Artificial Intelligence Produces Realistic Sounds That Fool Humans
From ACM Careers

Artificial Intelligence Produces Realistic Sounds That Fool Humans

Researchers from MIT CSAIL have demonstrated an algorithm that has effectively learned how to predict sound: When shown a silent video clip of an object being hit...

The Man Who Can Map the Chemicals All Over Your Body
From ACM Careers

The Man Who Can Map the Chemicals All Over Your Body

Apart from the treadmill desk, Pieter Dorrestein's office at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), is unremarkable: there is a circular table with chairs...

New Tools Turn Manufacturing Workers Into Robo-Employees
From ACM Careers

New Tools Turn Manufacturing Workers Into Robo-Employees

The next-generation factory worker isn't a robot, but a tech-augmented human—a kind of "Iron Man" outfitted with performance-enhancing gear.

Why the World Hates Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

Why the World Hates Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is the new Rome. As in the time of Caesar, the world is grappling with an advanced city-state dominating much of the planet, injecting its technology...

The All-American Iphone
From ACM Opinion

The All-American Iphone

Donald Trump says that if he becomes president, he will "get Apple to start making their computers and their iPhones on our land, not in China." Bernie ­Sanders...

Jobs Threatened By Machines: A Once 'stupid' Concern Gains Respect
From ACM Opinion

Jobs Threatened By Machines: A Once 'stupid' Concern Gains Respect

They replaced horses, didn't they? That's how the late, great economist Wassily Leontief responded 35 years ago to those who argued technology would never really...

First Experimental Demonstration of a Quantum Enigma Machine
From ACM News

First Experimental Demonstration of a Quantum Enigma Machine

One of the great unsung heroes of 20th century science was a mathematician and engineer at the famous Bell Laboratories in New Jersey called Claude Shannon.
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